

This was published 8 years ago

FFA must expand A-League to boost TV rights revenue

By Michael Lynch

If Football Federation Australia wish to increase the TV rights revenue stream from the A-League the best way is to ensure more "product": more matches and a longer season.

And the best way of doing that is to expand the league, licensing more clubs to create a bigger competition, more local or regional rivalries and hopefully increased viewing figures.

Wanderers Romeo Castelen and Brendon Santalab celebrate during their semi-final win over the Roar.

Wanderers Romeo Castelen and Brendon Santalab celebrate during their semi-final win over the Roar.Credit: Getty Images

Ultimately the competition will need some form of promotion and relegation to maintain interest at both ends of the table, reward initiative and success for ambitious lower-tier clubs and punish the failure of those in the top division to perform on the park.

The game's governing body has put a two-tier competition on the back burner for now - having guaranteed the existing clubs an A-League spot, it's hard to see how they might be demoted without a legal challenge - but it is, says chairman Steven Lowy, actively looking at ways to bring more teams into the league.

FFA's record on expansion has been mixed, a sort of two steps forward, one step back result.

New franchises in Queensland - Gold Coast United and North Queensland Fury - crashed and burned, flaming out after a couple of seasons.

However, the Western Sydney Wanderers have been a resounding success, proving that if you get the demographics right and plant the seed in fertile ground the tree will grow fast and strong.

Melbourne Heart was teetering on the edge for their first couple of years but the investment by Manchester City changed everything for what is now known as Melbourne City, and their future, at least while under the control of the EPL club, looks assured.

Lowy says he doesn't get sick of journalists and fans querying him about future expansion of the competition.


"Keep asking," he told reporters in a briefing after the Melbourne Victory in Business lunch on A-League grand final eve.

"It was a major discussion at our board meeting just last week. It'll never go away because it just has to happen.

"Nine teams in Australia is not enough, it's not enough for us to penetrate the commercial opportunities, it's not enough to have enough stakeholder penetration, it's not enough to have market share, it's not enough for us to properly compete against AFL, rugby league, rugby union and cricket.

"We've got competitive issues internationally, but we've got serious competitive issues domestically.

"We've got unbelievable opportunities to grow and part of that growth [opportunity] is to better penetrate. It's not just about getting stakeholder alignment - physically and digitally - that'll get you a long way because you're providing a base for that, but then you've got to expand at the same time.

"There are pockets that are great opportunities for us, but they have to be carefully nurtured.

"There's no pocket like Western Sydney was out there, but there are other pockets where there are opportunities and we'll deal with those in a disciplined manner.

"We have a clear, long-term growth strategy, which is to grow the game. We can't do that with just nine clubs."

What must be ensured, however, is the sustainability of the clubs. FFA can ill-afford the embarrassment of the Townsville and Gold Coast fiascos occurring again.

Investors will need deep pockets and the game's governing body must make sure it carries out its due diligence on potential new club owners thoroughly.

City's investment could prove a catalyst for other foreign clubs, while cashed-up entrepreneurs from China and other parts of Asia may be targeted as potential suitors.

"When I took on the role there were some issues around Wellington, we feel like we've sorted that," says Lowy.

"We feel like we've taken the ownership of Newcastle before that, we feel like we're sorting that out.

"It feels like the issues at Brisbane are much closer to being sorted.

"So that's why I keep talking about sustainability. It's great to talk about growth and expansion, but it's ridiculous if you're not taking account of what the current-day environment is.

"It's wonderful to be anxious, it's wonderful to dream, it's wonderful to have a guiding vision, but at the end of the day we really don't want clubs falling over because we've done things too quickly and put them in the wrong spot, or they're not properly enough capitalised.

"It sounds sort of boring the way I'm talking in that it's about sustainability and substance and enough capital and business acumen, but that is the harsh reality of running a club.

"There are so many clubs in so many codes that are subsidised by their leagues. You look at Europe, you look at England, many, many clubs that have been around for a long, long time continue to lose lots of money, so it's not unique that four or five clubs here lose money.

"But we need to conscious about living within our means."

For those advocating promotion and relegation Lowy did not dismiss the concept out of hand.

"I'd like to think we will see it at some point, We've got structural issues, we've got 10 licenses out there and they've got licenses for a period of time.

"We are looking to encourage investment into the clubs, because there's not enough investment in Australia.

"Melbourne Victory has great investment, Melbourne City has strong backers, Sydney FC has strong backers, Western Sydney is very strong, but most of the other clubs are not.

"We would encourage more investment in to the clubs and to encourage investment in to the clubs you also need to give some sort of longevity and certainty to their tenure.

"But I wouldn't suggest that just that on its own would exclude the concept of promotion and relegation.

"We all love the game, we all understand the importance of promotion and relegation.

"The game is not mature enough here right now. I don't know how long it will be before it is.

"You relegate a club, you've got to deal with that, but then you've got to promote a club and they've got to have the capacity to be promoted.

"And you can see the tensions when a club is well enough capitalised, the pressures that puts on a club to even be in the competition."

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