

This was published 9 years ago

The future of recruitment

By Louis White

Recruitment by mobile phones, passive recruitment where candidates simply post their profiles online and wait to be recruited and job seekers pursuing more flexible working arrangements are some of the business trends for 2015.

"What we are finding is that 90 per cent of people are searching for work on their mobile phones in the morning and this is dropping down to 23 per cent later in the day," OneShift founder Gen George says.

OneShift founder Gen George says there is an increase in employers seeking staff for more contract work.

OneShift founder Gen George says there is an increase in employers seeking staff for more contract work.

"People are also increasingly seeking work in their local area."

George believes that with 30 million mobile devices in Australia, it is an area where recruitment agencies need to have both an Android and iOS app.

"You have to make it as easy as possible for people to access your website no matter what device they are on."

In less than three years, OneShift has grown its user base to more than 400,000 job seekers and 36,000 employers.

George, whose company specialises in recruiting in jobs at the mid to lower end of the scale for finance, retail, and hospitality, along with marketing and digital agencies, says there is an increase in employers seeking staff for more contract work.

"It only costs $30 for a business to post an ad and they immediately have access to 50 candidates," she says. "We have changed our business model several times but this seems to be the most effective and popular.

"We also link candidates in groups who have worked with the same companies and similar industries by creating business pages within the network. We also allow businesses and candidates to rate each other, which we believe is new to the industry."


But for skilled, mature workers such as Peter Thomas*, the battle to find regular work continues.

A skilled IT technician, Thomas has hit 40 and although he has worked at some big multi-national companies, he has undertaken contract work all his life.

"What I am finding now is that no matter how well qualified I am for the job, there is always someone younger and cheaper, with the emphasis on the cheaper," he says.

"Time and time again, recruitment companies will come back to me and say, 'they liked you, but they found someone who will work for $10,000 less'.

"The other option that often happens in the past few years is that I take a job that is acceptable pay, but it really needs three people in the role and there is only so long you can accept those types of conditions."

Thomas is fortunate enough that he has money in the bank so he can bide his time, but with Australia's unemployment rate reaching 6.3 per cent, and labour workforce participation at 64.8 per cent, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Thomas knows that the market will only get harder, especially as new graduates and younger candidates enter the market.

"I either undertake studying more short courses, which I don't need to do, or in the interim I can look for something outside of my profession," he says.

There has been a rise in people seeking casual employment outside their speciality, George says.

"It is not uncommon for people to come to us who want immediate part-time work outside of their profession or who are on long-service leave, seeking to fill in their time," she says.

"We also have lots of clients looking to recruit mature-age workers for short-term contracts."

But overall job seekers are generally unhappy with their current workplace and employment conditions, which explains the rise of websites such as LinkedIn, where employees can look up companies and connect directly with recruiters.

"Job seekers will also be looking for potential employers to provide more flexible work solutions," Steve Shepherd, employment market analyst at recruitment and human resource specialist Randstad, says. "According to our World of Work report, 40 per cent of employees still rate their current employer's efforts in creating and adopting flexible work options as average or poor."

The Randstad Workmonitor report shows that this demand will only increase as Generation Z enter the jobs market, with 73 per cent of Generation Z more inclined to demand flexible working arrangements.

"So employers will be looking to put more flexible working solutions into place to secure top talent from the new generation of workers," Shepherd says. "But also employees need to develop their skillsets such as innovation and leadership.

"We are finding that employers are increasingly requiring their employees to demonstrate innovation competencies in their role. Businesses are also anxious about leadership gaps in their workforce, with two-thirds (67 per cent) concerned about the number of talented middle managers in their organisation, and a similar number (61 per cent) worried about the number of potential executive successors.

"Our suggestion to employees is to keep an eye out for opportunities to upskill. Put yourself forward to manage any side projects that may develop your innovation or leadership skills."

For people like Thomas, it is a matter of getting the right job first, paid accordingly and not expected to do the work of three people. Employers need to provide the right environment for innovation and leadership to thrive but the growth of freelance, contract and part-time work will continue.

* Peter Thomas is not his real name.

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