

This was published 2 years ago


Novak Djokovic’s chances are slim, but anything can happen in court

By Joe McIntyre and Sangeetha Pillai

We may be seeing the birth of Australia’s latest spectator sport as Novak Djokovic fights to challenge the cancellation of his visa through the Australian courts.

More than 58,000 tuned in to stream the hastily called directions hearing on Friday night in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia, dwarfing the 14,800 that will squeeze into Rod Laver Area to watch the final of the Australian Open. We can expect the world’s media will be watching Sunday’s proceedings. This time in the Federal Court.

Novak Djokovic is up against a minister with very broad powers.

Novak Djokovic is up against a minister with very broad powers.Credit: AP

Unfortunately for Djokovic, his prospects of success are probably quite slim. Certainly, his legal team are in a much tighter corner than they were on Monday when they were able to quash the Australian government’s first attempt to cancel the world No. 1’s visa. The question the Federal Court will need to decide is not whether the visa should have been cancelled – whether that decision was right or preferable – but only whether Immigration Minister Alex Hawke made the decision within the power given to him. This is a high bar to reach because Hawke’s power is very broad. However, litigation is always extraordinarily hard to predict and, once the matter lands in court, anything can happen.

The reasons for Hawke’s decision were made public on Saturday and suggest that the second cancellation was decided on very narrow grounds. Essentially, Hawke was willing to assume that Djokovic’s assertions in the first case were correct – that he had a recent infection, and that was sufficient grounds for an exemption. Nonetheless, he concluded that Djokovic’s presence in Australia posed a potential risk to the health and order of the community.

Hawke said this potential risk arose because Djokovic is perceived as a “high profile unvaccinated individual” whose mere presence in Australia may “foster anti-vaccination sentiment” in a manner that puts Australians at risk and increases pressure on the health system.

Similarly, Djokovic’s “apparent disregard” of isolation requirements, revealed through a public statement this week, which confirmed that he went ahead with a media interview even though he was COVID positive, may encourage similar disregard for those requirements by others. Finally, Hawke decided that Djokovic’s presence may threaten public order by undermining government messaging on public health measures, and potentially leading to civil unrest through the rise of anti-vaccination sentiment.

Djokovic’s lawyers have outlined that they will argue that this decision was legally “irrational”, “illogical” or “unreasonable” because it portrayed him as “a talisman of a community of anti-vaccination sentiment” without considering the impact of cancellation on that sentiment. They will argue that this means that Hawke went beyond the jurisdiction which the act gave to him. Given the broad nature of the power Hawke relied on, this will be difficult to establish.

The dramatic decision late on Friday to cancel Novak Djokovic’s visa for a second time relied upon the Minister’s personal powers granted to him under s133C(3) of the Migration Act. This so-called ‘God Power’ allows Hawke to cancel a visa if he is satisfied that a ground for cancelling it exists under s116 of the Act, and he is also satisfied that cancellation would be in the public interest.


It appears the minister spent the last week examining the many facets of the saga, and seeking further information from Djokovic and his lawyers. This was likely to be in an attempt to avoid the procedural pitfalls that befell the initial decision.

The original decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa last Thursday morning was made by a Border Force officer acting on behalf of the Minister of Home Affairs, Karen Andrews. That Border Force officer acted under s116 of the Migration Act and had different reasons to Hawke. Djokovic’s lawyers raised legitimate questions about whether this officer correctly understood the scope of s116 power, and whether he was entitled to cancel Djokovic’s visa, but these remain unanswered. This is because, in Federal Circuit Court on Monday, the Minister for Home Affairs conceded that the officer did not comply with an agreed time frame before cancelling the visa. As a result, the original visa cancellation was quashed on procedural fairness grounds.

On Sunday, Djokovic’s lawyers will have a harder case to argue. The personal powers exercised by Minister Hawke in this new move are different in a number of significant ways. First, because he made a decision under s133C(3), Hawke didn’t need to give notice of his intention to cancel Djokovic’s visa. This reduces the risk that he may have made a fatal procedural error, like the original Border Force officer did. Second, the rules of natural justice do not apply to decisions made under s133C(3). This means that while Djokovic still has the right to challenge Hawke’s decision, he can only do so on narrower grounds.


After taking a week to prepare, the minister will be hoping the decision is bulletproof. Success in the Federal Court for Djokovic remains a long shot, but in the unpredictable world of litigation it is conceivable. Tune in on Sunday for the next round.

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