
Victorian councils

A leaked report from the local government inspector has criticised ex-Hepburn Shire CEO Aaron van Egmond for his management of The Rex redevelopment in Daylesford.

Leaked report blasts former Daylesford CEO for bungled redevelopment

The council watchdog’s refusal to release its report on Hepburn Shire has prompted calls for more transparency.

  • Benjamin Preiss and Lachlan Abbott


Valli director Ariel “Ari” Lakman.

Developer donated $35,000 to council candidates as ‘Friends of the Peninsula’

Two of the four candidates had made pre-election promises not to take any money from property developers.

  • Rachael Dexter
Mayor of Yarra Council Stephen Jolly was the candidate who received the most donations outside of the City of Melbourne.

The biggest donors to council candidates revealed

More than $4 million was spent by businesses, political parties, unions and lobby groups to influence Victoria’s council elections. Use our search tool to see who funded your new councillors.

  • Rachael Dexter and Nathan Perri

Triple zero falls short of emergency benchmarks and records $80m loss

Labor used parliament’s final sitting day for the year to reveal the struggling state of the emergency dispatch service.

  • Rachael Dexter, Brittany Busch and Broede Carmody
Greater Melbourne council election results

Votes have been counted in local elections. Here are your councillors

Use our interactive to find out who was elected in each ward of your council across Greater Melbourne.

  • Rachael Dexter and Tom Cowie
An artist’s image of the future Fitzroy Gasworks housing project.

The inner-city site about to get 800 new homes

The Allan government is ramping up attacks on progressive parties across the inner-city, as it announces an 800-unit development in the inner north today.

  • Kieran Rooney and Adam Carey
Melbourne’s lord mayor candidates.

No democracy sausage, no sizzle in council elections

Many Victorians are about to be fined $99 for not voting in local council elections, and while it’s easy to blame apathy, the postal process might be the problem.

  • Cara Waters
Melbourne lord mayoral debate.

As it happened: Melbourne lord mayoral debate

Melbourne lord mayoral candidates Nick Reece, Arron Wood, Roxane Ingleton and Anthony Koutoufides debate their policies ahead of the election.

  • Cara Waters and Rachael Dexter
Lord mayoral candidate Arron Wood wants to install more CCTV and deploy more security officers in Melbourne.

‘Something is deeply wrong’: Elizabeth Street under election spotlight

More CCTV cameras and security officers are among the pledges made by City of Melbourne lord mayoral candidate Arron Wood and his opponent, incumbent Nick Reece.

  • Cara Waters
Lord mayoral candidate Arron Wood has promised to revive the Melbourne Money scheme.

Vow to revive Melbourne Money to trim cost of dinner, drinks and a show

Lord mayoral candidate Arron Wood is pledging to bring back the program – expanded to include live music venues – if elected, offering a 20 per cent rebate on the cost of food and drinks in the City of Melbourne.

  • Cara Waters

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