

Newly elected Werribee MP John Lister.

Fresh from fighting fires, John Lister takes hot seat in Werribee

School teacher and CFA volunteer John Lister says the message from Werribee voters has been heard “loud and clear”.

  • Chip Le Grand


Jacinta Allan arrives at Labor’s election night bash.

Horror budget ahead as voters desert Labor

There is limited room in the state budget to respond to voter frustrations in the west after Labor’s primary vote collapsed 16.7 per cent in the Werribee byelection.

  • Rachel Eddie
Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan at a press conference on Sunday after big swings away from Labor at the Werribee byelection.

Werribee voters face long wait for byelection result in cliffhanger count

The count in a seat the Liberal Party has not held for 46 years has upended the established order of Victorian politics and delivered a potent message to the Allan government.

  • Chip Le Grand and Rachel Eddie
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan at a school in January.

Werribee speaks, Labor shudders: The swing that can’t be ignored

Significant swings away from state Labor in Werribee will put Anthony Albanese and his federal colleagues on notice that they can’t take Victoria for granted.

  • James Massola
Voters arrive to vote at Iramoo Primary School in Wyndham Vale

‘A kick in the pants’: Voters in fed-up Werribee send a message

Crime and roads, roads and crime. These are the issues Werribee voters say matter, and they say no one has done anything about either of them.

  • Liam Mannix
Jacinta Allan campaigning at Manor Lakes Primary School on Saturday

Regardless of the result in Werribee, Allan has already heard the message

The premier’s “do more” promise signals a change already under way in her leadership and government’s priorities.

  • Chip Le Grand
A growing queue of cars to leave the Princes Freeway at Werribee’s western exit.

There’s a mood on in the west as Labor braces for byelection reckoning

A fractious Werribee electorate is about to have its say on a 10-year-old government, and Labor may discover that long-familiar ground is shifting beneath its feet.

  • Chip Le Grand
Aidan McLindon in Werribee

Whittlesea councillors turn on new mayor weeks after electing him

Aidan McLindon faces censure for alleged misconduct over public comments that have riled his colleagues.

  • Adam Carey
Rebecca Zivic and Caitlin Caruana, of Westjustice, stand outside the Werribee Magistrates’ Court.

‘Set up to fail’: Warning Werribee’s new courts could be a revolving door for offenders

Legal advocates warn Werribee’s law precinct could fail without more investment in rehabilitative support such as alcohol and drug counselling.

  • Adam Carey
Liberal Party candidate for Werribee Steve Murphy has served as his wife’s campaign manager in four previous elections.

Indian diaspora disappointment as Liberals back old guard in Werribee

Why did the Liberal Party choose a white, 63-year-old real estate agent and Knight of the Southern Cross to battle Labor in Werribee?

  • Chip Le Grand

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