

Anyone can ride a snowmobile … and any idiot can crash one, too

By Julie Miller

We have diverted from the hard-pack trail and are gliding through an ethereal forest glade, a Narniaesque vision of mottled aspens sprinkled with frozen fractals, cushioned by marshmallow puffs of freshly-fallen snow. My heart sings with enchantment, relishing the thrill and freedom of snowmobiling through the pristine backcountry of Brian Head ski resort in southern Utah.

How it should look – snowmobiling in fresh snow.

How it should look – snowmobiling in fresh snow.

But as I round a corner, my exaltation vanishes as I feel my vehicle sink and slide, the loose powder negating my steering and dragging me away from my guide’s tracks. I panic, my horse-rider’s instincts kicking in with a “whoa boy” pull on the reins – ie, the throttle – which, of course, has the opposite to the desired effect.

With a roar, I accelerate full-force towards a rogue tree, “is this the way I’m going to die?” a cognitive flash before I slam into the trunk with a sickening thud. On impact, I catapult into the air like a ragdoll, landing inelegantly in a thigh-deep bank of snow, unhurt, but dazed by what feels like a near-death experience.

Miraculously, my snowmobile has also suffered minimal damage, with just a plastic side panel cracked and splintering. Dragging the machine back onto the firm pack, my guide Kaden chastises me for not hitting the kill switch – the very first thing he taught us - when I sensed trouble, before encouraging me to climb back in the saddle to continue our tour.

Now, however, the bravado I’d experienced before the accident has vanished; I’m a nervous wreck, terrified of losing control again. I progress at a snail’s pace, daunted by the power of my machine and holding up the other riders as I inch along the trail.

My knuckles hurt from gripping the handlebars; but with every corner, I start to get the feel for my snowmobile and how it responds to my weight shift – a little like skiing. Getting a rhythm is paramount; and as I slowly relax into the groove, I begin to understand how addictive this mode of transport can be.

It is at an overlook showcasing Cedar Breaks National Monument that I really appreciate the ride I have endured. The craggy red canyon dusted with snow is truly a sight to sooth the most agitated of souls.

The views are among the rewards.

The views are among the rewards.

Unfortunately for me, these views come at a price – the excess on the damaged snowmobile. The seemingly superficial damage is quoted at $US400 ($635); and even if I had taken out a Winter Sports Travel Insurance policy (which I foolishly hadn’t), most only cover medical costs, not collision damage.


Lesson learned – take out extended insurance coverage, read the fine print and consider any risks before embarking on an adventure that may test your abilities. After all, anyone may be able to ride a snowmobile – but any idiot can crash.

The writer travelled as a guest of Visit Utah ( and Cedar City/Brian Head Tourism (


American Airlines ( flies from Sydney and Melbourne to Los Angeles daily, with domestic connections to Salt Lake City. From Salt Lake City, it is a three and a half hour drive to Brian Head Resort.

A three-hour backcountry snowmobile tour with Thunder Mountain Motorsports costs $US165 ($260) a machine ($US30 for any additional passenger). See

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