
Simon Longstaff

NSW Arts Minister Ben Franklin issued a demand through the media that the bestiality talk be cancelled.

‘Hello, 1955’: writers slam minister’s attempt to cancel bestiality talk

Even those who believed the topic was tacky or intellectually dull said it was not the government’s role to censor expression.

  • Michael Koziol


Sally McManus

'How can you say that?': Economist's view of coronavirus lockdown criticised

ACTU secretary Sally McManus rejected the idea Australia should have let the coronavirus spread to protect its economy.

  • Nick Bonyhady
The Ethics Centre's Simon Longstaff

Ethics Centre raises the big questions

Simon's Longstaff's centre recently produced a report on the dangers of lobbying. But questions have been raised about their own board.

  • Kylar Loussikian and Samantha Hutchinson
AFR Innovation Summit. Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Executive Director, The Ethics Centre, speaking at the AFR Innovation Summit in Sydney. 20th September 2017 Photo: Janie Barrett

Longstaff open to leading FFA's proposed Stajcic probe

The man who led Cricket Australia's cultural review says he is open to heading a similar investigation into Alen Stajcic's sacking as Matildas coach.

  • Vince Rugari
Cutting through the spin: the brutal reality of an Ethics Centre review

Cutting through the spin: the brutal reality of an Ethics Centre review

If you don't want to hear the honest answer, don't ask the question, says Dr Simon Longstaff, who has become a cultural handyman of Australian sport.

  • Phil Lutton

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