

This was published 4 years ago

From a protest to a party: How Bondi was won over by beach volleyball

By Vince Rugari

So much for an Olympic legacy. When you walk down past the old pavilion, onto the white-golden sands of Bondi Beach and start soaking in the serenity, there is not even a shred of evidence that suggests you are in a location of historical significance for Australian sport. Which is quite ironic. Because 20 years ago, thousands of angry locals feared it would cause permanent damage.

None of the doomsday predictions came to pass, of course. And the euphoria of Kerri Pottharst and Natalie Cook’s gold medal triumph in beach volleyball – one of the most memorable moments of the Sydney 2000 Olympics – probably helped wash away the bitter memories of the period that preceded it.

It’s easy to forget just how ferocious the opposition was to the 10,000-seat temporary stadium that was built in the centre of Bondi – an engineering marvel that took Australia’s most recognisable beach to new levels of international fame, set a blissful template for the presentation of beach volleyball at the elite level, and helped entrench the sport in the Olympic program for good.

Olympic historian Ian Buchanan once described beach volleyball as “Baywatch with a medal ceremony”, but even that might have been underselling it. If Sydney 2000 was a 16-day party, Bondi was the moshpit. It was everything the city was trying to project to the world – fun, friendly, a little bit cheeky – all captured in one magical location. DJs cued up music between points as a wise-cracking announcer dressed as a lifesaver revved up the crowd. The hedonistic carnival feel spilled out onto the streets, which heaved before, during and after play.

The Bondi beach volleyball stadium in all its glory.

The Bondi beach volleyball stadium in all its glory.Credit: Julian Andrews

“It was pumping,” recalls Australian Olympic Committee chief John Coates. “It was the hottest ticket in town.”

Four years earlier, beach volleyball had made its Olympic debut at Atlanta 1996. It was immediately popular, but was played at “Atlanta Beach” – an artificial sand court more than 150 kilometres away from an actual coastline. Sydney’s bid chiefs, inspired by Australia’s beach culture and the sport’s historical links to places like Hawaii and Brazil, had always planned to go one better and put it smack bang in the middle of Bondi.

“The concept of having the beach volleyball on some imported sand in Centennial Park ... it might have worked in Atlanta but for a country like Australia it would have been just wrong,” Coates said. “When visitors come here, where do they want to go? They want to see the bridge, they want to see the Opera House and they want to go to Bondi.”

Thousands of Bondi residents wanted to keep the Olympics off their beach.

Thousands of Bondi residents wanted to keep the Olympics off their beach.Credit: Nick Moir


It wasn’t just because of its beauty, either. Cronulla, Manly and Maroubra were the other locations canvassed, but it turned out only Bondi was big enough to accommodate the stadium and the necessary overlay areas for athletes, security, operations and media – and only Bondi’s sand was deep enough for the hundreds of enormous metal pylons that had to be driven into the ground to hold up the entire structure, which cost $21 million.

Waverley Council was originally happy for Bondi to be included in the bid. But as the clock ticked closer to the Games, misgivings began to emerge. Residents realised the construction of the stadium would put most of the beach off limits for months and clog up nearby roads and parking.

Protests against the construction of the 10,000-seat stadium marred the build-up to the Olympics in Bondi.

Protests against the construction of the 10,000-seat stadium marred the build-up to the Olympics in Bondi.Credit: Simon Alekna

Businesses, tenants and other cultural events operating out of Bondi Pavilion faced huge disruption and a substantial loss of trade. And green groups feared long-lasting environmental damage and irrevocable changes to surfing conditions, baulking at the prospect of compromising their beach for a 10-day event to appease corrupt IOC dignitaries and powerful US broadcasters. “Olympic Exce$$”, they called it.

The movement snowballed over a two-year period. Numbers swelled at rallies and protestors became increasingly agitated. Hecklers began to show up at council meetings and claimed the proposed stadium was structurally unsound, even though it was designed to withstand high tides and heavy storms.

Bondi was not a pretty sight as the beach volleyball stadium was being built.

Bondi was not a pretty sight as the beach volleyball stadium was being built.Credit: AP

“Our advice was everything they were complaining about had no foundation,” Coates said. “It wasn’t going to leave a permanent scar on Bondi Beach, it wasn’t going to come collapsing down during the competition, people were going to be safe. It had to be there, I remember stressing that, but we wouldn’t have gone ahead if it wasn’t safe.”

The unfortunate job of working through the maelstrom fell to John Quayle, the former Eastern Suburbs rugby league player-turned-administrator who was an events manager for SOCOG. “We thought he’d know a few people,” Coates said. “But I don’t think they gave him any favours.”

They didn’t. “‘Send Quayle, because they know him’, they used to say,” Quayle said. “I remember so many meetings at Waverley Council where you’re trying to explain to everyone that this is a temporary facility which will showcase Bondi and Waverley to the world.

“No one was interested in that. The outcry was phenomenal. No one looked at the bigger picture, the exposure that it would eventually bring. I even remember one of the councillors knitting, sitting at the end of the table – I’m getting abused and she’s sitting there knitting.”

A protestor does his best to halt construction as police look on, slightly bemused.

A protestor does his best to halt construction as police look on, slightly bemused.Credit: Reuters

By April 1999, Waverley mayor Paul Pearce had conceded the council had no legal power to stop it, and construction was officially approved once a deal was quietly nutted out to compensate businesses, relocate affected community groups and provide funding to renovate the Bondi Pavillion.

