There is no upside in trying to defend Paul Gallen when it comes to the peptides era at Cronulla. Fans, smug commentators who think they know it all and ex-players won’t listen to the truth.
In recent weeks, with few knowing, the Sharks were forced to make a payment of about $700,000 to Gallen. Why? So he didn’t sue them for what took place in 2011. My information is Gallen could have got a lot more if he had pursued legal action.
The drugs scandal of 2011 took a huge emotional toll on Paul Gallen.Credit: AAP
Gallen and 15 of his former Sharks teammates accepted backdated 12-month doping bans from ASADA in the final weeks of the 2014 season after they agreed to plead guilty to unwittingly taking banned substances. Then Cronulla coach Shane Flanagan was banned for 12 months by the NRL for governance failures, while controversial sports scientist Stephen Dank was banned for life for administering the supplements.
I told Gallen I knew about the payment and he wasn’t happy. He didn’t want me to write about it. I’m not sure what reception I’ll get when we sit next to each other on 100% Footy on Monday night.
The payment may well be slightly more than $700,000, but Gallen won’t say. The person who leaked the information to me also won’t elaborate.
Does a person, who some want to paint as a key figure in the supplements program, get that kind of payment? I don’t think so. For the record, Gallen played no such role.
In my view, $700,000 is not enough to compensate Gallen for all he has had to endure as a result of the club allowing the program to take place. And that’s why Gallen is getting the payout. Because he did the checks. He asked the right people at the club if what they were doing was above board. He checked the ASADA website. He didn’t invite Dank or Darren Hibbert into the club.
But it has left an indelible scar. When it was revealed rising Sharks star Bronson Xerri had failed a drug test, Gallen’s name was somehow dragged into it.
It takes a considerable emotional toll on him. Not that he would want that known. And criticism from former players doesn’t help. Ex-international Mark Carroll ripped into Gallen during the week. Carroll is a good honest bloke who played the game hard. He is a clean skin. But he has got it badly wrong to imply that Gallen was a key figure in Cronulla’s peptides scandal. A contact has told me Brydens Lawyers have sent Carroll a warning letter.
Gallen has paid a huge price for that time, but he has been as upfront as anyone. Some of his story was taken out of his book, Heart and Soul, on legal advice, but may be able to be told in the future. I hope one day he tells everyone what the lawyers wouldn’t let him.
Before you start to say I’m backing a drug cheat, understand this: I don’t approve of what happened during the Dank days at Cronulla. I don’t like or condone drug use. But in Gallen’s case, he has been paid out by his club because they put players in a situation that haunts many of them to this day.
Bubble trouble
Poor Terry Lamb was caught out bursting the Bulldogs’ bubble on Thursday, earning himself a coronavirus test and putting a scare into the Canterbury camp. The club was handed a suspended $25,000 fine by the NRL on Friday night as a result.
Today, we can show you a photo of Wests Tigers recording a podcast. It looks innocent enough, but there are four people in the picture: chief executive Justin Pascoe and media man Dan Talintyre – who are not part of the club’s 50-person bubble – spending 30 minutes in a confined area with star halfback Luke Brooks and assistant coach Andrew Webster – who are in the Tigers’ bubble. They are socially distancing, and that is what prevented it from becoming a major issue. It was recorded on May 22 and obviously since that time Brooks has played and Webster has coached.
CEO Justin Pascoe, assistant coach Andrew Webster, media man Dan Talintyre and star Luke Brooks get up close during a Wests Tigers podcast
The Tigers say such gatherings are fine as long as players and coaches re-enter the bubble via clean zone protocols.
We are hearing a lot of stories of players breaching their respective bubbles. Let’s hope that reckless behaviour doesn’t have consequences for the competition.
Tweet talker
Souths great Sam Burgess is having his private life messed with by a person who is contacting every woman he knows or follows on social media. It’s hard to determine the motivation, but with Burgess going through a difficult separation, it’s the last thing he needs.
Burgess is aware of the situation. He thinks someone is trying to make a dollar out of him or the women they are messaging. ‘‘She’’ is sending direct messages to female reporters in major newsrooms to set up dates for Burgess. The woman describes herself as a personal assistant working in the sport industry and she says she is based in the UK. Right now, Burgess’ priority is dealing with the fallout of his divorce from former partner Phoebe and caring for his kids.
Fallen Xerri
This column was swamped with feedback to the Bronson Xerri story we ran last week. It was designed not to excuse what Xerri is alleged to have done, rather to dispute the notion Cronulla had turned a blind eye and allowed him to consume a cocktail of steroids.
Xerri was provisionally suspended under the NRL’s anti-doping policy after he returned an A sample containing several performance-enhancing substances.
Something that has angered Sharks officials and junior clubs in the area was a report that claimed Xerri had been ‘‘doing it for years’’. One of his junior clubs was named in another area of the media. They asked for an apology or right of reply. They were denied it. So here is their response.
‘‘Aquinas and Holy Family Colts Junior Rugby League Club wish to voice our displeasure around the media (Fox) comments made in relation to our club and the allegations involving Bronson Xerri last week,’’ club president Darren Elliott wrote. ‘‘Unfortunately, these comments have far-reaching implications, particularly when it comes to young children and their parents deciding on which local club to join. The current allegations against Bronson have absolutely nothing to do with our club.’’
Johns' harsh lesson
The phone rang on Wednesday morning and it was Matthew Johns. Nothing too unusual about that as we chat football and life quite regularly. I consider him a mate. This was different. He rang to apologise for a skit on his show that used Adolf Hitler as the punchline.
His apology was sincere.
I saw the segment. It was low rent. Stupid. I wasn’t angry, even though maybe I should have been: members of my family died because of Hitler’s insanity. I was more disappointed that millions of lives were trivialised for the sake of a punchline. I talked to my kids about it and they were shocked that adults didn’t know better.
I don’t like sharing too many personal experiences on this page because that’s not what it’s about. I get enough grief from trolls without giving them another angle for attack. But I’ll tell you this much: what happened during Hitler’s time still affects so many people today.
My late father was five years old when he was separated from his parents. His mum was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp late in the war. She was eventually freed when the camp was liberated, but was subjected to unspeakable cruelty, which stayed with her for her entire life.
My dad rarely spoke to me about his childhood. The stories he did share are horrible. Like the time he watched from his window as Jews were marched to the Danube River, tied to each other in rows of threes, the middle one shot and they were all pushed into the river to drown. He said people were leaning out of their windows and cheering.
I’m not religious at all and I can take the piss out of myself and tell a Jewish joke or 10. But stories like that should make us all think.
Back to Johns. He has often told me of his interest in all things related to Jewish culture and history. He is not an anti-Semite in my eyes. He is a rounded and knowledgeable person. And an excellent TV talent. He made a dumb mistake, if it was his idea.
Johns apologised to significant figures in the Jewish community and has booked in a visit to the Jewish museum to learn more about what he was joking about. That’s more than most people in his situation do. I’m just glad Matty will get an education and I’m certain he will be an even better person for that.