

This was published 9 years ago

Rage against the machine – before it's too late

With autonomous robots on the horizon, Laura Demasi argues that the practice of cognitive outsourcing to machines is already part of modern life.

By Laura Demasi

The inevitability of science fiction becoming "science reality" has been put front and centre of the public agenda this week by Stephen Hawking, who has warned against a future of artificial intelligence gone mad. Quite literally.

In an open letter presented at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Buenos Aries, signed by 1000 of the world's leading scientists, academics and technologists, including Elon Musk, Hawking cautioned governments against a future where militaries outsource dangerous combat to "autonomous robots" that will likely – and here's the scary bit – be "beyond meaningful human control".

Are we outsourcing too much of our thinking to robots?

Are we outsourcing too much of our thinking to robots?

While the thought of heavily armed, autonomous robots – Terminator-style – waging war against each other and possibly us – is truly and utterly horrifying, this picture of the future stirs up a raft of broader issues around artificial intelligence and its role in our lives.

What's interesting is just how much of the discussion about artificial intelligence is about the future (and a dystopian one at that) when, in reality, so many facets of our lives already rely on AI, albeit in a less threatening, much more benign way.

"Cognitive outsourcing" (when we use things outside our own brains to "think" and process information for us) to computers and AI is already part of modern life. Forget autonomous robots armed to the back teeth on the battle field. What about Google, which is surely the world's greatest and most influential piece of artificial intelligence? When you Google "what's causing the ache in my right knee", what you're really doing is outsourcing the cognitive load of finding that information to one of the finest, most complex pieces of mass artificial intelligence the world has ever seen. When you use Google Maps to navigate your way to your kid's soccer match on the other side of town, you're outsourcing the cognitive load.

The impact of all of this cognitive outsourcing is a pet passion for many scholars of the internet. Chief among them is Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to our brains. Carr's book begins by pondering "as we enjoy the Net's bounties, are we sacrificing our ability to read and think deeply?" He then launches into an historical exploration of how all major media technologies, however rudimentary, have impacted on our cognition from the alphabet to maps, to the printing press, the clock and the computer. Relying on technology to "think" for us is not new.

But the internet is an entirely different beast, Carr argues. Drawing on the work of neuroscientists, Carr argues that the use of the internet can literally change our brains, rerouting neural pathways and impairing our ability to focus deeply, like we do when reading a book. Instead, he says, the Internet "encourages the rapid, distracted sampling of small bits of information from many sources", which does little to foster deep, creative thinking.

So, according to Carr, all of this cognitive outsourcing is making us, well, kind of stupid. But will it make us and the world dangerous, as per Hawking's chilling vision of the future? While Googling your symptoms and online shopping are a world away from autonomous robots, the practice of outsourcing our thinking and processing of information to computers and machines is well and truly entrenched. The question is, will we continue to hurtle along this path that could lead, as Hawking warns, to a situation where we outsource too much of our thinking and the machines become smarter and more capable than us?

Laura Demasi is a social researcher and director at global research firm Ipsos.

Follow her on Twitter at LauraD_Ipsos.

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