
Peter Costello

Illustration by Simon Letch

Falling fertility rates will hurt the economy. But a new baby boom is not the answer

Australia’s fertility rates have been falling fast and are now at rock bottom. The economic consequences will be far-reaching.

  • Matt Wade


Medicare is showing some wear and tear after 40 years.

We need to exercise common sense before trundling off to a GP

A substantial number of patients who see a GP are suffering a minor ailment or illness that resolves on its own.

John Howard and Labor leader Mark Latham in October.

The more our housing crisis changes, the more it stays the same

Cabinet papers from the Howard government era show governments squibbed on reforms to solve the housing crisis – and governments continue to do so today.

  • The Herald's View
John Howard on one of his election campaign morning walks in 2004. The victory was perhaps the high point in his entire term.

He crushed Latham in 2004, but unlocked cabinet papers reveal the problems Howard could not fix

John Howard’s victory at the 2004 election remains one of federal politics’ most remarkable achievements. But cabinet papers from that year show it was the start of the end.

  • Shane Wright
John Howard and Peter Costello - a joint submission from them on spiralling housing costs in 2004 effectively pushed off any contentious changes.

House prices were already spiralling in 2004: Here’s what Howard and Costello did about it

In 2004, house prices in every capital city were surging to unaffordable levels. The Howard cabinet considered its options – and did nothing.

  • Shane Wright
Peter Costello (left) has criticised Treasurer Jim Chalmers over the Future Fund.

Future Fund was doing its job, so why change it?

Jim Chalmers is a good treasurer, but he is trying to pull a swifty with his new mandate, writes one reader.

Peter Costello, left, said Jim Chalmers’ plan broke almost 20 years of bipartisanship.

Chalmers says Future Fund can’t be trapped in Costello’s past

Jim Chalmers has accused predecessor Peter Costello of being rolled into a “deliberately unhinged” attack on plans to encourage the $230 billion Future Fund to invest in new homes, renewable energy and cybersecurity.

  • Shane Wright
Peter Costello and Jim Chalmers

‘Very bad’: Costello slams Chalmers over Future Fund

The former treasurer says the Future Fund was never created to be a “political slush fund”.

  • Shane Wright
The Future Fund will be encouraged to investment in residential property companies, in line with the government’s own priorities.

Future Fund told to sink cash into homes and green energy

The $230 billion Future Fund was created to stop a black hole in the federal budget. It’s now been tasked with investing in housing, energy and infrastructure.

  • Shane Wright
Former broadcaster Alan Jones on Monday.

Days before arrest, Jones partied with top silks and Liberal elites

On Monday, Alan Jones was arrested and charged with indecent assault offences. Two days earlier, he was MC at the 80th birthday of a top silk and former Liberal MP.

  • Kishor Napier-Raman and Stephen Brook

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