This was published 15 years ago
A blueprint for murder
All eyes are on Israel to explain how five countries, including Australia, were drawn into a dirty game of espionage, writes Daniel Flitton
By Daniel Flitton
HE walked the highly polished floor to the immigration counter, passport in hand, a boarding pass showing he'd just stepped off a flight from Zurich. Like all international airports, a familiar pantomime awaited him.
He pushed the passport across the desk. ''Joshua Daniel Bruce'' it read. Male, born in Melbourne, March 4, 1981. Australian citizen. The passport looked in order. The local official has been trained by European specialists to pick up forgery. A quick glance confirms the photograph matches the person at the counter. An electronic imprint is taken from the travel document. No visa required for Australians.
''Welcome to Dubai.''
Another man at a different desk later that night greets the concierge of the al-Bustan Rotana, one of Dubai's finest hotels. The man speaks to the clerk but gives another name. His true identity is a secret he keeps to himself - Mahmoud al-Mabhouh - agent and weapons dealer for Hamas, the Islamist Palestinian group that rules the Gaza Strip.
He rides the lift and deposits his luggage in room 230. The hotel is familiar, one of his two favourites in the Gulf city. Mabhouh sleeps, spends time the next day shopping. He doesn't notice the two men dressed in tennis gear who accompany him in the lift back at the hotel.
Why would he? He didn't see the man earlier who had slipped into the bathroom at the lobby and emerged, disguised in a wig. Nor had he spotted the woman at reception who'd paid with credit cards from an obscure American bank. He didn't see the man with the passport ''Joshua Bruce'' at the airport, or notice whether this was the same man in a white baseball cap and T-shirt talking casually on a mobile phone who got in his way as he left the immigration counter.
But they were there, watching and stalking, a team of 26 so far identified and suspected of plotting an assassination. Mabhouh may not have seen those tailing him until it was too late, but the security cameras did.
MABHOUH'S murder has transformed into a dirty tale of espionage and blown up into a diplomatic scandal. Hotel staff discovered his body on January 20, apparently suffocated by a pillow, possibly first electrocuted.
A month on, the Dubai authorities have released an extraordinary amount of information - including video footage, credit card numbers, passport scans and flight schedules - to support their contention Mabhouh was the victim of an elaborate plot.
The man ''Joshua Bruce'' carried one of three Australian passports Dubai police have linked to the alleged hit squad they believe was sent to kill Mabhouh. Joshua Daniel Bruce is indeed an Australian. He was born in Melbourne and now lives in Israel. So do Nicole Sandra McCabe and Adam Marcus Korman, the other two Australians whose passports were used.
The problem is, none of them was in Dubai that fateful night. Their faces don't match the passports that put them there. And neither do the other suspects identified.
So who are these 26 people, marked out by faked documents from Australia, Britain, Ireland, France and Germany? Dubai authorities are convinced they are a team of assassins and surveillance officers sent by Mossad, Israel's deadly secret spy service. Two Palestinian men who had fled to Jordan following the murder and are suspected of betraying Mabhouh have been arrested and sent back to Dubai.
Israel is displaying all the usual stubbornness it brings to such controversies. ''Israel never responds, never confirms and never denies,'' Israel's Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said in one of the rare official comments on the case. Besides, say other Israeli politicians, it's a good thing that Mabhouh is dead.
But this time, at least, Israel may find it will have to do some fast explaining. Australia and the other countries that have been dragged into this murky episode are demanding answers to how their passports wound up in the hands of an apparent Israeli hit squad. Austria is also working to establish claims the suspects used the country as a communications base. And with the web of deceit likely to grow - Dubai police say more suspects will be identified in coming days - the pressure on Israel will only intensify.
The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, was clearly angered by the affair. ''Any state that chooses to do this in relation to Australian passports, frankly, is treating the Australian people, the Australian government, and the Australian nation with contempt,'' he said on radio after hearing news that Dubai police had enlarged the number of suspects to include Australians. ''We will not let the matter lie.''
The night before, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Stephen Smith, had outlined to the National Security Committee of cabinet what Australia's security agencies thought of the evidence sent from Dubai. The material was compelling, he told colleagues. The next morning, Israel's ambassador to Australia, Yuval Rotem, was summoned. In an exchange lasting only a few minutes, Mr Smith said Australia expected Israel's full co-operation in an investigation into the fraud.
''I made it crystal clear to the ambassador that if the results of that investigation cause us to come to the conclusion that the abuse of Australian passports was in any way sponsored or condoned by Israeli officials, then Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend,'' he told reporters later.
This marks an extraordinary low point in relations between the two allies. Last year, Australia put its neck out for Israel, backing the controversial bombing of the Gaza Strip to smash Hamas rocket positions. Australia had been one of only 18 nations to vote against a United Nations investigation into war crimes committed during the conflict.
To cement ties, Australian and Israeli politicians have taken part in a new, private initiative, the Australia-Israel Leadership Exchange, to bring the nations closer together. But it's clear this episode will leave a bitter taste in talks between Canberra and Tel Aviv in the short-term.
