Office design
Can a brutalist redesign counter the scourge of empty offices?
Landlords across the country have seen the value of their office towers plummet by around 23 per cent, on average, over the last two years.
- Simon Johanson
Brisbane home office clocks on to win architecture prize
In a sign of changing work-life dynamics, a Red Hill home-office renovation has won a national design award.
- Liz Hobday
- Perspective
- Workplace
Getting bothered by co-workers is another reason for more WFH
Being interrupted at work to perform pointless or unrelated tasks causes stress and can hurt productivity, Queensland research has found.
- Felicity Caldwell
Dexus takes a haircut, sells Fishermans Bend site for half listing price
Planning complications shred the value of Dexus’ Fishermans Bend site. It originally listed for $50-$60 million and has now sold for $30.07 million.
- Nicole Lindsay
Offices of the future: carbon neutral towers under construction
A major shift in the type of office towers being built for future workers is underway, as developers and tenants opt for carbon neutral buildings.
- Simon Johanson
- Exclusive
- Commercial real estate
Corner office makes a comeback as city firm ditches hot desking
A national law firm has ditched the decade-long trend to open-plan offices that swept through the country’s premium towers, bringing back individual offices.
- Carolyn Cummins
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
Ventilation critical to combat spread of COVID
Australia urgently needs a national taskforce to elevate ventilation and air quality management to the equivalent of vaccination.
- Ted Baillieu
- Exclusive
- Working from home
The generation most keen on a return to the office – and why it may not be full time
The research found attitudes have shifted since the start of the pandemic, when nine out of 10 Australians were happy about the shift to remote work and 78 per cent believed it would be the new normal.
- Caitlin Fitzsimmons
NAB directs staff back to office after months of remote working
National Australia Bank is telling staff outside Victoria it's time to start returning to the office after months of working from home because of COVID-19 restrictions.
- Charlotte Grieve
What Australians bought to ride out the pandemic in their home office
Officeworks national merchandise manager Jim Berndelis said the usual suspects such as furniture and technology sold in huge numbers but a few other lines took him by surprise.
- Hamish Hastie
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