

This was published 3 years ago

How one night in Rio lit the fire for Cody Simpson’s return to the pool

By Phil Lutton

Cody Simpson is leaving no stone unturned as he goes all in on his swimming career.

Cody Simpson is leaving no stone unturned as he goes all in on his swimming career.Credit: Paul Harris

Cody Simpson lowered himself into a seat at the swimming arena of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio and swept his gaze across the pool deck, by then a hive of activity as officials scurried back and forth and athletes hauled their muscular frames out of the water after warm-ups.

His presence that night was one of the perks of relative celebrity. The recording sensation, discovered on his native Gold Coast when he was 10 years old after posting music to Myspace and YouTube, was in Brazil as part of a brand partnership. Simpson fulfilled those commitments with easy, professional charm and turned his mind to the water.

It would be the first time Simpson had been to an Olympics but hardly the first time he had been around a competitive pool. Swimming had been part of his life since he before he could walk and after a junior career that saw him tear through age group records and titles, the Olympics was precisely where many thought he would end up.

But they were down there in the heat of battle, laying it all on the line after years of singular dedication. Simpson was watching it all unfold from a swooning cocoon of corporate hospitality. Something began to stir.

He saw names of swimmers he used to spend countless hours with slogging it out in training. And he spotted the familiar figure of coach Denis Cotterell, whose Miami pool had become a second home for Simpson until his early teens when musical success catapulted him to collaborations with Justin Bieber, a US top 10 album, relationships with Gigi Hadid and Miley Cyrus, a social media following in the millions and eventually a starring role on Broadway.

“There were multiple guys there I used to train with and compete against. I remember thinking ‘I could have been here’. That’s what it was,” Simpson says as he sips a flat white at a beachside Gold Coast cafe. “I talked to Denis at the Games. He always told me I’d swim again one day.

“Since Rio, I don’t think there was a week that went by when I didn’t think about it. That’s five years ago now. Then 2020 came and I had decided I would start training again and dedicate four years of my life to it.”


Now 24, Simpson is on the cusp of the Olympic swimming trials in June and in the midst of one of the more remarkable tales in Australian sport. To grasp why he made the seismic decision to hit pause on a life that saw him rub shoulders with Hollywood stars and music icons, you have to understand the enduring allure of the sport to which he has finally returned.

Simpson was always one of those kids who seemed to fly up and down a swimming pool with minimal effort and natural speed. The good bloodlines were helpful; his mother Angie Greenwood (1987 Pan Pacs) and father Brad (1994 Commonwealth Games) both swam for Australia.

Elite swimmers were everywhere he looked. His parents were and still are great friends with dual-Olympian Andrew Baildon, whose Superfish swimming club Simpson now represents. Grant Hackett used to live across the canal at Mermaid Waters and take him for rides on his jetski.

Swimming was always in the blood of a young Cody Simpson.

Swimming was always in the blood of a young Cody Simpson.

“I was just born into it. It seemed like an inevitable outcome in some ways. I was (one of those kids), yeah, and that’s not to sound cocky but it came pretty naturally,” Simpson says.

“Every race I did from about seven to 12, that whole period, I broke every record in those events at school and districts and whatever. Then it went through states and nationals. I started deciding I wanted to take it seriously when I was about nine and that’s when I joined a squad at Miami, where I was coached by (the late) Ken Nixon.”


At the same time as Simpson’s swimming was escalating, his other evolving passion for music was beginning to blossom. He would foster both talents equally, with a growing awareness that one would eventually have to take a back seat. At that point, he never once considered swimming would be the one to drop away.

‘My whole life plan was that I was going to swim through my 20s. I thought I’d swim, then spend the rest of my life making music.’

“They both were developing at quite an equal rate,” he said. “I knew at one point I was going to have to put one aside for the sake of improving the other. You can have multiple interests and ambitions but at some point, there has to be some proper focus and effort.

“My whole life plan was that I was going to swim through my 20s, like any swimmer would. This is when I was 13 thinking about this, before I was confronted with the kind of opportunities that I got in music. I thought I’d swim, then spend the rest of my life making music.

“Literally six months later, it was evident that was going to get flipped on its head and reversed.”

Simpson made his first trip to New York to meet with executives from Atlantic Records in 2010, before returning home to continue school and swimming, where he would train and compete against, among others, current Olympians like freestyler sprinter Cameron McEvoy.

He had no concept of how fast and far his music would take him and what kind of doors that would be flung open. How could he?


“It all still seemed so far out, what could potentially happen in that world, so I wanted to keep swimming. Then I pretty much got slapped with a record deal and the only way it was going to work is if I moved to LA,” Simpson says.

Justin Bieber presents Cody Simpson with a gong at the 2014 Young Hollywood Awards.

Justin Bieber presents Cody Simpson with a gong at the 2014 Young Hollywood Awards.Credit: Getty

“Even at that age, I knew I had to do this… how often does this happen to a kid on the other side of the globe who was posting songs on Myspace? And it went pretty fast from there.

“My parents came over (to LA) and we thought if nothing happens, then it’s at least a fun family adventure for a year. It very quickly became evident we weren’t coming back in a hurry.”

Even in the face of a relentless schedule that included recording, touring, television and radio appearances and being shuffled around the US as the face of post-Bieber pop, Simpson refused to let go of his swimming ambitions until they were squeezed out by a calendar that had no room for hours of lanes and laps.

