
Bert Newton funeral

Patti Newton, left, and daughter Lauren lead Bert’s coffin out of St Patrick’s Cathedral at the end of his state funeral on Friday November 12, 2021.

Bert Newton brings stars back together but family steals the show

In a letter from New York, Matthew Newton wrote of an unbroken father-and-son bond underpinned by shared enthusiasms and mutual love.

  • Karl Quinn


Patti and Lauren Newton lead Bert Newton’s casket out of St Patrick’s Cathedral on Friday.

‘More than talent, he was trust’: Fitting farewell for a man we all felt we knew

At Bert Newton’s state funeral on Friday, singers, dancers, radio stars, a prime minister, a premier, comedians and football greats honoured one of Australia’s most enduring television stars.

  • Rob Harris
Bert Newton funeral gif.

Bert Newton funeral as it happened: Australia’s entertainment industry pays tribute to TV icon

The television icon is being farewelled at a state funeral at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne this morning.

  • Karl Quinn, Thomas Mitchell and Rob Harris

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