

This was published 5 months ago

The mystery of baseball’s billion-dollar man, his interpreter and the betting scandal that rocked US sport

By Vince Rugari

Just a few months after he signed the biggest contract in American sporting history, Shohei Ohtani has found himself in the middle of one of baseball’s biggest scandals.

The Los Angeles Dodgers superstar is being investigated by Major League Baseball and law enforcement authorities over a $US4.5 million ($6.9 million) payment from his bank account to an illegal bookmaking operation.

Shohei Ohtani and his interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara.

Shohei Ohtani and his interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara.Credit: Getty

Ohtani says he knew nothing about it, and is pinning the blame on his long-time interpreter. But his story’s changed a couple of times. And that’s been blamed on the interpreter, too.

This whole thing is confusing and murky – so let’s try to make some sense of it.

Wait, wait – who is Shohei Ohtani?

You should know by now, but if you don’t, Ohtani is the biggest outlier in baseball since Babe Ruth. A bit like cricket, baseball players can either pitch or bat – but never both. Ohtani can do both exceptionally well, making him a sporting unicorn. Since moving from Japan to the Los Angeles Angels in 2018, he’s become an American fascination, a living legend of their ‘national pastime’, and the face of the entire sport globally.

Shohei Ohtani fronts a massive pack of reporters after he was unveiled by the Angels in 2017.

Shohei Ohtani fronts a massive pack of reporters after he was unveiled by the Angels in 2017.Credit: Getty

In December, he moved across town to the Dodgers, signing a 10-year, $US700 million contract – the biggest single deal signed by any athlete anywhere, structured in such a way that $68 million per year will be deferred until the contract is finished, and will be paid to him from 2034 onwards. The idea was that the Dodgers could continue to spend big on other star players to help the team. What a guy.

It’s worth noting here, too, that he’s an intensely private character, and doesn’t speak English.


So he’s been gambling away all of his millions?

Not quite. This all started last week, when the Dodgers fired Ippei Mizuhara, Ohtani’s minder, fixer, interpreter and close friend who had worked with him since he arrived in the US, and was almost always by his side. His sacking was a reaction to inquiries from the Los Angeles Times, who learned through their sources that Ohtani’s name had come up in an IRS investigation into Mathew Bowyer, a Californian resident who has allegedly been running an illegal bookmaking operation.

Shohei Ohtani is the face of baseball.

Shohei Ohtani is the face of baseball.Credit: Getty

When all of this came to light, Mizuhara was interpreting for Ohtani while the Dodgers were in Seoul for a two-game series to open the new MLB season. Ohtani’s lawyers said he had been the victim of a “massive theft” and were alerting the authorities. Other reports detailed that $US4.5 million had been wired from Ohtani’s bank account to Bowyer. According to MLB rules, if a baseballer bets on a baseball game they’re not involved in, they could be banned for a year. If it’s a game they are involved in, it’s a lifetime ban. And if it’s an illegal bet on another sport, the MLB commissioner gets to set the penalty based on the facts of the case.

So, pardon the pun, but the stakes here are pretty high.

Isn’t gambling on sport legal in America now?

Yes, and that’s why the NRL went to Las Vegas: to try and carve out a slice of that sweet, sweet wagering dollar, which has been growing ever since a 2018 Supreme Court decision effectively gave the green light to the industry. But it’s not legal everywhere. As of this year, 37 states have legalised some form of sports betting, along with Washington, DC and Puerto Rico. California is one of the holdout states, where it’s still against the law, as unfathomable as that sounds from an Australian perspective. And thus, some bookmakers like Bowyer (allegedly) continue to operate in the shadows. American sporting bodies like MLB are still coming to terms with the integrity implications of legalised gambling and how to operate in this brave new world.

A reporter records audio from a TV at Dodger Stadium showing Shohei Ohtani’s press conference on Monday.

A reporter records audio from a TV at Dodger Stadium showing Shohei Ohtani’s press conference on Monday.Credit: Getty

What does Ohtani have to say for himself?

This is where it starts to get a bit confusing. It’s been difficult to keep track of Ohtani’s version(s) of events, hence the raised suspicions – although, in his defence, most of them were not offered by him personally, and it’s now obvious that the language barrier was a factor here, along with alleged skulduggery by Mizuhara.

First, a spokesperson for Ohtani told ESPN that he was covering Mizuhara’s personal debts, and even offered Mizuhara who spoke to them for 90 minutes and “laid out his account in great detail”. Then the spokesperson withdrew that explanation, saying Ohtani had no idea about Mizuhara’s debts and didn’t personally transfer the money, and that Mizuhara was lying, at which point Ohtani’s lawyers released their statement, referenced above. Mizuhara confessed and was then fired.


Which raised two questions: firstly, who did the transfer? And secondly, at what point does someone get wealthy enough not to notice $4.5 million disappearing from their bank account?

Ohtani finally spoke for himself – via a new interpreter – on Monday. He read from a prepared statement for 11 minutes, denying that he had ever bet on baseball, any other sports, or asked anyone to do so on his behalf.

He said Mizuhara stole the money from his account, didn’t tell Ohtani that reporters were beginning to ask questions about the funds transfer, and falsely informed one of Ohtani’s representatives that he had paid off his debts. “All of this has been a complete lie,” Ohtani said. He did not take questions, and said he would leave the matter in the hands of his lawyers.

And that’s where we stand.

What happens next?

Good question. Investigations are continuing, and it could be months before any new information is revealed publicly. Ohtani is focusing on his baseball. Mizuhara hasn’t been arrested or charged with anything yet, and reportedly didn’t return to the US from Seoul; nobody knows where he is.

“This is one of the most confusing, confounding, surprising stories that I’ve ever covered in 45 years of covering baseball. And we got a little bit more clarity on it today [in his press conference], but I’ve never seen a story switch as big as it did from one day to the next, between the interpreter and Shohei,” long-time baseball writer Tim Kurkjian said on ESPN’s SportsCenter. “We have to decide – are we going to believe him? I’m going to believe him based on what I saw today, but we still have a lot more information to come out. We still have a lot more questions to be asked.”

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