“I was still in LA trying to find swimming clubs and thinking maybe I could do both. I was still pretty fast then and I wanted to try to keep swimming. I hadn’t come to terms with the fact I may have to give it up yet.

“Once they presented me with the kind of schedule that I’d be departing on, around the US and the world, I knew it wasn’t going to work.”


Throughout his years in the US, Simpson made any number of high-profile musical and fashion connections - he’s just fronted a campaign for Versace sunglasses - but it was someone he met on his first trip to America that he would turn to for advice before deciding to chase a distant Olympic dream.

Cody Simpson (centre) sought counsel from some greats of the pool including Grant Hackett and Michael Phelps before embarking on his unlikely Olympics push.

Cody Simpson (centre) sought counsel from some greats of the pool including Grant Hackett and Michael Phelps before embarking on his unlikely Olympics push.Credit: AP/Getty

“I was swimming in the US with my dad on that first trip, we actually drove down to Baltimore and met Michael Phelps for the first time. I trained with [coach] Bob [Bowman’s] junior group.

“I met Michael and made him sign 20 caps and we joke about it now. I met him the first time I went to the US but it all came about because of a different reason.”

Hackett, who remains close friends with Phelps, has been another source of advice and inspiration. When others near Simpson thought he was having a mid-20s crisis as he declared he wanted to take on the disciplined, painful and often solitary life of a swimmer and compete at the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024, the two swimming icons simply told him to go and get it done.

“There was never any doubt from them. There was never a point where they said ‘You’re insane. What do you mean you want to train for Paris? You haven’t swum in 10 years.’

“There was doubt from people that maybe can’t comprehend the idea that someone can do something that’s never really been done before. In my case, nobody’s really done it this way. That’s part of the attraction for me.


“But that’s how they think. A lot of other people were ‘what are you talking about?‘. Phelps, Hackett, they didn’t have a single question. They just said ‘yes, of course, do it’. For me, that was surprising and inspiring. There was never a point where they said it was too risky or too hard. But they said give it the attention it deserves, do it the right way and give it the right time.”

Simpson at last month’s national championships on the Gold Coast.

Simpson at last month’s national championships on the Gold Coast.Credit: Getty

Hackett now works in finance and did his due diligence when Simpson reached out to speak. He quizzed him on his motivations and wanted to make sure he went in knowing what to expect. Right away, Hackett knew Simpson was ready to take the dive.

“I told him if he was going to do it, do it properly. I was probing and asking and I could see right away he was serious. He didn’t want to do this because it was part of his big brand. He’s passionate and he knew he had to do the work and he might get there. He’s not kidding himself,” Hackett said.

“I really admire him for it. There is a risk associated with it but I love it when people say ‘I’m going to do this’. The more people question you, the more it drives you and I hope that’s the case for him.”

Even Phelps, he of the 23 Olympic gold medals, said it would take four years to get back to supreme shape if he wanted to rise to the top echelons of the sport after a decade-long absence: “So I have the greatest swimmer of all time saying that’s how long he would need. I’m going to listen.”

Simpson had started training again in 2020 under Brett Hawke, a former Australian sprinter who competed at the 2000 and 2004 Games and went on to coach at Auburn University. The pair connected when Hawke asked Simpson to come on his swimming podcast. Simpson said he would... but only if Hawke took him on as a pet project.

COVID had disrupted training all over the world and the US was no different. They managed to find 25-yard pools, usually with no lane dividers or blocks, and worked when they could. Simpson’s progression was impressive, to the point where Hawke suggested Simpson try and swim a qualifying time in the 100m butterfly for the 2021 Olympic trials, not 2024.

“I’d always told him I wanted to be great in four years time and he said ‘let’s think about trials next year’. I thought ‘no way’. The first time I had seen myself being remotely competitive was Comm Games 2022. But I was just showing up and working hard, so let’s see where we get.”

Where they got was a 100m fly time of 54.91s, well inside the qualifying mark for trials. When he posted the feat on Instagram in December 2020, Simpson and his 3.9m followers were about to add a whole new dimension to the trials in Adelaide, beginning June 12 and streamed live globally on Amazon Prime video. Swimming Australia weren’t displeased with their new recruit.

Can he make it? Even Simpson knows that’s a tough assignment, given the time he would have to shred between his swims at this week’s Sydney Open and the trials. The magical number is 51.66s, the eighth fastest time at the most recent World Championships, which also featured Australia’s Matt Temple as a finalist.

“This year? I don’t know,” he said. “But I don’t think I’d be doing it if I didn’t think I couldn’t make it at some point. And I don’t think the people that have my back would be supporting me if they didn’t think I could make it either.”

Tokyo was never the real goal but Simpson will try his utmost to take advantage of fate and a delayed Games. He could scarcely be in a better training environment, having parachuted into the squad of revered coach Michael Bohl at Griffith University, who guided Stephanie Rice to Olympic gold and now mentors star freestyler and flyer Emma McKeon.


They seem worlds apart but the rigours and discipline of performing have prepared Simpson well for a return to the rigid routine of swimming. No amount of industry connections or smouldering poses can help him now and Simpson finds that liberating.

“If you have a big ego in this sport, you get humbled by other people or the work itself. You can’t get away with anything. It’s a hugely humbling experience and that’s why I love it so much. It’s not up to people’s opinions, it’s up to the clock.

“I believe anything is possible with the right amount of effort.”

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