

This was published 10 years ago

150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address

By Nick O'Malley

When president Abraham Lincoln dedicated a cemetery on the Gettysburg battlefield 150 years ago on Tuesday, the US had already been at war with itself for almost three years. The nation would fight on for another 18 months, and by then almost a million people would be dead or wounded.

''The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here,'' Lincoln told a crowd of 20,000 or so that afternoon.

Great political speech: Abraham Lincoln. <i>Colourised by: Juan García/Flickr</i>

Great political speech: Abraham Lincoln. Colourised by: Juan García/Flickr

He was only half-right. Gettysburg would become elemental to America's understanding of itself, but so too would Lincoln's address - 270 (or so) words in three paragraphs, now considered to be one of the great political speeches.

Of all the commemorations of the address being held this week, including those on the battlefield and by the Library of Congress, perhaps the most captivating is a project led by the documentary maker Ken Burns, famous for his series The Civil War, who is seeking to have every American record themselves reciting the speech.

Thousands have already taken part, including George W. Bush, who recites what is known as the Everett copy of the address, and Barack Obama, who uses just 106 seconds to recite the Nicolay copy. It is said that Lincoln, who was interrupted for applause, spoke for three minutes.

Lincoln wrote several drafts of the speech before he gave it, and wrote other copies later as gifts. There are minor differences in the wording between the versions.

In watching the videos uploaded for Burns' Learn the Address project, you get the sense that many are reciting a prayer rather than political rhetoric, a function of the speech's sweeping concept and almost shocking brevity.

Famously, Lincoln was not the main speaker on the day. That honour was conferred upon Edward Everett, a former politician and Harvard president and a noted orator. He spoke 13,607 words over two hours and later told Lincoln: ''I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in two minutes.''

Lincoln appears to have his eye on postwar reconstruction, and he gives a determinedly non-partisan speech, referring to the ''brave men, living and dead'', rather than to the two belligerent armies. He mentions neither slavery nor states' rights - the causes of the war - but seeks to find meaning for the carnage by linking the war to the creation by the founding fathers of a ''new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal''.


He urges that the dead be honoured by persevering not only in a struggle for a partisan victory, but for a broader purpose, to ensure that, ''government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth''.

Lincoln was known for his love of Shakespeare's histories and tragedies and the bard's cadences are echoed in the address. In a New Yorker essay in 2007, Adam Gopnik argued there is more of the biblical scholar and lawyer in the address than there is of Shakespeare.

''Lincoln had mastered the sound of the King James Bible so completely that he could recast abstract issues of constitutional law in biblical terms,'' he wrote.

Nonetheless, Gopnik finds Shakespeare in Lincoln: ''Shakespeare's continuing appeal to liberal societies, despite his feudal settings, lies in his ability to create characters who intend no harm and end up covered with blood.''

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