

This was published 13 years ago

News apologises for website virus after hack attack

By Chris Zappone

Readers of Melbourne’s Herald Sun website may have been exposed to a virus, the News Limited tabloid’s website said this week, in another embarrassment for the media company.

"The Herald Sun wishes to apologise to any readers who may have been affected by a virus that appeared for a short time on,’’ the newspaper said in a note posted to its website. ‘‘The offending virus and files were quickly removed and the site is operating as normal."

The Herald Sun warned readers that their computers could only be infected "if you clicked ‘allow’ to a software download in a pop-up window from bogus sites’’.

Herald & Weekly Times digital operations and business strategy director Peter Clark blamed a hacking attack for the virus.

"The Herald & Weekly Times, publishers of, can confirm that we did have a hacking attack on the Herald Sun website on Monday July 11," he said. "The attack attached malware on some files on the site."

"We have since addressed the issue, but we are not in a position to release any further details on the basis that it may provide information for further attacks," said Mr Clark.

The trouble for the newspaper come as shares in parent company News Ltd skidded on continuing worries about the fallout from the phone hacking scandal in the United Kingdom. Revelations about the extent of the problem at the global media company’s UK operations have electrified the public - both locally and overseas - unleashing a firestorm of criticism as well as multiple investigations in the UK.

James Turner at Sydney-based IT advisory services company IBRS said organisations, like the Herald Sun, "should be talking to their web hosting provider about what measures are in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening".

"It's embarrassing for any organisation to have its website passing off malware to customers," said Mr Turner. "We're still in the Wild West days of the Internet and so many organisations are taking the cheaper path, purely because they don't understand the value in IT security."

Malware, similar to a virus, is a program that infects a host computer, compromising the user’s privacy, or hijacking its normal operation.


The Herald Sun recommended users who believed their computer had been infected should run a full anti-virus scan.

Chris Gatford director of security consultancy Sydney-based HackLabs said, the majority of users were more likely to be caught by malware.

That’s because less savvy web suffers often run older operating systems on their computers and web browser that might lack crucial security patches.

Malware can alert people to fake anti-virus software, which it says is needed to “clean” the victim’s computer, he said.

“However, after taking money, it does nothing and sits in the background (of your computers system).”

Malware could also add making a PC user an unwitting accomplice to a botnet, or a network of computers that illegally shares media files or mounts attacks on other websites, he said.

Other malware programs try to ferret out a computer users banking details.

- with Asher Moses

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