

This was published 12 years ago

Look no hands! Google shows that the future of computing is on your head

By Stephen Hutcheon in San Francisco

Google has taken the wrappers off Project Glass, a futuristic development in wearable computing.

The device, which was today named Glass Explorer Edition, is an augmented reality, head-mounted display, which looks like a set of spectacle frames.

Except there’s no glass, apart from a small display screen above one eye line, next to which is housed a camera.

The camera can shoot stills and video and the screen can show notifications, such as text messages and maps. You can also play music and make phone calls - all of which is operated hands free.

Looking to the future ... Google co-founder Sergey Brin models the wearable computer.

Looking to the future ... Google co-founder Sergey Brin models the wearable computer.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin presided over an extraordinary demonstration of some of the capabilities of Glass Explorer Edition today during the opening session at Google I/O, the company's annual developers’ conference, in San Francisco.

Brin, who has been using the device over the past few months, introduced the audience to three skydivers who were also wearing the frames in an airship hovering high above the convention centre.

The audience was able to see and hear Brin talk to them before video images of the subsequent dive were beamed live from the devices.


The trio landed on the roof of the convention centre they passed the baton to a number of stunt bicycle riders who rode across the roof, doing a few obligatory stunts, all the while beaming a live video stream and talking to Brin.

For Google, the Glass Explorer Edition once its on the market will provide a treasure trove of data. As they would in theory be constantly on and connected, users would be sending back stacks of information about their whereabouts and their activities.

Google designer Isabelle Olsson said the display was positioned so as not to interfere with normal vision, although you can already see how such a screen could distract drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

If using a phone while driving is a problem, these frames could be a nightmare in terms of road safety.

But today was more about the wow and wee than the safety and privacy implications.

Project Glass came out of Google’s X Lab, which has pioneered other futuristic developments including the self-driving car project.

And from the reaction of what was a very geeky audience, it is something that many will hanker after.

But to the dismay of many in the audience today, Google is only offering them to bona fide software developers for a price tag of $US1500. And even then, they won’t be delivered until next year.

Brin and his colleagues on stage stressed that the gadget was still in a very experimental stage. The purpose of getting them onto the heads of developers was to find new uses.


For the first time, Google also showed a variety of prototypes, some of which catered for spectacle wearers.

It is clear that Google intends these gadgets to appeal to a mass market, but to achieve that aim, the price will have to come down significantly.

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