But that did nothing to calm the protestors. A couple of weeks later, actors Michael Caton and Jack Thompson – both Bondi residents – fronted a 1000-strong rally that decried Olympic beach volleyball as an “outrageous act of desecration”. Hundreds of people pledged to chain themselves to bulldozers, rip down fences and lie down in front of tractors.

The carnage led to the cancellation of a test event and even impacted Australia’s soon-to-be golden girls, Pottharst and Cook, who had planned on living and training in Bondi in the lead-up to the Olympics to adjust to the beach’s unique sand but feared they’d be abused by locals.

“I remember probably six months out, our federation and our coaches drawing our attention to the fact that there could be some issues, and be prepared for the locals to be a little bit angry that we were there,” Pottharst said. “So we started to envisage they were going to throw rotten tomatoes on the court.”

If Sydney 2000 was a 16-day party, Bondi was the moshpit.

If Sydney 2000 was a 16-day party, Bondi was the moshpit.Credit: Danielle Smith

True to their word, on the day the machinery moved in, more than 100 police officers were needed on site to clear out the demonstrators. Some buried themselves to their necks in the sand. Organisers vowed to keep fighting “in the mode of guerilla battle” for as long as it took.

They kept showing up, day after day, their numbers slowly diminishing as the reality dawned on them that they were powerless to stop the Olympic juggernaut.

On the first day of competition, there was one lone protestor yelling into a megaphone, his slogans falling on deaf ears. By then, the rest of the suburb had embraced it.

Coates believes the images beamed around the world reinforced Bondi’s iconic status as a tourism hotspot. Some athletes called it the best venue they’d ever played at. Pottharst remembers it fondly, but said she was initially daunted by the size of the audience she suddenly found herself before.

Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst bask in Olympic glory as their vanquished Brazilian opponents cry.

Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst bask in Olympic glory as their vanquished Brazilian opponents cry.Credit: Tim Clayton

“It was quite frightening, really,” she said. “We weren’t used to having 10,000 people cheering for us, let alone 10,000 people in the stadium. I wouldn’t say it was pleasurable playing there, because of the pressure ... but we made it work. We had to just be so mentally tough to be able to deal with all that distraction and noise.”

Cook fed off the crowd but Pottharst tried her best to ignore it. They met Brazil’s Shelda Bede and Adriana Behar in the gold medal showdown.

“When the last ball landed out I had to chase it to the line to make sure,” Pottharst said. “The crowd were trying to get me up and celebrate but I was too scared to look up. I’d blocked out [the crowd] so much that I was almost afraid, now that the bubble had burst, to see everyone screaming down upon us. Once I got up and relished in it, it was incredible.”

Only then did Pottharst begin to realise the magnitude of the moment and their achievement. Shortly after the ceremony, she and Cook were whisked away from the commotion to a quiet spot in Bondi’s backstreets for an interview with host broadcasters Seven, and it sunk in even further.

The moment Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst clinched Olympic gold.

The moment Natalie Cook and Kerri Pottharst clinched Olympic gold.Credit: Narelle Autio

“Straight after we won, we had to do a drug test, so we had to drink a lot of water to make sure that we could give enough of a sample,” she said. “We went up into this little side street and Channel Seven set up on the sidewalk and all of these people came out of their houses and they just mobbed us. They couldn’t believe we were in their street.

“I was busting to go to the toilet at this point, because we’d drunk all this water, and I went over the road and asked this lady, ‘can I use your bathroom?’ I walked into her house, went to the bathroom, I came out and I’ll never forget – she just looked up at me and said ‘oh my god, I’m never going to wash my bathroom again’.

“That’s when I realised – probably the first real, big moment where it was like ‘holy crap, we’ve really put our sport on the map’.”

Cook and Pottharst’s victory kicked off one of the greatest days in Australian Olympic history – hours later, Tatiana Grigorieva won silver in the women's pole vault, and someone named Cathy Freeman ran 400m to claim the country’s 100th gold medal. “Natalie likes to joke that we set that up for her by winning number 99,” Pottharst said.

For Quayle, the man in the middle of the pre-Olympics turmoil, it was all immensely gratifying. “As an Olympic venue, it was equal to any that had ever been done previously, any world championships of volleyball. In the end, people would have paid anything for a ticket to go to it, because it was such a fun venue,” he said.


“When the Games started and the flags went up along Bondi Road and Campbell Parade, the music started and it became the place to be. I’ll never forget when it was all over, the flags came down and the music stopped, so many people were then saying, ‘where’s our flags gone? What’s happening? Where’s the music gone? Why is this being pulled down?’”

The only regret for Pottharst, who now sits on the board of Volleyball Australia, is that the sport didn’t make the most of its moment in the spotlight. “Natalie and I gave beach volleyball a name and a face in Australia. But unfortunately I don’t think our sport was ready for us winning,” she said.

“People talk about it and see it, and say it’s such a great sport, so perfect for Australia, being on the beaches ... but when you get to the end of the contract and the sponsor has to sign on the dotted line, they go, oh we’ll give our money to football, or cricket, or the sports that have already got so much money.

“It’s still really hard for us to run really big events and that’s what our sport needs. But of course that costs a lot of money because we’ve got to build temporary stadiums on the beach. It’s tough, but we battle on.”

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