
Jordan Peterson

Leading symbol of a disintegration of the right into grievance culture? Controversial psychologist Jordan Petersen is one of those behind the London conference.

NSW Liberals skip parliament for Jordan Peterson’s London conference

The Canadian psychologist’s Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference is the hottest ticket in town for conservatives. It sure beats Macquarie Street.

  • Kishor Napier-Raman and Stephen Brook


Leading symbol of a disintegration of the right into grievance culture? Controversial psychologist Jordan Petersen is one of those behind the London conference.

Jordan Peterson a no-show at Australian conference after visa fail

The controversial Canadian psychologist beloved by Liberal Party figures couldn’t address his local fans because he didn’t apply for an Australian visa on time.

  • Kishor Napier-Raman and Stephen Brook
English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson.

How Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson are fuelling a far-right firebrand

Tommy Robinson denies he incited the British riots that swept the country last weekend, but he has whipped up hate for years.

  • Louise Carpenter
Former Prime Minister John Howard is optimistic about the future of conservatism. “People still react to incentive, security – those concepts are still relevant”

Olympics of centre-right thought? Heavyweights to debate future of conservatism in the age of Trump

These fast-moving times are shaky ground for conservatism. A star-studded global pow-wow in London will focus on how it can redefine its values and reclaim the social agenda.

  • Jordan Baker and Latika Bourke
RBA Governor Philip Lowe.

It’s a no brainer: Charlie Teo’s friends in fine places

Best known for his controversial surgery practice, Charlie Teo has some interesting friends outside medicine.

  • Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman
Jordan Peterson

The ghost of Lady Chatterley's lover protecting today's feeble-minded

Decades after the trial of Penguin Books for publishing Lady Chatterley’s Lover, young employees of the publisher have reassessed censorship and found it newly alluring, opposing the publication of Jordan Peterson's latest offering.

  • Parnell Palme McGuinness
Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.

When a publisher's staff become book burners, culture itself is cancelled

Managers at publishing houses should stare down staff who object to the publication of controversial authors like Jordan Peterson because every 'cancellation' has a chilling effect on intellectual discourse.

  • Julie Szego
Staff at Penguin Random House in Canada have objected to it publishing the new book by Jordan Peterson.

Publish and be damned. Don't publish and be damned

Is it right for publishers and booksellers to turn their back on certain authors and their books?

  • Jason Steger
Controversial psychologist Jordan Peterson.

Why is Jordan Peterson making headlines again?

The controversial psychologist has a new book coming out and some publishing staff aren't happy.

  • Broede Carmody
Secrets that don't hurt anyone are treated very differently by society to those that do.

The secret lives of us

They’re as natural as breathing – and usually, far more destructive. Start looking into confidences and you realise they rule our lives – both the making and the breaking of them.

  • Shelley Gare

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