

This was published 8 years ago

World's fastest probe, Juno, raring to unravel mysteries of Jupiter

NASA's Juno probe will reveal how Jupiter got to be so big, while shedding light on the solar system's beginnings billions of years ago.

By Peter Spinks

One of NASA's most daring and dangerous missions is under way, as the Juno space probe makes its final approach to the king of planets, Jupiter, after a tortuous five-year journey spanning almost 3 billion kilometres.

Travelling at a record 257,000km/h, the craft will soon begin a series of acrobatic braking manoeuvres for the first of 33 highly elliptical polar orbits - threading Juno between the gas giant's cloud tops and the innermost of two equatorial radiation belts that could fry unshielded electronics.

At its closest approach, Juno, named after Jupiter's sister and wife in Roman mythology, will skim as low as 4660 kilometres above the lemony-orange haze of swirling clouds, streaked with bands of red.

When it reaches Jupiter on Monday, the hardy probe, with a titanium vault protecting its innards, will be the first to have a shot at polar orbiting a giant gas planet. Its year-long goal is to help unravel multiple mysteries including the structure and chemical composition of the solar system's biggest and fastest-spinning orb.

An artist's impression of Juno sweeping in front of Jupiter.

An artist's impression of Juno sweeping in front of Jupiter.Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Peering deep beneath the multicoloured cloud cover, Juno's eight sophisticated instruments will interrogate the depths of Jupiter, which is basically a giant gas ball that has been compressed over eons into a liquid, then perhaps a type of solid, with increasing depth.

The wealth of data Juno collects is expected to confirm that the 50-kilometre-deep clouds consist of ammonia crystals, ammonium hydrosulphide and a mixture of ice and water.

Previous missions have found that temperatures at the cloud tops are about minus 110 degrees. Temperatures then rise with depth, resulting in a core measuring well over 20,000 degrees – more than three times as hot as the sun's surface.

"If it has one, Jupiter's core, which may once have been 10 times the mass of Earth, is currently a mystery," said Swinburne University astrophysicist Alan Duffy.

On its long journey, NASA's Juno spacecraft flew past Earth, using our home planet's gravity to get the final boost it needed to reach Jupiter. The JunoCam captured this monochrome view of us.

On its long journey, NASA's Juno spacecraft flew past Earth, using our home planet's gravity to get the final boost it needed to reach Jupiter. The JunoCam captured this monochrome view of us.Credit: NASA

"At a guess, it's probably hydrogen crushed down until it becomes a metal in the form of a superconductor, in which an electric current could travel inside the core forever. Juno can help us test this idea."

The craft will also scrutinise the stunning Jovian display of blue streamers, aka the auroras, emitting a ghostly glow like the gas in a neon tube.

The luminous lightshow is produced when charged particles from the solar wind are trapped by the planet's magnetic field and collide with atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere.

"Unlike Earth's auroras, which are most prominent during a peak in the sun's activity, Jupiter's are permanent features caused largely by the particles spewing from volcanic eruptions on the Jovian moon Io," said University of Western Australia theoretical physicist Dr Ron Burman.

Juno is important for filling in the gaps of what we understand about Jupiter's interior.

Dr Amy Simon, NASA senior scientist

All this will reveal how Jupiter got to be so big, as well as shedding light on the solar system's beginnings more than 4 billion years ago.

"Juno is important for filling in the gaps of what we understand about Jupiter's interior," said NASA senior scientist for planetary atmosphere research Amy Simon. "As we find many more exoplanet systems, most of them with very large Neptune and Jupiter-class planets, current theories suggest they play a key role in how and where smaller planets can form."

So scientists want to know as much as possible about our own giant orbs.

"Learning about their interiors and composition, especially water abundance, tells us a lot about where and how they started out," Dr Simon said. "I am particularly interested in the water because that drives some of the weather phenomena in Jupiter's clouds of ammonia ice."

The hexagonal spacecraft – at 3625 kilograms, one of the heaviest unmanned probes ever built – is almost as remarkable as the planet it's visiting. By rotating on its axis twice every minute, the spin-stabilised craft enjoys excellent pointing stability, with each instrument getting a chance to face the planet.

It is also the first outer-planetary probe to be powered entirely by solar energy. (Jupiter, on average, is 778 million kilometres from the sun – about five times further away than the Earth – so it gets roughly 25 times less sunlight than we do. Most craft venturing that far generate power from the decay of radioactive elements.)

"As the biggest planet, Jupiter has played a critical role in the solar system's evolution," said Dr Duffy. "We can understand more based on what Juno reveals in the weeks and months ahead."

Science-writer Peter Spinks goes on long-service leave next week. During this time he may be contacted at

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