

This was published 5 years ago


Sport Thought: 24 years on, Shane Warne is still giving me grief

This is a story about journalistic practice and how there's not necessarily a shelf-life on the discomfort that can be caused by careless, or opportunistic, media reporting. Even in relation to trivialities within the relatively trivial matter of sport.

It begins in 1994. And while that's quite a long time ago, my recollection of the fundamental elements of what follows remains clear.

Shane Warne's latest book again raises an incident from 24 years ago that Tim Lane disputed with him.

Shane Warne's latest book again raises an incident from 24 years ago that Tim Lane disputed with him.Credit: AAP

An Australian cricket team of an earlier time had landed itself in hot water in South Africa. While the temperature was lukewarm compared to that experienced by a more recent Australian team, there was definitely some heat on.

Shane Warne and Merv Hughes had behaved excessively on the field at Johannesburg's Wanderers Stadium and it was a moderately big story. On the Monday morning, I was involved in a sports segment on the station then known as 3LO and talkback calls were taken.

The reaction was strong and pretty well unanimous: the players had behaved like yobbos and should be disciplined. Later, back in the office, I was contacted by a journalist from what was still a Victorian production of the 7.30 Report. Would I be interviewed as part of a story on the players. Could we meet at the Junction Oval in an hour or two?

Within the interview that followed, I mentioned the angry public backlash I'd heard on the morning talkback segment. The callers, I explained, had expressed a sense of shame and embarrassment at the behaviour of the players.

When I watched the story go to air that evening, I was annoyed. The reporter's voice-over announced something like: "ABC cricket commentator, Tim Lane gives his reaction": A sense of shame and embarrassment ...

The story had been edited so that what I'd described as the public's voice now appeared as my own. "Shame and embarrassment" were good words in a story and I'd uttered them.

This was about the time Rob Sitch's Mike Moore-character was doing great business for the ABC on Frontline. Now, 7.30 had done a classic Brooke Vandenberg job on me (Vandenberg was one of the fictitious program's opportunistic, stitch-up merchants).

Shane Warne.

Shane Warne.Credit: Vince Caligiuri

Oh well – it was annoying, but ultimately no big deal. The players deserved a rocket and the one from the public had been attributed to me.

Nevertheless, it was a journalistic sin. I contacted the reporter (I won't identify her as she now works for a non-media organisation) the following day to express my disappointment and was told an editor was responsible. Not good enough, but what can you do?

So, I forgot about it ... until early the next cricket season, when rain had stopped play on the Saturday of a Sheffield Shield match at the MCG. I rang the Victorian rooms and asked Shane Warne if he might be prepared to pop up to our commentary box for a chat about the season ahead.

No, he wouldn't. He wasn't happy with me. He claimed I'd appeared on TV, standing in the middle of the MCG, declaring that his behaviour had made me ashamed to be an Australian.

I explained his facts were wrong on a couple of fronts, but he seemed convinced his sources were more reliable than I was. Bearing in mind the editing of the 7.30 Report story, I could understand his lack of co-operation.

A few weeks later, on the final morning of the first Ashes Test in Brisbane, I spotted Shane's mother in the hotel breakfast room. Guessing she knew about this episode, I quietly introduced myself and gave her my version. A polite exchange ended with me saying: "Let's hope he gives us all something to be proud of today." He didn't disappoint: a career-best 8-71 putting Australia one-up in the series.

Three years later, Warne's first book came out and, when an extract appeared in the Sunday Age's sport section, there I was: ashamed to be an Australian!

Now I definitely wasn't happy. I'd given an explanation but wasn't believed and the distorted version was in a book with international exposure. In frustration, I wrote a small explanatory piece for the following week's sport supplement.

Fast forward 21 years, and now there's another book. It's titled No Spin. During the recent Melbourne Test, a friend sent me a screenshot of a couple of lines: "Tim Lane walked onto the middle of the MCG ... saying he was embarrassed to be an Australian."

I know you're not supposed to take this stuff seriously or to let your offence show, but this has been running for 24 years and I'm still preaching indignantly from the middle of the MCG. It would be funny, except that it shows how one moment of shoddy journalism – particularly on what's regarded as a "quality" program – can have repercussions.

Another question that's occurred to me in pondering this pile of 24-year-old fish-and-chip wrappings is this: what responsibility should be borne by a publishing house when it distributes - and profits from – a book by a celebrity author who isn't professionally acquainted with concepts like at least acknowledging the other side of a contested story?

I phoned Penguin Random House (publisher of Warne's latest book) to seek to discuss the broad issue of publisher responsibility and was told I would have to send an email. Which I did, but a reply stated there would be no comment; a strangely defensive attitude. Astonishingly, Penguin also told me they had forwarded the private email I'd sent them to Warne's management.

The publisher did indicate that there would be discussion regarding a possible modification to any future edition of the book.

To think this quarter-of-a-century-long saga started with one little television edit. Oh well, Warnie
will be 50 this year and perhaps he only has a couple more autobiographies left in him.

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