

This was published 2 years ago


Sport’s Gordian Knot of transgender issues may never be undone

Some puzzles are mind-bendingly, agonisingly more complex, than others. Actually, there isn’t always a solution, for every poser.

Take the ridiculous manoeuvrings within Formula One. There’s a new sheriff in town, in the form of the recently minted President of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, Mohammed bin Sulayem. The FIA makes the rules, under which races are organised.

For at least the past few years there’s been an FIA rule mandating racing drivers are forbidden from wearing jewellery while behind the wheel of an F1 or rally car.

The rationale is straightforward in these items present safety risks and medical treatment hindrances in circumstances of a serious accident.

This “jewellery rule” hasn’t been policed in F1. Until 2022 anyway. Bin Sulayem gives the impression of a man obsessed when it comes to threatening to enforce rules in a vacuum, prohibiting flexibility and sensibility.

Seven-time F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton stands to be the most affected. He’s as many pierced holes in his nose as he does nostrils. Hamilton has defied this new edict and it’s not inconceivable he might boycott races.

Lewis Hamilton waves to the crowd before the F1 Grand Prix at Melbourne in April. (Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Images)

Lewis Hamilton waves to the crowd before the F1 Grand Prix at Melbourne in April. (Photo by Mark Thompson/Getty Images)Credit: Getty

The solution here is obvious. Treat Hamilton like an adult - get him to sign a waiver and indemnity, and be done with the nonsense.

An even more intractable and omnipresent problem is how exactly should sport handle the issue of transgender participation? Seems just about everyone has an opinion, yet nobody seems to have a scaffold.


Rivers of ink have been spilt, analysing and agonising over the history of musings propounded by Katherine Deves - the Liberal candidate for the seat of Warringah in the upcoming federal election - about transgender athletes, and “protecting” women’s sport.

It’s so obviously wrong, that Deves compared her fight for her views as being on par with raging against the Holocaust. It’s subjectively weird actually, that this topic of transgender athlete participation in sport is a political campaign issue at all. But perhaps, Deves’ fearmongering just echoes what a silent majority already thinks and is too afraid to say. Perhaps

Credit: Illustration: Simon Letch

Two papers published late last year and early in 2022, in the International Journal of Sport and Society by three Australian academics Helen Parker, Beth Hands and Elizabeth Rose, argue quite fervently on safety and fairness grounds, against the easy passage for transgender women to participate in women’s sporting competition, against cis female women.

And finally, Olympic gold medallist Giaan Rooney this week called for clear, simple and certain rules to be designed for all sports, to clarify the permissions and boundaries for the participation of transgender athletes.

Give me a politician, a bunch of academics and an Olympic gold medallist opining about this issue, and I’ll listen to the Olympian over the others.

But leaving aside Deves’ hyperbolic nonsense, none of this commentary should be simply dismissed. Whichever way you analyse the issue, no obvious solution presents itself. Maybe this is a conundrum which simply can’t be solved, and here’s why …

Liberal candidate for Warringah, Katherine Deves.

Liberal candidate for Warringah, Katherine Deves.Credit: Louie Douvis

The true complexity of how transgender participation is integrated into sport lies in the fact that sport, and elite sport especially, is binary. Leave aside something like thoroughbred racing – and quite why a transgender jockey riding a winner in Mackay this week was newsworthy, when men and women jockeys have competed against each other for decades, is a mystery – there is men’s competition, and then there is women’s competition.

Basically and usually, there’s no intermingled “mixed” competition; it’s either men’s or women’s. Now, compare that to the 21st century medical, psychological and social enlightenment about gender. In contrast to how sport is structurally organised, what medicine, psychology and society now tell us and ask us to accept, is gender is fluid, it’s on a spectrum.

But then, what aspects of society now also ask for, is an admittedly incomplete freedom, for people to make an election to compete in men’s sport, or women’s sport, based on whether they identify as male or female, and where they see themselves as sitting on that gender spectrum.

Think of gender as a kaleidoscope of colours, and men’s and women’s sport then saying that really, all that kaleidoscope-of-gender stuff is complete hogwash, because there’s just the black of men’s sport and the white of women’s competition from which to choose.

Elite sport simply must be divorced entirely from sport at the participation level.

The choice, between the blackness and whiteness of men’s and women’s sporting competition, sits impossibly at odds with the range of colours of which the spectrum of gender is composed.

So, what do you do? Well, what I think is this: elite sport simply must be divorced entirely from sport at the participation level. How you deal with this Gordian Knot of a problem in the park on a Saturday morning bears precisely no correlation to how you deal with the same issues in the Olympic theatre.

Transgender sporting policy at the “not playing for sheep stations”, participation level should be designed primarily through the prism of safety. Provided, for example, it’s safe for all participants for a transgender female footballer to compete against biological females, then we should make that happen.


Yes, the unfairness aspect will at times arise as a true factor also, but the starting point has to be that all people have a fair opportunity to participate, and play.

At the highest echelons of elite sport though, where records and legacies and fortunes are made – the absolute imperative must be, that a competing transgender athlete doesn’t derive unfair and disproportionate competitive advantage in competing in their chosen gender, wherever that gender is different to their biological one.

It’s that definite and that simple. Where you draw the line, as to the threshold of unfairness and disproportionality, is anything but easy.

Rooney’s entirely correct in saying that rules need to be clear, simple and certain. And perhaps the foregoing, offers the most uncomplicated of starts to the solving of an almighty difficult puzzle. But then again, perhaps not …

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