

This was published 9 years ago

You shape it: the future of technology is in your hands, not Siri's or Cortana's

By Laura Demasi

The future of technology is (drum roll) … in your hands. Yep, you. And when I say "hands", I mean it literally, as in what you use daily to reach into your wallet.

As we head into 2015 the media is heaving with predictions of the next big techie thing that will transform our lives.

A prototype of gaming headset Oculus Rift. The company is owned now by Facebook.

A prototype of gaming headset Oculus Rift. The company is owned now by Facebook.Credit: Bloomberg

Will it be the smartwatch and other wearables? Will holographic computing ignite a new era in how we interact with computers, transforming everyday life into a scene from The Minority Report? Will 2015 mark the second coming of virtual reality and transform our very experience of the internet, as Mark Zuckerberg intends, after paying $US2 billion for Oculus Rift?

I hate to sound like a 21-year-old who works for a start-up, but the pundits need to chill. Because while all of the above are possibilities, it won't be Silicon Valley giants, the global throng of start-ups (and the venture capitalists who bankroll them) who will determine the future of technology.

Social researcher Laura Demasi regularly visits Australians at home to talk about what's on their mind.

Social researcher Laura Demasi regularly visits Australians at home to talk about what's on their mind.

The geeks and the entrepreneurs can invent, iterate, re-iterate and code themselves into a stupor, but if we don't want their app or their gadget or device because there's no need for it in our lives, or because it makes us feel weird, then it's going to fizzle. No matter how amazing it is.

Siri, Apple's virtual assistant, is a case in point. The ability to issue voice commands to your phone is extraordinary, no doubt. But have you ever actually seen an iPhone user talking to Siri? I haven't. Ever. Have you used Siri yourself in a big way? (Apart from asking who Darth Vader's father is for a laugh).

At the time of Siri's release there was much hype about voice command and search. How it was just a matter of time before it became the norm and we'd be speaking commands to our laptops and desktops too. Well, Siri is still waiting for your requests. The silence is deafening.

The same goes for augmented reality (AR). AR is an incredible technology - point your phone at inanimate object to summon a layer of virtual content, conjured seemingly out of thin air. Amazing stuff.


The buzz around augmented reality peaked a few years ago. AR was the future. Fast-forward to 2015. How many AR apps do you have on your phone?

This year's buzz is centred around virtual reality (VR), thanks to Facebook's high-profile purchase of Oculus Rift, founded in 2012 by a 21-year-old who created what is purported to be the best virtual reality headset the world has seen.

Zuckerberg believes Oculus heralds not only a bright new era for VR in gaming but also for the internet more broadly.

VR will become embedded in everything we do online, Zuckerberg believes, from social media to shopping. Pop on your Oculus headset people, and slip into an alternate full-colour, 3D virtual world.

But gamers aside, do everyday folks like you and me need it? Do we really want to sink even deeper into our screens and farther away from "real"reality? I'm not convinced.

But the point of this column is not whether Oculus Rift becomes a mainstream success. The point is that whenever we talk about technology, there's an assumption that it somehow has a life and will of its own, that it's something that just happens to us. That whatever the technologists dream up will define our future utterly and completely.

Build it and they will come. Code it and they will download.

The problem with this view is that it is underpinned by a sense technological determinism, which frames our relationship with technology in very black and white terms.

And there are plenty of over-excited entrepreneurs and futurists who perpetuate it. Chief among them is Ray Kurzweil, the world's most famous and influential futurist, who believes we will be able to email inanimate object like toasters to each other within 20 years.

But what if we don't want to email toasters because we're perfectly happy with going to a shop to buy one or ordering one online and having it delivered?

What if technology wasn't something done to us but rather something that we shape, in how we do and don't use it, driven by those very un-techy things called emotion and psychology. If emailing toasters makes us feel weird, we won't do it. Just ask Siri.

So despite the almost religious zeal that surrounds technology these days, the truth is the economy will come up trumps every time.

For all their genius and influence, the technologists must ask the same questions as the makers of toothpaste and washing machines: Is there a market for this product or service? Does it fulfil a need or will it go the way of cherry cola, a novelty but a flop?

No one knows the future of technology, but one thing is certain – like everything else, it will be shaped by the market. As in us - unpredictable, irrational, emotional, reactive, contradictory humans. Not by the technologists.

Laura Demasi is a social researcher and director at global research firm Ipsos.

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