

This was published 8 years ago

NBN trials faster FttDP but Malcolm Turnbull won't kill FttN

By Adam Turner

It boosts broadband speeds, cuts installation costs and reduces rollout times, but it's wishful thinking to hope that the NBN will fully embrace fibre-to-the-distribution-point (FttDP).

A grilling from Labor senator Stephen Conroy at last week's fiery Senate hearing saw NBN chief Bill Morrow go into more detail on the NBN's FttDP tests — basically designed to bring fibre to your driveway. There was also talk of easier-to-deploy "skinny fibre" making it viable to roll out more fibre.

NBN CEO BIll Morrow.

NBN CEO BIll Morrow.Credit: Adam Hollingworth

Two days later Mr Morrow announced details of a small FttDP trial, with the potential for a wider rollout next year, but it's far too soon to predict the demise of slower fibre-to-the-node (FttN) technology.

The three-month FttDP trial, starting in April, will incorporate 30 homes across the country - all belonging to NBN employees. Whereas FttN runs fibre from your telephone exchange to within a few blocks of your home, FttDP extends the fibre to the pit in your street. It only relies on VDSL over the copper phone lines to cover the last few metres into a home.

As a result FttDP is typically faster and more reliable than FttN, easily offering the top-tier 100/40 Mbps speeds promised on the fibre-to-the-premises (FttP) network.

Top speeds depend on the bottom line

FttDP sounds like a pretty good compromise between FttN and running fibre right into your home with an FttP connection. It's cheaper and faster to deploy than FttP because the installers don't need to run fibre from the footpath into your home, they just connect it to your phone line out in the street. The trouble is that FttDP is typically $400 more expensive per home to deploy than FttN.

You might think it's $400 well-spent in order to get fibre closer to your doorstep, but Mr Morrow is adamant that the rollout must stick to the government's "sooner, cheaper" edict.

Mr Morrow's hands are tied - should the NBN embrace FttDP it can only deploy it where it's the most economic option. The same goes for hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC )suburbs, with Mr Morrow confirming that the NBN plans to rollout FttN within the HFC footprint where it's more economical than extending the HFC network.


Power play

When you crunch the numbers FttDP might seem like a non-starter, but it does offer one key advantage. An FttDP box in your street draws its power from your house, up to 200 metres away, rather than relying on the electricity grid. This will make FttDP a practical choice for some regional and metropolitan fringe deployments where it is prohibitively expensive to run power to a nearby node and there aren't enough homes in the area to justify a fixed-wireless tower.

"It's important for us to have as many tools in our kit bag as possible to get the job done," said Mr Morrow on Thursday while announcing the FttDP trial during a media tour of the NBN rollout in Brisbane.

Fibre-to-the-distribution-point is a great tool to help us reach those places where our other options just don't stack up, but it's not designed to push aside fibre-to-the-node

NBN CEO Bill Morrow

"Fibre-to-the-distribution-point is a great tool to help us reach those places where our other options just don't stack up, but it's not designed to push aside fibre-to-the-node," he says.

"Malcolm [Turnbull] has never told me or any of our team anything other than to do it the fastest, most economical way."

At this point Mr Morrow only expects FttDP to serve about 300,000 premises across the country, and only where it's cheaper to deploy than FttN. It's not viewed as a wide-scale replacement - it can't be unless NBN manages to shave $400 off the cost of an installation FttDP, or unless the government rethinks its "sooner, cheaper" mantra.

After sticking to his guns for so long, it's very unlikely that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will grant the NBN the freedom to favour FttDP over FttN even as an election sweetener.

The 2016 NBN Corporate Plan has 38 per cent of premises earmarked for fibre-to-the-node or to the basement, which is roughly 4.5 million homes. Even if it makes economic sense to connect 300,000 homes via FttDP, connecting the others - at an extra $400 each - would cost an extra $1.6 billion and slow down the rollout.

Fans of an all-fibre network are quick to jump on any hope that the NBN might turn its back on slower technologies, but Mr Turnbull isn't going to back-down on "sooner, cheaper" even with an election looming. The improving economics of FttDP and skinny fibre might add a little more fibre in the mix, but hopes that the government will let the NBN completely abandon fibre-to-the-node are little more than a pipe dream.

The author travelled to Brisbane as a guest of NBN.

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