

This was published 9 years ago

In seven words, NFL finally admits link with brain disease

By Ken Belson and Alan Schwarz.

Perhaps no one will remember the setting, a hearing room for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, or the person who asked the question, a member of the House of Representatives from Illinois. But seven words spoken in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington on Monday could profoundly affect America's most popular sport.

After years of the NFL's disputing evidence that connected football to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the degenerative brain disease found in nearly 100 former players, a top official from the league for the first time acknowledged the link. To many, it was an echo of big tobacco's confession in 1997 that smoking causes cancer and heart disease.

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy was found in 100 former players.

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy was found in 100 former players.Credit: Getty Images

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky asked during a round-table discussion about concussions whether "there is a link between football and degenerative brain disorders like CTE?"

Jeff Miller, the NFL's senior vice-president for health and safety policy, said: "The answer to that is certainly, yes." His answer signalled a stunning about-face for the league, which has been accused by former players and independent experts of hiding the dangers of head injuries for decades.

His reply came moments after a leading CTE researcher Ann McKee had presented her findings, showing that dozens of former players who had died had been afflicted with the disease.

"The comments made by Jeff Miller yesterday accurately reflect the view of the NFL," Brian McCarthy, a spokesman for the league, said on Tuesday, confirming that Miller had not misspoken.

Lawyers for some players involved in a lawsuit with the NFL over its handling of brain injuries quickly seized on the league's admission.

A settlement was approved by a US District Court judge last April but is on appeal. The players argued that the league should pay damages to all players found with CTE, not just those found to have the disease before the settlement was approved a year ago.

In a letter sent early on Tuesday to the third US Circuit Court of Appeals, Steven Molo, their lawyer, said Miller's comments on Capitol Hill were "a stark turn from its position before the District Court".


"The NFL's statements make clear that the NFL now accepts what science already knows: a 'direct link' exists between traumatic brain injury and CTE," Molo's letter said. "Given that, the settlement's failure to compensate present and future CTE is inexcusable," he said.

The NFL has spent millions of dollars in efforts to tamp down fear among parents over football's physical toll. It has directed millions of dollars to research CTE and head trauma. It gave $45 million to USA Football, a formerly obscure non-profit, to promote safe tackling and reassure jittery mothers that football's inherent risks can be mitigated through on-field techniques and awareness. The league has hired experts to monitor games. And the league's longstanding scepticism was commonly repeated by officials at lower levels of the sport.

Dr Patrick Kersey, the medical director for USA Football, recently said that "CTE is a massively sensationalised issue". "As that relates directly to the sport of football," he continued, "that discussion is completely inappropriate."

Only one NFL official has ever publicly acknowledged any long-term consequences of head trauma among the league's players: Greg Aiello, a spokesman for the league. He told The New York Times in 2009 that, "It's quite obvious from the medical research that's been done that concussions can lead to long-term problems." On Monday, Miller became the second.

"I certainly felt gratified that he said that because the statement that I led with was that the NFL had a really bad track record of denial," Schakowsky said on Tuesday.

New York Times

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