

This was published 9 years ago

Don’t blame Facebook – the narcissists have always been there

Laura Demasi looks at the me-media world and asks the questions worth pondering over.

By Laura Demasi

Poor Mark Zuckerberg. The guy and his creation have become the go-to perpetrators for many of society's ills.

"Facebook has turned our lives into products to be sold to advertisers." "Facebook makes us depressed about our own mundane lives." And my favourite and probably the most prolific – "Facebook has spawned a generation of raging narcissists."

Is Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg responsible for a perceived rise in narcissism?

Is Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg responsible for a perceived rise in narcissism?Credit: Bloomberg

Indeed, Facebook and Instagram (owned by Facebook) are rife with those who approach social media like seasoned marketing and advertising executives, presenting carefully curated and highly idealised images of themselves and their lives. An endless stream of selfies, placed firmly at the centre of their own me-media world.

But – and it's a big but, did Facebook actually cause these people to become narcissists? Has Facebook really moulded the psyche of an entire generation? Are there really more narcissists roaming the earth now because of Facebook and Instagram? Are all young people – so called millennials and digital natives – narcissistic by default now because they've come of age with social media as part of their daily lives?

According to almost any media commentary you read about the subject the answer is "god yes", "oh, definitely" and "absolutely" to all of the above. The idea that social media has created a generation of narcissists has gone well and truly mainstream.

Even the punters seem to think so. Everyday people in our research use the N word all the time when they talk about life online and social media, often accompanied by a clicking of the tongue and shaking of the head, followed by some kind of comment despairing about the future of society.

American psychologist Jean M. Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, popularised the idea that today's young people (in the United States as least) are more narcissistic than previous generations in her 2009 book The Narcissism Epidemic.

The idea that the world is exploding with narcissists has become so popular, is has been accepted without question by the mainstream despite the fact that the view is hotly contested within the world of psychology and Twenge herself has many critics amongst her peers.

The truth is that nobody really knows if there are more narcissists out there in 2015 than there were five, 10 or 30 years ago. For every expert that says 'yes, the place is crawling with them!' there's another who says, 'no, it's a load of rubbish, your data is inherently flawed!'


And more importantly, we still don't know whether social media usage really does turn people into narcissists, despite increasing numbers of studies into the correlation between social media and narcissistic tendencies.

Does spending four hours a day on Facebook turn you into a narcissist, ramping up your sense of superiority, while dialling down your capacity for empathy? Or do those who already have narcissistic tendencies simply seek out social media because it allows them to express their self-obsession reflexively, seamlessly and at maximum volume?

Here's a controversial idea: what if there's not a single additional narcissist in the world – what if they were always there and we just couldn't see and hear them en mass before? What if, in the old days their boasting and prancing was confined to their long-suffering families, workmates and three or four of their buddies at the pub on Friday nights, instead of 334 friends they annoy on Facebook daily?

What if Facebook really had no impact whatsoever on the kinds of people we are right now? What if social media did nothing more than hold a mirror up to the full range of personality types and human behaviours (disordered and normal, fantastic and hideous) that were there all long, well before the world's first selfie was posted on Facebook?

We'd have no one to blame, except ourselves. And Mark Zuckerberg's PR people would have one less thing to worry about.

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