

This was published 10 years ago

State Attorney-General Robert Clark to address hardline pro-life event

By Josh Gordon and Heath Aston

State Attorney-General Robert Clark is set to address a hardline pro-life event in Melbourne organised by a controversial US-based group dedicated to preventing abortion and the decriminalisation of homosexuality.

Less than three months before the November 29 state election, Mr Clark will deliver a "welcome to Victoria" speech to the World Congress of Families – an event which also features an American doctor promoting a discredited link between abortion and breast cancer, a promoter of Russia's "crusade" against homosexuality, and representatives from the hard-right Rise Up Australia Party.

Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews will open and close the World Congress of Families.

Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews will open and close the World Congress of Families.Credit: Andrew Meares

The conference, which will take place late next month, will be opened and closed by federal Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews, who, according to the flyer for the event, is an international ambassador for the congress.

Mr Andrews will be joined by the congress' managing director, Larry Jacobs. Dr Jacobs has been a strong supporter of Russian laws banning gay pride demonstrations and "homosexual propaganda".

Welcoming: State Attorney-General Robert Clark will address the World Congress of Families.

Welcoming: State Attorney-General Robert Clark will address the World Congress of Families.Credit: Michael Copp

In a 2013 interview, he hailed the ban as a "great idea" that was "preventing [gays] from corrupting children", and praised Russia as the "Christian saviours to the world".

Dr Jacobs will address the conference on "pro-life and pro-family policies in the US and Russia".

The event also includes a talk by Angela Lanfranchi, founder of the New Jersey-based Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, entitled "the link between abortion and breast cancer".

Mr Andrews defended his decision to appear at the event saying it was related to his portfolio responsibilities. His spokesman said: "The Minister accepted an invitation to open this conference because it relates to his portfolio. The choice of speakers is a matter for conference organisers."


Mr Clark also defended his decision. A spokesman for Mr Clark said the Attorney-General was "welcoming an international conference to Melbourne on behalf of the government".

"Delivering a welcome address does not necessarily imply support for particular speakers or their topics," he said.

But doctors have expressed concern that a government minister would associate with an event that could add fuel to a debunked theory.

The World Health Organisation, the US National Cancer Institute, Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and health authorities in Victoria and NSW all say there is no link between women who choose to terminate pregnancies and those who contract breast cancer.

A landmark study of 1.5 million Danish women showed no increased risk of breast cancer as a result of abortion.

The Coalition's leader in the Senate, Eric Abetz, and maverick Liberal senator Cory Bernardi are listed as supporters of the World Congress of Families event, which will also be addressed by controversial anti-abortion campaigner and Victorian upper house MP Bernie Finn. Mr Finn recently ran into controversy after claiming abortion should not be acceptable in any circumstances, including cases of rape.

Mr Clark's decision to welcome the conference to Victoria has the potential to create another political headache for the Napthine government. It follows a push from within the state Parliament to overhaul the state's abortion laws so that doctors who oppose abortion on philosophical grounds would no longer be compelled to refer women seeking a termination to another doctor.

Premier Denis Napthine has insisted he will not support any such amendment, with most Victorians opposed to changing the Abortion Act.

An Age/Nielsen poll taken last month found three-quarters of Victorian voters did not want the law changed.

Mr Finn will deliver a speech: "marching for the babies" on the topic of his annual anti-abortion walk. His address will be chaired by Rosalie Crestani, a state election candidate for the Rise Up Australia Party, which is also anti-abortion, against the word "multiculturalism" and opposed to same-sex marriage.

Shadow health minister Catherine King called on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to decide whether it was appropriate for Mr Andrews to attend at all.


"It is disappointing but not surprising that one of Tony Abbott's closest confidantes and a member of his senior leadership group is associated with such views," she said.

"I think it's a question for Tony Abbott about whether he thinks it's appropriate for a senior cabinet minister to be attending this event. Tony Abbott may be threatened by science but should not be letting these backward views cloud good, evidence-based policy."

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