''I don't doubt the level of annoyance,'' says Anthony Bubalo, a former Australian diplomat and Middle East specialist with the Lowy Institute in Sydney. ''Governments spend a lot of money - including our government particularly of late - in ensuring the integrity of their passport systems. So it's annoying when another government, especially a friendly one, may be involved in undermining that system.''
Israel has made a habit of stealing other nations' passports for its intelligence agents. New Zealand got into an ugly public spat with Israel over efforts by two Mossad agents in 2004 to take the identity of a wheelchair-bound man with cerebral palsy. Another case in Canada also dragged Israel's illicit attempts at identity theft into the spotlight.
Dubai police chief Khalfan Tamim is convinced only a government, armed with all the proper printing presses and technological support could have produced the passports used by the 26 suspects in the Mabhouh case.
Eight of the suspects travelled to Dubai four times last year and police allege 22 took part in the murder operation - with most charged with surveillance to limit the prospect that they would be identified.
Tamim was quick to point out that Dubai's immigration officers had been trained by European security experts.
''This training qualifies immigration officers to spot fake passports. They applied these procedures at Dubai airport when the alleged [killers] entered the country," he told a local newspaper.
''No forgery was found in those passports.''
And the police general is confident that all the signs point to Israel's involvement.
''Our investigations reveal that Mossad is involved in the murder of Mabhouh. It is 99 per cent, if not 100 per cent that Mossad is standing behind the murder,'' Tamim said.
Australia has not gone that far. Smith and Rudd were both careful to skirt around commenting on the murder, calling for the facts to be established on how the passports came to be altered.
But while Australia has not yet accused Israel of doctoring the passports, the issue has cast a pall over the relationship.
''There is a general sense, and Smith reflected that, this is not something you do to a friend,'' says Bubalo. ''Australia, a country that in many respects has gone out of its way in the UN and elsewhere to be a good friend to Israel - to turn around and [have Israel] basically say, 'none of that matters, we're going to do what we want', in an atmospheric sense, that's soured things.''
Britain, Ireland and Germany have also demanded answers. The French government is said to be livid.
''The problem I think for the Israelis this time is that it's a large number of countries,'' says Bubalo. ''It's a large number of countries that are friendly to the Israelis, particularly the French, where the Sarkozy government has invested a lot of time in improving French and Israeli relations.
''It may well be time will heal some wounds, but they've done real damage diplomatically … which may not be as easy to get beyond as it was in the past.''
One thing the spies underestimated was the number of security cameras dotted throughout Dubai. Footage of the alleged assassins working through the city has been displayed on media outlets around the globe. And while Dubai did not have close relations with Israel, it was far from the worst in the Arab world. But the emirate state has not played the expected clandestine game and swept the issue under the carpet. The public disclosures are no doubt intended to embarrass Israel. Nor will the ramifications be confined to this particular case.
It will be a blow to Israel's effort to focus attention on Iran's nuclear ambitions. Already, some are asking what the West's reaction might have been had the actors in this drama been switched, with Iranian agents carrying false passports abroad killing a suspected enemy in a luxury hotel.
Mabhouh was not a notorious Hamas figure. He had lived in exile in Syria since 1988 and while he was said to be close to the Hamas leadership, it is unclear what role he played in smuggling rockets and other weapons to Gaza. He was heading to Sudan and then China from Dubai. Clearly, someone thought he was a significant player. The episode has also raked up the difficult moral ground of when a country might be justified in killing a suspected enemy.
''Although historically political assassination has always been common enough, there has always been a pretty high degree of moral disapproval and distaste for it,'' says Tony Coady, a Melbourne University philosopher and vice-chancellor's fellow.
Coady is careful not to judge the case as the specifics remain unclear, but he says the ''exceptional circumstances'' argument is often made by people who support assassination, often ignoring serious moral hurdles. ''One is when it occurs in neutral countries - as this current episode did - it violates the sovereignty of that country which is a serious matter. It exposes many innocent people to unwarranted danger.''
A further problem is the risk of killing the wrong person, he says, as happened with an earlier Israeli hit on a suspected terrorist who turned out to be an innocent Moroccan waiter. Coady also points to the unintended consequences of assassination over the long-term.
''It seems like a quick solution to some part of the problem in a war situation, but there are invariably other people in the wings who take over from the character … assassinated,'' he says. ''They take over having even more motivation not to go to the peace table, but to avenge the killing. So it can easily set up a cycle of reactions that are not in your own interest.''
All the countries dragged into the aftermath of the Mabhouh murder share one common interest at present: to see the issue resolved. Israel appears to hope that will come about by hunkering down and waiting for the storm to blow over. But Rudd has promised Canberra will ''not be silent on the matter''. And Dubai - perhaps the other victim beside Mabhouh - is keeping up the pressure.
''Condemnation is good but what is really needed is the arrest of the perpetrators,'' police chief Tamim has said. ''Today it has become a duty on the European countries to pursue those who are exploiting their passports. They should work together with us to find out who has stained their passports with blood, they need to know who is violating the sovereignty of their countries.''
Daniel Flitton is a Fairfax writer.