By Ruth Pollard
Abu Ghraib, Iraq: Heavily fortified guardposts line the road into Abu Ghraib and more than a dozen military vehicles are on the move alongside the occasional civilian car making the lonely 20-kilometre journey from the capital Baghdad.
It’s the first day of Ramadan and the streets are all but deserted – shops will open again in the evening for the breaking of the fast.
A howling hot wind picks up dust and rubbish from the ground and hurls it through the air as the small city that is seen as one of the three potential launch pads for a Sunni militant attack on the capital quietly bakes.
Fear is the language of Abu Ghraib. Fear of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fear of the army and the Shiite militia that backs it and fear that al-Qaeda – the group that held the town and other centres around Iraq hostage to its radical vision of Islam – may use this latest crisis to stage a comeback.
Iraqi army position along the road from Baghdad to Abu Ghraib.Credit: Ruth Pollard
“Nothing has changed in our life, except we are afraid,” says Abu Hala, cradling the youngest of his three daughters in his arms in his modest lounge room in Abu Ghraib.
Sunni militants fighting across Syria and Iraq have proclaimed the establishment of a “caliphate” in a move that experts say could signal the birth of a new era of transnational jihadism.
Now calling itself the Islamic State, the group has called on all other related Sunni factions, including al-Qaeda, to pledge their allegiance to the new state, which it says stretches from Aleppo in Syria to Diyala in Iraq.
In a statement distributed online – the newly-minted Islamic State declared its chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as "the caliph" and "leader for Muslims everywhere". Baghdadi is thought to be the leader and strategic thinker behind ISIL.
An Iraqi Shiite mourner looks on near the coffin of a soldier killed in the line of duty near Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad, last week.Credit: AFP
Its announcement that it has restored the Caliphate “is likely the most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11,” said Charles Lister, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Centre who studies jihadist groups.
“The impact of this announcement will be global as al-Qaeda affiliates and independent jihadist groups must now definitively choose to support and join the Islamic State or to oppose it.”
Iraqi army position along the road from Baghdad to Abu Ghraib.Credit: Ruth Pollard
"The group’s statement – translated from Arabic into English, French, Russian and German – made it clear it would perceive any group that failed to pledge allegiance an enemy of Islam,” Mr Lister said.
Attorney General George Brandis on Monday warned of the emergence of an effective terrorist state.
‘‘It is, as the Prime Minister said last week, an ambition to create a new state, a new political structure, which among other things will seek to export terrorism,’’ Senator Brandis said.
‘‘The actors in these events have ambitions so vast that they regard their enemy as the world that we know as the product of the enlightenment, the values of the liberal democratic states are their target, and they are a motivated and lethal enemy.’’
Senator Brandis said the development had ‘‘very serious’’ national security implications for Australia.
‘‘Australians who travel to Syria and now to Northern Iraq to the ISIL insurgency-controlled areas in the Middle East are likely to be reinforced in their radical interpretation of Islam and are likely to pursue jihad in the Western world including in particular where they’ve come from ... within Australia
On the ground in Abu Ghraib, the Iraqi army is conducting house-to-house searches, looking for sleeping cells preparing to come alive if ISIL or the Sunni insurgents fighting with it breaches the military’s defences of this Western gateway to the capital.
Apart from the army, there is also the Shiite militia Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq operating in the area, Abu Hala says.
As for the other armed groups: “They are here, but I have no idea who they are.”
It is clear the years of conflict and fear weigh heavily on 36-year-old Abu Hala.
When I ask how he explains the latest crisis to his three daughters, 11, 3 and 2, he quietly breaks down and cries for the longest time.
He cannot bring himself to answer the question, and says instead: “For years when I was growing up I lived next door to my best friend, who is Shiite. We were so close we used to sleep in the same bed together.
“He lives far away now but he calls me every morning – he says to me ‘I am so scared that one day I will call and you won’t be there, that something terrible will have happened to you’.”
The threat of violence is always present in Abu Ghraib. After ISIL posted a video online in March showing its fighters parading through the streets of the town, Iraq’s justice minister announced the government had completely evacuated the notorious Abu Ghraib prison – terrified ISIL might launch an attack on the jail and free al-Queda affiliated prisoners into the community.
“I want nothing but to be able to provide for my girls … but right now we are all living day-to-day, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow,” Abu Hala says
“The moment the first shot is fired here, everybody here will leave. We want no part of it.”
He will not embrace ISIL – he says their brutality is the antithesis of his beliefs as a Sunni Muslim – although the military fears that the deep levels of animosity felt by many in Abu Ghraib towards the government could lead to significant support for the militants.
It is not possible for the government to neglect Abu Ghraib any more than it does, he says. The electricity is on only for eight hours each day and within those hours there are multiple power cuts. Other essential services and infrastructure are equally poor and the government has made no effort to ease the rift.
Like may Iraqis Abu Hala has run the gauntlet of the brutality of each side of Iraq’s sectarian conflict his whole life.
He was serving in the Iraqi army when al-Qaeda arrived in Abu Ghraib and was soon receiving relentless threats of violence.
“I had to move to Mosul so I would not be killed by al-Qaeda,” he says. “Life was very bad here under al-Qaeda – so many people were shot and killed, so many were blown up.”
Men had their fingers cut off for smoking and women were ordered to stay inside and cover their whole body, as well as their face, he says.
Once the Iraqi army regained control of the city, he and his family came home. But the harassment didn’t stop.
On his return he was arrested by the Shiite-dominated army and interrogated about his religious beliefs.
“Are you Sunni or Shiite,” he was repeatedly asked during his interrogation, a plastic bag placed over his head to suffocate him into submission.
Eventually he was released.
As ISIL cuts its brutal swath through the north of Iraq the military is working to secure the vulnerable Baghdad Belt area, including Abu Ghraib, that surrounds the capital.
Dr Hisham Hashimi, of the al-Rafidain Centre for Strategic Studies in Baghdad, says: “The whole Baghdad Belt is full of sleeping cells for ISIL … and it is believed they will try to enter Baghdad simultaneously from three sides.
“The cell will only awaken when the ISIL fighting force enters the area – the force captures the area and moves on to the next battle, while the sleeping cell will take control of the place.”
The Iraq Federal Police commander of operations Colonel Mohsen Ali says “it is the Western border that is most vulnerable to an attack” but Dr Hishami says the north and the south are equally vulnerable.
Talal Zoube’i, a member of the Iraqi parliament from Abu Ghraib, is quick to defend the residents his hometown against the constant speculation that they would join with ISIL should its forces ever reach the city.
“The people of the area fought al-Qaeda … they would never welcome ISIL insurgents in the area – they will not co-operate with them, they will not allow them to enter.”
Another resident who agreed to speak to Fairfax Media on the condition of anonymity also described a climate of fear inside Abu Ghraib.
“Why would I welcome ISIL to my home?” he asks. “We already had al-Qeada from 2006 to 2009 and they follow their own rules – they do what they like and they kill whoever they want. If I had to make a choice, I would chose the army over ISIL.”
Like others Fairfax Media spoke to, he plans to flee with his family should the fighting reach Abu Ghraib.
If he does, he will be just one of more than 500,000 Iraqis who have run for their lives since ISIL took Mosul on June 9.