
UK leadership

Supermac’s self-sabotage
Column 8

Supermac’s self-sabotage

The Night of the Long Knives has nothing on this.


Boris Johnson deliberately misled parliament over lockdown parties: report

Boris Johnson deliberately misled parliament over lockdown parties: report

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson has labelled the report into the so-called partygate scandal a “charade”.

  • by Rob Harris
Boris Johnson quits parliament, blaming ‘witch hunt’

Boris Johnson quits parliament, blaming ‘witch hunt’

The former British prime minister said on Friday he was sad to be leaving – ‘at least for now’.

  • by Latika Bourke
Only a Major comeback can save the Tories

Only a Major comeback can save the Tories

The Conservative government has a mountain to climb if it is to retain power at the next Westminster election, but 18 months is an eternity in politics.

  • by George Brandis
If we get the leaders we deserve, it’s time for an urgent rethink

If we get the leaders we deserve, it’s time for an urgent rethink

With a few notable exceptions, the free world is suffering from an eclipse of political star power.

  • by Nick Bryant
Rishi is dishy but Truss is the true-blue choice for British PM

Rishi is dishy but Truss is the true-blue choice for British PM

Rishi Sunak may be the clever person’s choice but here’s why Britain’s Conservative true believers are likely to choose Liz Truss to replace Boris Johnson as PM.

  • by George Brandis
Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss to become Britain’s next prime minister

Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss to become Britain’s next prime minister

Boris Johnson is believed to be supporting Liz Truss against her rival Rishi Sunak, who has been accused of plotting his leadership run for months.

  • by Latika Bourke
Diverse representation is important, but so is what people stand for

Diverse representation is important, but so is what people stand for

Excitement over the racial background of Boris Johnson’s likely successor obscures one of the risks that come with a focus on cultural identity and representation in politics.

  • by Osman Faruqi
‘Don’t vote for me because I’m brown’: Diverse candidates make cut to replace Johnson

‘Don’t vote for me because I’m brown’: Diverse candidates make cut to replace Johnson

Just a quarter of the list of Tory leadership candidates are white males. Half of the candidates are women or non-white, meaning the Conservatives could produce their third female prime minister or first of colour.

  • by Latika Bourke
Can’t keep a bad man down: What next for Boris Johnson?

Can’t keep a bad man down: What next for Boris Johnson?

Boris Johnson’s three years of power will leave no lasting legacy. Except perhaps one that he will never bring himself to acknowledge.

  • by Geoffrey Robertson
‘This isn’t House of Cards’: Johnson to remain PM until September amid ‘poisonous’ contest

‘This isn’t House of Cards’: Johnson to remain PM until September amid ‘poisonous’ contest

One of the Conservative Party leadership candidates decried “poisonous gossip” and “attack memos” delivered over the weekend.

  • by Alistair Smout

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