This was published 5 years ago
Anti-doping bodies have been throwing the book at Ligandrol positives
By Phil Lutton
Global anti-doping bodies have taken a hard line on the the type of substance ingested by Shayna Jack, with the recent record of penalties handed out likely to make for discouraging reading for the Australian swimmer and her support team.
Jack, 20, met with ASADA officials on Friday to find out details of her positive test for the non-steroidal anabolic agent marketed as Ligandrol, otherwise known as LGD-4033. She emerged to declare her innocence and vowed to try to clear her name.
Lawyer Paul Horvath and swimmer Shayna Jack have a tough ask to argue for a reduced penalty.Credit: AAP
She had already floated the possibility that the Ligandrol had found its way into her system via a contaminated supplement. The SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) is reputed to build muscle mass and strip fat without the side effects of anabolic steroids.
The maximum ban Jack faces is four years and Jack and her lawyer Paul Horvath must find a way to convince the panel that she should be given a reduced penalty. Horvath would not disclose their likely defence or tactics on Friday.
But the case history for LGD-4033 looks grim for Jack. On the Anti-Doping Database, which catalogues cases, penalties and the legal arguments from both parties, eight out of the 10 resulted in a four-year penalty or greater.
One of those who received a light ban was NBA player Joakim Noah, who was suspended for just 20 games after returning an LGD-4033 positive. But the NBA has not adopted the full WADA policies and he would have likely been hit with a far heftier penalty in other sports.
The only glimmer of hope was the 2018 case of Canadian wrestler Karla Godinez, who was able to have her initial four-year ban reduced to 12 months after her lawyers appealed with a painstaking case that cited a contaminated supplement as the cause of the adverse finding.
In the ruling, the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) wrote that it accepted evidence that Godinez had been given the supplement by her brother-in-law and that it did not list any banned ingredients on the label.
Experts who tested the supplement were able to detect levels of LGD-4033. While the panel did not believe the athlete's suggestion that she had only taken the supplement twice, they did believe her evidence that she had researched the ingredients and believed it to be safe for use.
"I find that the athlete has shown that she is not a cheater," the SDRCC wrote in its final ruling. "While she tested positive for a prohibited substance, the athlete did not intentionally take SARM LGD-4033."
Jack will hope to prove the same thing, should they suggest a contaminated supplement is to blame. But there are other parts of the ruling that will be of little use to Jack when ASADA weighs up the facts.
Godinez was given some leniency after her lawyers showed that as a university athlete, she was given inadequate anti-doping training and was "unable to recall specifics" of the guidelines in front of those hearing her appeal.
"While there are risks associated with using supplements that the athlete should have been aware of, the education she was given was that of a varsity athlete and not an athlete competing at an international level," the ruling stated.
"As such, it would be patently unfair to say the athlete received sufficient anti-doping education."
Jack, who won gold as part of the 4x100m relay at the Commonwealth Games and Pan Pacs, may struggle to convince ASADA that she was given less than adequate anti-doping information given the elite level of competition at which she been competing.
ASADA will send a letter to Jack and her lawyer within the next month to outline the next steps in the process, but it could takes months after that for the matter to be resolved.
Jack could also appeal the matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport should she be unsatisfied with the verdict.
Recent international cases involving the presence of LGD-4033
Karla Godinez (2018), wrestling: One-year ban
Andrej Strapina (2018), body building: Four-year ban
Bosko Miljus (2018), weightlifting: Four-year ban
Aleksandar Zivkovic (2018), body building: Four-year ban
Joakim Noah (2017), basketball: 20-game ban (non-WADA signatory sport)
Michael Gingras (2017), weightlifting: 12-year ban (other drugs and trafficking offences)
Wade Cyr (2017), Canadian football: Four-year ban
Meana Franco (2017), powerlifting: Four-year ban
Michael Buckley (2016), cycling: Four-year ban
Marko Milosevic (2016, body building: Four-year ban