
Australian Unity Limited

Pro Medicus chief executive Dr Sam Hupert in Melbourne this week.

The billionaire who won’t bid for Australian government health work

No debt and a focus on innovation has allowed software medical imaging company, Pro Medicus, to expand globally, turning its founders into billionaires.

  • Emma Koehn


The Morrison government is under pressure to fix the home care waiting list in the federal budget.

COVID-19 adds to home care wait list as people delay move to aged care

Advocates for elderly Australians are calling for a minimum $2 billion federal budget investment to wipe out the home care waiting list.

  • Dana McCauley
The healthcare sector has caught the eye of local and offshore institutional investors attracted to Australia’s ageing demographic.

Retail property flight drives healthcare interest

Heated interest in healthcare real estate is being driven not just by the sector’s recession-proof reputation, but a flight from retail property.

  • Tim Boreham
Australian Unity to offload Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre

Australian Unity to offload Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre

Fund manager Australian Unity will sell its remaining half share in the Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre in a deal expected to net more than $140 million.

  • Simon Johanson

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