

This was published 9 years ago

Why I hate Shark Tank

By Alexandra Cain

I loathe reality TV. It was novel when Sylvania Waters – a show about a family in south-western Sydney – first aired. Now, reality shows are merely an excuse to fill time on the airwaves.

Shark Tank, a program in which so-called business experts vet the business ideas of others, is no exception. Apart from one thing. It's worse than most.

Shark Tank goes for the jugular.

Shark Tank goes for the jugular.

The complete disdain with which the panellists address the victims is abhorrent. In normal life, there'sno way anyone would get away with treating people like that.

Is that how the panellists actually behave day-to-day? If they do, I can't image they would get too far in business. In my experience, bullies are able to use fear to get part of the way up the corporate ladder. However, at some point, smarter people see through them and they don't progress.

The most successful business people I know treat everyone with equanimity. They are courteous. They recognise they are not above others and instead treat people with respect. If for no other reason than that they may come into contact with the person down the track when they have made a success of themselves. So it makes sense to try to maintain a positive relationship with everyone.

I realise the panellists are there to play a bad cop role and what they are really doing is showing what happens when people talk behind the back of those making a pitch for investment capital, after they have made the pitch and left the room. However, in most reality TV shows there is usually a voice of reason, someone who plays the good cop role. Not this time.

It's such negative TV I cannot believe people want to watch it, especially on a Sunday night when the last thing you want to talk about is business.

In a recent episode, one of the panellists queried a terrified-looking contestant about forecasting a profit 10 per cent higher than the previous year, like it was a cardinal sin. Oh please. Any business that can produce a return like that is onto a winner in an environment in which national economic growth is below 3 per cent.

It seems to me whether a contestant is offered money depends on personality and good looks. If you're attractive and charismatic, no matter what the growth potential of the business is, the panellists are into you. If not, go jump.


It's probably the only part of the show that's an accurate reflection of reality. People are drawn to others who are confident and easy on the eye. But the fact is you don't need to be hot to run a great business. If the panellists recognised that, they wouldn't overlook so many potential goldmines.

The panellists are supposed to be able to contribute expertise and funds to businesses that need them. But they seem more focused on being total jerks. I guess it generates more ratings to put people down than it does to offer constructive criticism, which was the modus operandi of a similar show that used to air on the ABC, The New Inventors.

Contestants, I have this message for you: for goodness sake, have some self-respect. Many of you have established businesses. And you have articulated what you need to do to grow the size of your operation. Why on earth would you want to invite people with unattractive superiority complexes into your company to work alongside you? Go to the bank, borrow some money and do it by yourselves.

I can only imagine this show has remained on air because people are watching it for ideas about how to attract investment capital and build a business, or because it's attracting enough advertising dollars to warrant not pulling it.

I certainly won't be watching again. I don't take pleasure in seeing people publicly humiliated and I can't believe others do, too.

* Co-incidentally I was contacted by one of the contestants on the show this week, who claims their business has been inundated with "email (sic) from interested business partners, people wanting to open ... franchises, suppliers wanting us to buy from them." That's all well and good, but that doesn't necessarily translate into higher sales, which surely has to be the point of going on a show like this.

The strangest thing about my exchange with this person was that they told me they had to seek approval from the network airing the show before talking to me as a non-disclosure agreement was in place. I would be surprised if contacting me and giving me details such as those above would be allowed under the agreement.

I could easily have turned this story into a hatchet job on this person, and sought opinions on the appalling manner I believe contestants have been treated. The headline for such a story would be something like, "Shark Tank loser spills his guts" or "What really happens on Shark Tank." But that would have been acting in precisely the manner I find so appalling, as described above. And let's face it, the show has done such a hatchet job on the contestants there's no need for me to do the same. I put this person's behaviour down to naivety and hope they contact a PR consultant to help navigate the media in the future.

Would you take money from the panellists on this show for your business?

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