

This was published 4 months ago

The running debate on doping that’s lasted four decades

By Darren Kane

In 1977, East German sprinter and 400m runner Marita Koch-Meier (nee Koch) started her ascent towards an athletic immortality, of sorts. That year, Koch broke her first indoor world record. In 1978, she set a world mark in the outdoor 400m, stopping the clock in 49.19 seconds.

In Moscow in 1980, Koch wore Olympic gold after the same event. Between 1978 and 1982, she lowered the 400m world record half a dozen times. And in October 1985, at Canberra’s Bruce Stadium (as it was then known), Koch raced at an athletics World Cup event.

That day, she ran 47.60 seconds in the 400m, breaking the world record for the seventh and final time. The time still stands unchallenged. In the intervening 39 years, no woman has completed a single lap of an athletics track faster than Koch did in the northern outskirts of Canberra.

Four decades is an inordinate period for a world record to remain untouched. Advancements in sports science and athletic excellence makes it a near certainty someone will break it. Yet Koch is not a unicorn. Florence Griffith-Joyner’s world records in the 100m and 200m track events have remained on World Athletics’ books since 1988.

The American arrived at the Seoul Olympics in 1988 so physically transformed and ripped from just months before that Ben Johnson – of all people – baulked at her appearance. Yet Flo-Jo never failed a doping control test throughout her athletics career. Nor did Koch.

For 40 years, Koch has absolutely denied she’s just another manifestation of the East German doping machine. She is steadfast, even when confronted with the release of comprehensive Stasi secret police records, apparently chronicling the intricacies of how East Germany systemically doped Koch.

Credit: Simon Letch

Which leaves you to ask whether there’s a truth at the core of this? Or could it be that the Olympic record books of the 1970s and ’80s are basically just a work of fiction?

The International Olympic Committee’s initial anti-doping provisions were introduced in the late 1960s, although it wasn’t until the 1976 Games in Montreal that athletes’ samples were screened – sometimes, at least – for steroids.


It’s a fact that no athlete representing East Germany failed a doping test at an Olympics, before the crumble of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent German reunification.

It’s also correct to say the rules governing doping at the 1976 and 1980 Olympics were strict, on paper.

Article 27A of the Olympic Charter, in force in 1976, makes it plain that “doping is forbidden”. As basic as the anti-doping rules were – in their entirety, filling less than a page of the charter’s text – there is clarity in the statement at article 27C that “any Olympic competitor … found guilty of doping shall be eliminated”.

Article 27E then establishes a mechanism for Olympic medals to be withdrawn by order of the International Olympic Committee’s executive board, on proposals put forward by the IOC’s medical commission. The iteration of the charter in force in Moscow four years later isn’t different in any material sense.

Pausing there, it isn’t as if the IOC didn’t have a rules framework to work within during the late ’70s and ’80s. It did – the IOC outlawed “doping”. From the 1976 Games, it also prohibited anabolic steroids and implemented mechanisms to test for them.

Instead, the issue is more one of evidence. Because, to reiterate, no East German athlete failed a Games doping test.

We should be cautious; you must exert restraint to look at things that happened more than four decades ago through a 2024 lens. There’s an important question about whether “doping”, by the definition given to the term at the time, even occurred among the East German Olympians of 1976 and 1980, if none of them glowed orange under the testers’ spotlight.

Marita Koch setting a world record in Canberra in 1985.

Marita Koch setting a world record in Canberra in 1985.Credit: Kenneth Stevens

But what is known, following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the discovery of Stasi records concerning the state-run doping regime, is that the East Germans were meticulous and “clever” in the most sinister application of the word.

The criminal prosecutions of a conga line of doctors and Stasi officials throughout the 1990s and early 2000s tied together an irresistible corpus of evidence, that could demonstrate to the comfortable satisfaction of any tribunal that, at the macro level, mass drugging of athletes took place for nigh on two decades.

It’s recorded in detail in the Stasi archives that the state designed the centralised strategy. Hiding behind the Iron Curtain, 10,000 or more children and young people – the majority young girls – had inflicted on them the most macabre and dehumanising medical experimentation.

Meticulous records were kept of dosages, athletic results, and in-house doping analysis to determine whether the administered substances could be detected in an athlete’s system.

So organised was the East German conveyor belt of athletes that they would prepare five or more competitors for events, then taper their doping regimes to end at different times. If in-house testing indicated a particular swimmer would fail a test, they would be substituted for the next athlete, who had stopped swallowing the little pink tablets a day or two earlier.

To reiterate, the entire scheme wasn’t designed to transform young people so they could swim faster for their own benefit but for them to attain international acclaim for the prowess of East Germany.

With a population of about 17 million (for perspective, Australia’s population in 1981 was 15 million, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics), East Germany came third on the medal table at the 1972 Summer Olympics, and second at the 1976, 1980 and 1988 Games, having boycotted the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. This was all substantially – if not singularly – because of doping.

Buried in the Stasi documents is the statute passed in 1974 by the East German government legislating that the administration of doping substances should be an integral part of preparation for major international sporting competitions; that the state’s “Sportmedizinischer Dienst”, or sports medical service, should centrally control all drug distribution and documentation; that doctors and sports coaches be indoctrinated; and that all this must occur in absolute secrecy.


It’s obscene that we now know all of this went on over the east side of the wall, yet we’re still talking about how to recognise that fact and offer appropriate redress more than four decades later.

Inevitably, it must be a matter of spectacular angst and shame to the Olympic Movement that its annals are stained by the “achievements” of East German Olympians. For athletes from Australia, the UK and elsewhere – they must question why they bothered to compete?

For the East Germans with Olympic medals taking up space in their sock drawers, you can only wonder how the burden of guilt has dominated their lives since.

In a fortnight, I’ll detail some of the reasons that dictate why this Gordian knot has remained tied so long. And how it could be unpicked.

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