

This was published 7 years ago

Start-ups funded by the bank of mum and dad

By Kate Jones

Pride was swallowed and ego pushed aside when 25-year-old Ross Marais asked his parents to fund his financial planning business. They loaned him $50,000 interest-free.

"It was a bit of a tough one because obviously being a young male I wanted to be seen to be able to do things on my own, but then I put the pride and ego aside and realised it was a good opportunity and one that doesn't come up that often," Marais explains.

'The best option': Ross Marais with his parents.

'The best option': Ross Marais with his parents.Credit: Robert Shakespeare

"It was more just a pride thing getting in the way because no one really likes asking for money – especially from your parents."

Crucial funding

Marais' business, More Time Financial, is now in its second year and though it has yet to turn a profit, it turned over almost $100,000 in its first year. By his third year in business, the Queenslander hopes his business is making enough to start repaying his parents.

Daniel Brady, founder of Heavenly Hammocks, hopes he will one day be able to shell out for his own son's business.

Daniel Brady, founder of Heavenly Hammocks, hopes he will one day be able to shell out for his own son's business.

"I wouldn't have been able to start up a business without that funding," he says.

"I would have had some other options, they would have been through a business loan but obviously the best option was to get funding from the parents."

The loan was spent on leasing an office, fitting it out and ongoing expenses. Plus there was enough for Marais to draw a small salary.


Potential inequity

Start-up cash from the bank of mum and dad is helping many ambitious entrepreneurs make their business dreams come true. Research published this month by the Australian Housing and Research Institute found generous loans from parents, which are typically financed through housing wealth, are helping young Australians get ahead in the business world.

By funding businesses that would otherwise not get off the ground, intergenerational cash transfers could make important economic impacts, the report found. This includes boosting job opportunities for younger generations and increasing productivity.

Researchers have suggested governments alert homeowners to the tax advantages of using homes to launch start-ups. However report co-author Professor Gavin Wood warns of potential inequality with most mum and dad loans received by well-educated, self-employed beneficiaries.

"Intergenerational transfers are an important feature of contemporary family life and housing wealth is an important direct or indirect funding source for these transfers," he says.

"But if intergenerational transfers become increasingly important as a pillar supporting educational, housing and business start-up opportunities, policy-makers will need to heed the consequences for those children of less well-off parents who are bypassed by the intergenerational circulation of housing wealth."

Potential fall-out

The problem is that the kids will never repay the money as most start-ups fail and if they don't immediately they do in six years.

John Berenyi

Some experts believe parental business loans shouldn't be encouraged because the potential emotional and financial fall-out faced by families is too risky.

"It's a recipe for disaster," says social researcher John Berenyi.

"The problem is that the kids will never repay the money as most start-ups fail and if they don't immediately they do in six years.

"The kids feel guilty because they have taken the money from the parents and they feel pressured when mum and dad start asking for it to be paid back and parents feel bad in pressuring kids."

Fast growth means fast loans

Daniel Brady was keenly aware of his mum's outlay, which started at $5000 and quickly increased to $20,000.

"I thought I'd repay her and that would be the end of it, but the business started growing fast, so I had to import larger and larger amounts," he explains.

Thanks to Brady's mum his business, Heavenly Hammocks, took off. Her cash funded three imports of hammocks and after selling the third, Brady repaid the loan and started funding his own imports.

Had his venture failed, Brady had the means to repay his mum and avoid family conflict.

"The business had reached a relatively high market share, so growth slowed down," he says.

"It was the fast growth that demanded more loans. Borrowing from my mother was very convenient and safe enough for her since she trusts me and I have other assets I could have liquidated to repay her had the business failed."

Heavenly Hammocks turned over $40,000 last December during its peak season. Brady puts his business success down to his hard work and the easy seed funds he was able to access.

Borrowing from his mum allowed him to not only start the business, but to upscale it when the time was right.

Brady says he'll be happy to do the same for his son one day.

"Hopefully I'll be in a position to afford it – to hand out cash at a day's notice," he says.

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