

This was published 8 years ago

If census site was taken down after DDoS attack it wasn't prepared: expert

By Tim Biggs

The attack against the census website that resulted in it being taken down last night appears, at face value, to have been nothing more than the standard attack perpetrated against countless sites every day by everyone from children to malcontents with an axe to grind, an expert says.

That the site was attacked is not in the least bit surprising, security adviser Troy Hunt told Fairfax Media, but it was unexpected that an attack of this kind would result in the site going down.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics chief statistician David Kalisch told the ABC the site was shut down to ensure the integrity of the data after a series of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, an event that Hunt said was "pretty predictable".

"What is surprising is that they weren't resilient. With a massive system like this ... this is what you should expect," Hunt said.

An error message seen when trying to submit the census.

An error message seen when trying to submit the census.Credit: Liam Phillips

"It [raises] the question of what DDoS mitigation they had in place. Because it clearly didn't work."

Put simply, a DDoS uses a web of computers or other devices to send a large number of requests to a target site or service in an attempt to overwhelm it. It is best referred to as an "attack" rather than a "hack" as it doesn't require the attackers to breach the service in any way.

There are no confidentiality issues with a DDoS attack, Hunt said.

If this was just about any other big cloud-based system its managers would have been able just to keep adding servers to absorb the traffic and allow normal operation. Instead the ABS took the system offline.

Australian Bureau of Statistics chief statistician David Kalisch.

Australian Bureau of Statistics chief statistician David Kalisch.Credit: Rohan Thomson

As the system became unstable and people were unable to submit their responses or access the site at all, there was "a groundswell of people becoming upset. [The ABS] must have really got to the end of their tether to say 'Let's just pull the plug,' " Hunt said.

"But that begs the question: what is their underlying architecture? It feels like they didn't architect the system with the expectation of this kind of attack, which is odd because this is exactly the kind of thing you would expect."

Cyber security adviser Troy Hunt.

Cyber security adviser Troy Hunt.

Hunt also stressed that a DDoS was a very different kind of attack from one that can extract data, and said that the ABS alluding to the attack being some kind of highly complex and possibly state-sponsored assault "doesn't do them any favours".

"Obviously everyone was worried about privacy and the safety of their data, and now they're sort of running around saying, 'This is our worst fears, this is what we were worried about.' It's not", said Hunt.

"This is the internet. This happens all day every day. This is normal. If I was one of the people who had filled in the form earlier in the day ... I wouldn't be at all worried that my data had been accessed."

A DDoS attack is sometimes used as a misdirection to distract site managers and mask an attempt to steal data, and if that was the case the ABS might not even know about it until after a forensic investigation.

But Hunt said he "really highly doubts" the involvement of anyone outside Australia.

"Many times it's literally just children mounting these attacks," he said.

It can be done with a relatively simple set-up or one can pay "a very small amount of money" to have someone pull it off on one's behalf.

The attacks are routinely targeted at public services in retaliation for fairly small perceived slights. Gaming systems are constantly under pressure, for example, and Nissan was recently hit with a large DDoS because of perceived connections to Japanese whaling.

In the case of the census, Hunt says the negative attention around privacy and surveillance ahead of the night was more than enough to indicate a DDoS was likely.

The ABS and its contractor IBM, which designed the online census system, were initially accused of being ill-prepared when the ABS said online that its system had been stress-tested to accept 1 million submissions an hour, and that was twice the capacity it thought was needed.

That the bureau expected 500,000 submissions an hour seemed to indicate it thought Australians would spread their submissions evenly across the day, when logic might indicate the bulk of them would do it after dinner.

Some online have speculated that the claims of a DDoS attack are merely cover for the fact that the ABS was unprepared for so many Australians to use the service at once. Some have even pointed to supposed evidence to that effect:

However, Hunt said a simple DDoS was still the most likely scenario, despite maps such as that above.

"Maps like that one ... are always very vague reflections of actual traffic," Hunt said, adding that he would not necessarily expect to see a huge spike, especially if the target site was ill-prepared and went down easily.

He said it was up to the ABS to disclose details about the attacks to give a fuller picture.


"How big were the attacks and were they big enough to take down a well prepared site? A small one may not show on typical DDoS maps [but would take down an ill-prepared site]", he said.

"And regardless of how well prepared they were, a big enough one would still take them down."

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