

This was published 9 years ago

'Generation Free': How teens have no concept of paying for content online

By Laura Demasi

Forget generation Z – today's youngsters are generation "free" when it comes to how they consumer music and TV content.

"Everyone knows these days you don't buy anything," says research participant 16-year-old Harry*, explaining how he obtains music and TV content.

Trying to get today's generation to pay for anything – including 5 Seconds of Summer's music – is a hard ask.

Trying to get today's generation to pay for anything – including 5 Seconds of Summer's music – is a hard ask.Credit: Christopher Pearce

"We just search and search for ways to get stuff, everyone knows there's a way of getting around it [paying]" adds his mate, Marty, a huge sporting fan who spends much his time seeking out sites that offer free streaming of sporting games. "You just do your research to find the best websites, so you can watch free online."

What about music, I ask? "Oh, we just go on YouTube and convert the videos to MP3s, and then we can store it on our phones. You can play the songs whenever you want. You don't need Wi-Fi."

When asked if these practices are "legal", a look of genuine confusion reigns. "Umm. Yeah. I think," says Harry, while Marty is less certain. "I don't really know what's 'legal'. It's hard to tell," shrugging his shoulders.

Welcome to Generation Free. After growing up in a world defined by Google – and the instantaneous access to a world of information and content it has afforded – are a group of people afflicted with a kind of blurred vision when it comes to who owns what online and what should or should not be paid for.

They really can't tell the difference between legitimate means of obtaining digital content and morally dubious practices like converting YouTube videos to MP3 audio files and outright pirating. Or at least they don't care. To them, it's just all "free". Everything online is, right? That's how it's always been. The question of legitimacy isn't even on the radar.

"I used to use iTube," says another teen research participant, describing how she has built up her music collection for free by converting YouTube videos into MP3s – as did Harry and sundry other teens. "That app got deleted though, like it just disappeared. I don't why. So now I use PlayTube."

When it comes to TV content, Katie and her friends don't bother with live-to-air. Instead, they scour the internet for free streaming services. "I've been watching Jane the Virgin on Project Free TV," says Katie. "It's great. Only problem is that you can get viruses from sites like that but I haven't had one yet," she adds.


Sobering, huh? But before you go off despairing at the loose morality of the next generation, consider this: from what I've seen, there's no devious undertone to their behaviour, nor a sense of entitlement or greed. It's just the way it is. Expecting them to pay for content is like expecting them to pay for food out of the fridge at home. Why would they, when it's just sitting, paid for by someone else (mum and dad), waiting to be eaten?

And you really can't blame them. Many of today's teens were weaned on pirated content as children, with parents or older siblings pirating music or TV and movies for them. "My step-dad used to torrent for me and I taught myself," says 15-year-old Hayley. Sixteen-year-old Joe tells me that his 21-year-old sister has pirated music via torrents for him since he was in primary school.

To them, it's completely normal and mainstream behaviour, like using a tape recorder to make "mixed tapes" as I and many other teens did when I was a kid in the '80s and '90s. Did it ever cross my mind that what we were doing was an infringement of copyright? Nup. Not even a little bit. The technology was there, so we used it.

And so too are today's teens, though admittedly the "technology" is light years away from the Sony tape deck of 1990. So you can understand why today's teens will happily convert the latest hit from 5 Seconds of Summer to an MP3 and store it on their iPhones without a second's hesitation. It can't be so bad, right? Is it even bad at all, they wonder?

"It's just what you do," says Hayley. "We've always done it like that."

* Pseudonyms have been used to protect the privacy of research participants

Laura Demasi is a social researcher and director at global research firm Ipsos.

Follow her on Twitter at LauraD_Ipsos.

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