

This was published 1 year ago


The Enhanced Games will be many things, but they won’t be sport

When I was a kid, I had a fixation with The Six Million Dollar Man and an obsession with sport.

Something never sat square with me though: why weren’t there any Steve Austin-like bionic people behind the blocks at the Los Angeles Olympics, primed to explode in competition?

The opening ceremony in 1984 kicked off with trumpeters heralding the arrival of a man strapped to a jetpack. Quite the juxtaposition, really: of the 7000 athletes who competed over the following two weeks, none had gone full-bionic. Doping – that was going on though, largely unchecked.

Wasn’t it obvious that a couple of bionic legs would offer substantial assistance in an athlete’s mission to decimate all opponents?

Absurd? Absolutely. No less risible though, than the concept of the Enhanced Games. Where apparently, nobody will say no to anything.

The promoters of the proposed Enhanced Games – including a collection of Zegna-suited venture capitalists with impossibly white teeth – launch into an attack upon the Olympic movement on multiple fronts to argue for a need for elite, international-standard athletic competition where doping isn’t just allowed, but promoted as embodying the pursuit of excellence.

Enhanced Games president Aron D’Souza.

Enhanced Games president Aron D’Souza.

None of these arguments, however convenient and forcefully put, make a terrible amount of sense.

They believe the Olympic movement is a dreadfully corrupt artifice which forces Olympians to scratch out an existence in poverty-driven squalor and incur insurmountable debt, whereas participants in the Enhanced Games will be paid handsome base salaries and compete for “prize winnings ... larger than any other comparable event in history”.


And the “anti-science dogma” of the International Olympic Committee and the most prominent professional sports leagues should be replaced by systems of supervised medical performance enhancement. Because, apparently, “science is real and has an important place in supporting human flourishing”, where the Enhanced Games intends to serve as a “celebration of the union of athletic excellence and scientific achievement”.

And because “the Enhanced Movement believes in the medical and scientific process of elevating humanity to its full potential, through a community of committed athletes”, whereas the IOC has “weaponised the athletic community against science”.

We must be serious and real here. It’s as complicated as a one-piece jigsaw puzzle to state that the Enhanced Games are a dangerous, iniquitous concept.

Yes, the history of the Olympic movement is packed with examples of those who’ve mastered the art of having their snouts in multiple golden troughs all at once.

And yes, the IOC has a dreadful history when it comes to matters of corruption and double-dealing. But would you trust the Enhanced Games to do any better? To run an ethical, fair and clean show?


If you accept the essential premise of these dystopian “Alternate Olympics” – that performance-enhancing substances should be de rigueur and required in order to compete at all – you must also accept the proposition that there’s no issue with young athletes being exposed to sanctioned “enhancement” initiatives, even though it has never once worked out well for any young athlete so indoctrinated.

Could you countenance a day when your 14-year-old up-and-coming shot putter, on the cusp of sporting notoriety, is put on a regime of performance-enhancing drugs? The book Faust’s Gold documents the manifest evil inflicted on thousands of athletes by the East German doping machine. Athletes who were outwitted, lied to and used as lab rats for political purposes.

Athletes who in many instances took Olympic gold back to East Berlin – East German athletes “won” 107 Olympic titles between 1972 and 1980 – only to later succumb to terrible disease, organ damage and cancers, all caused directly by doping.

Where is the threshold of distinction between a state-sponsored doping program overseen by the Stasi and this nascent concept promoted as the Enhanced Games?

Its organisers propose releasing “further details” about their event soon. But noting the first Games have been slated to take place in 2025, well, that’s not long down the road. The doping must start now, for it to work. But with what substances? What doctors? What safety guardrails? Or is this a Wild West, catch-and-kill-your-own scenario?

Doping isn’t a recent phenomenon. The Ancient Greeks were into grinding up the rear hooves of the Abyssinian ass, and boiling the powder in oil. In the late 1800s, athletes in an array of sports started using strychnine – the active ingredient of rat poison – because of its convulsant effects and consequent performance enhancement. A century ago, whole clubs in European football were hooked on cocaine.

What is far newer is the adoption of rules and methods to combat and govern doping. For the Olympic movement, those rules were first enacted in the 1960s; the first person to fail a test, in 1968, glowed orange for alcohol, of all things.

Sports outlaw doping for logical reasons. First, the laws of many countries regulate the prescription, possession and administration of many classes of substances which are banned in sport. Anabolic steroids are the perfect example, easily understood by most.

It’s decidedly unclear how the Enhanced Games backers apprehend athletes that might embark on a criminal enterprise to juice up. Moreover, in countries including Spain, France and Italy, using and trafficking substances prohibited in sport is a criminal offence. Many offenders have been locked up.


Presumably, the Enhanced Games people will offer a safe haven for athletes and doctors from these countries, to dope without the prospect of going to jail.

No doubt that safe haven will also be a place where athletes can go if they hail from countries too undeveloped to permit access to doping.

Second, the improper administration of certain substances, including those which are illegal to possess for no valid reason, can contribute to or cause permanent injury and disability, or worse. Athletes have died on the quest to achieve pharmacological superiority. Often, they’re hoodwinked by shady doctors and other nefarious types, who pretend to care for the welfare of athletes.

The nebulous material published so far by the Enhanced Games organisers seeks to debunk selected “myths” associated with anabolic steroids, but that’s about it. The Prohibited List that references to the World Anti-Doping Code classifies thousands of prohibited substances into ten or more categories. It’s unclear whether the Enhanced Games organisers have given thought to anything besides steroids.

Third, if the outcome of sporting competition is permitted to be influenced by, or determined by which athletes have the access to the best doctors and chemists, sport ceases to be sport in its essential sense; it becomes a kind of travelling circus.

Athletes can’t be designed, constructed and endlessly fiddled with like a Formula 1 car. The concept of an “Alternate Games”, is nothing other than an obscenity.

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