Europe’s ‘magnificent’ new 1400-kilometre walking and cycling trail
Launched in 2022, Romania’s Via Transilvanica track encompasses 2000 years of European history, traversing ancient villages, monasteries and medieval castles.
- Julietta Jameson
King Charles’ favourite holiday destination is not where you expect
The King’s regular summer getaway is in Transylvania, the legendary home of Dracula, where the monarch roughs it in a converted farmhouse.
- Ute Junker
Bucharest's Palace of the Parliament: Romania's lavish palace of ego and power
It's thought to be both the heaviest and the most expensive building in the world.
- Kristie Kellahan
Monument to a madman: Romania's Palace of the Parliament
The massive edifice created by dictator Nicolae Ceausescu completely dominates the country's capital.
- Sue Williams
Why Romania is perfect place for travellers who are tired of tourist hordes
It may be famous for inspiring the fictional Count Dracula, but as Michael Gebicki discovers, there’s much more to modern Transylvania than its dark past.
- Michael Gebicki
Romania travel guide: Europe's most underappreciated destination
Put aside those outdated notions of dictators and dismal orphanages. Romania is spruced-up, optimistic and culturally rich.
- Brian Johnston
Danube Delta, Romania: The Blue Danube and the wild blue yonder
From the cerulean sky to the periwinkle flowers and azure lakes, this wetland looks like it's been hand-painted by Smurfs.
- Kerry van der Jagt
Romania: Bram Stoker's Dracula castle opens its doors to overnight visitors
The castle that inspired Dracula's hideaway is being dusted down in readiness for overnight Hallowe'en guests.
Romania's unusual attraction: A cemetery of wooden markers
It's one of Romania's more unusual attractions – a cemetery filled with illustrated grave makers.
- Tatyana Leonov
Transylvania, Romania: Lonely Planet's top region to visit in the world in 2016
You won't find many tourists in this famous province, but it's been named the No.1 spot to visit next year.
- Tatyana Leonov
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