

This was published 3 years ago


No full press on Osaka’s court, but hear her out

Q: So, Naomi, tell us what you think.

A: I think I shouldn’t be here at all.

Q: No, we mean, tell us what you think of your match. You know: she was a tough opponent, you respect her, you’re just glad to have this one out of the way.

A: Whatevs.

Q: Then you do the bit about how your next opponent is a great player, always gives you a good fight, can’t be taken for granted. Remember?

A: Yeah, OK. She’s all those things. Who am I playing, by the way?

Q: Finally, we ask you about your ensemble, and your bling, and that interesting tattoo, and your baby if you have one, though a niece will do.

A: What if I’m anti-kid?

Q: Well, we want to know about the real you … we guess. Do we?

A: The real me? The one that thinks the No. 1’s a sourpuss actually, and this tournament’s a bit of a joke, and by the way, how is the chairman of the major sponsor not in jail?


Q: Naomi! You can’t say that. You’ll get fined.

A: Then I might as well not be here.

Q: But you’ll be fined for that.

Naomi Osaka in action.

Naomi Osaka in action.Credit: Getty Images

Let’s face it: by opting out of media conferences at Roland Garros, Naomi Osaka has painted the tennis industry into a bit of a corner. She says too many of them are bad for her mental health. We know that resilience is an issue in her generation.

Why, is a discussion for another place. But who’s going to tell her to get over herself? I’m not. In recent years a string of footballers in this town have backed out of contractual obligations on the grounds of mental fragility, and no one pooh-poohed them.

In tennis, the post-match presser is a ritual. They’re compulsory only because otherwise no one would come. Sometimes, they’re traumatic. The shameful grilling 16-year-old Jelena Dokic got about what were really the sins of her father 20 years ago lives with her still, I’m sure.

Jelena Dokic faces media in 2000. She was 16.

Jelena Dokic faces media in 2000. She was 16. Credit: AP Photo/Ed Betz

But in a tennis presser, no one expects the Spanish inquisition and mostly no one gets it. It’s more like death by 1000 serves of tapas morsels. Mostly, they are so trite and tedious that everyone comes out looking for a therapist.

In 2011, Caroline Wozniacki artfully took the mickey out of it all, beginning one briefing with a two-minute monologue in which she gave rote answers to rote questions before they were asked, then insisted on talking about anything other than tennis. It was funny and refreshing.

Osaka’s specific problem is with media conferences after defeats. It’s one thing to debrief with your coach when you’re flat and filthy, another to repeat it immediately while peering into a half-dark room filled mostly with strangers trying to look earnest. It oppresses Osaka. It overwhelmed even 25-year, 23-title veteran Serena Williams in Melbourne earlier this year, and it was a long time before that footage stopped looping.

It’s this obligation that Osaka is buying herself out of at the French Open. No one seems to have noticed the irony that the sport has lavished her to a point where she can buy and sell it. Helpfully, she has even decided that her fines will go to charity.

Naomi Osaka at the French Open.

Naomi Osaka at the French Open.Credit: AP

I’m not going to argue that Osaka has a duty to sponsors. Their relationship with her is a business arrangement. They believe they have bought her and have the receipts to prove it.

I know I’m going out on a limb here and will get up the nose of one or two jumped-up media mini barons who live hereabouts, but I still think of sport as the pursuit of athletic excellence, not a rolling trade fair. Besides, they don’t want the real Osaka, just the nice bits, labelled.

Osaka’s principle duty to the tournament is to play it. I accept that she has some concomitant responsibility to give to fans. For a 23-year-old, she does have something to offer. She’s usually interesting and sometimes quirky. She speaks intelligently, if sometimes in her own patois, about the game and the world in general.

Last year, she won praise for amplifying the Black Lives Matter cause in the tennis enclave. It means her stance now should not be dismissed out of hand.

In an explanatory email to the French Open director, Osaka said she was not protesting the tournament or for that matter the media. She was protesting the system. It cranks along, each new generation doing what the last did. “I believe it is archaic and in need of reform,” she wrote. When the French is run and done, she wants to explore more nuanced ways.

A newspaper is the last place to argue for a narrowing of interaction between athletes and media, but Osaka seems to be arguing for more clever approach. Let’s hear her out.

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