

This was published 3 years ago


Sticking power: Victorians have made up their minds about Dan

Our road map out of lockdown may have provided some much-needed certainty for Victorians, but it also ensured that Melbourne will surpass Buenos Aires as the world’s most locked-down city.

Since March 2020, Argentinians have spent months living under what they called “quaranternity” where all social gatherings, both indoors or outdoors, were banned by the country’s centre-left Fernandez government.

Premier Daniel Andrews speaks at a press conference.

Premier Daniel Andrews speaks at a press conference.Credit: Getty Images

Just two months after introducing the strict health measures, the popularity of the country’s president Alberto Fernandez soared to a record high as he stuck to his narrative of prioritising saving lives over economic concerns.

South American political observers pinned his strong support to his coronavirus response, even though it damaged the country’s fragile economy and caused tens of thousands of businesses to close.

“I am not obsessed with quarantine. I’m obsessed with the health of Argentines,” he repeatedly said.

Parallels can be drawn between Fernandez’s response and that of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, who remains in an election-winning position despite enforcing a seemingly endless series of lockdowns and overseeing rising COVID-19 numbers.

Andrews, like Fernandez, has prioritised lockdowns in the name of “saving lives and keeping Victorians safe”. And to his critics’ dismay, it has worked as a political strategy.

The most recent Resolve Political Monitor survey, conducted exclusively for The Age, found the Andrews government’s primary vote is in an election-winning position at 40 per cent.


Andrews is also ahead in the preferred premier stakes – although opposition leaders rarely get a look-in there – and, despite remaining divisive, he continually scores a positive net likeability score.

This remains a curious political equation to his critics who cannot reconcile how a leader who has overseen the world’s longest lockdown, causing economic hardship for so many, can remain so firmly ahead in the polls.

Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez.

Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez.Credit: AP Photo

There are several simple explanations, namely the incumbency factor which has seen political leaders globally re-elected at a staggering rate since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then there is the underperforming Victorian opposition which has struggled to gain media traction and found that their criticism was often poorly received by voters.

Those two factors (which are linked to one another) can explain some of Andrews’ political fortunes, but they don’t tell the full story.


As his critics will rightly point out, under the Andrews government, Victoria has experienced more COVID-19 deaths and longer lockdowns than other states, and is now facing rising case numbers and a lengthy wait for the freedoms that will soon be enjoyed in NSW.

The latest lockdown is also expected to plunge the state’s finances billions of dollars further into the red this year when Victoria’s debt was already on track to hit $156 billion by 2025.

While incumbency and the weak opposition have contributed to Andrews’ enduring appeal, political insiders – those who conduct the polling and run the campaigns – believe communication is key to understanding Andrews’ popularity.

They also believe most Victorians have made up their minds about the Andrews government and they are not for turning.

It’s a commonly held belief that Victorians either viewed last year’s lengthy lockdown as the only way out of a health crisis or an infringement on their civil liberties. Those who formed the view that the Premier’s reaction was overzealous sided with the “Dictator Dan” mob.

Protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance on Wednesday.

Protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance on Wednesday.Credit: Jason South

Others, who found themselves in the #IStandWithDan crew, believed they would be rewarded for enduring months of difficult lockdowns and anyone who challenged the approach was somehow questioning their own personal sacrifice.

We now know the sacrifices made in 2020 simply weren’t enough to protect Victoria from the Delta variant. Nor was Andrews’ insistence that strict border controls and short, sharp lockdowns would help us avoid the fate of NSW. Yet it has barely shifted a vote.

Much of that can be attributed to Andrews’ masterful political messaging such as his oft-repeated line about “the need to go harder, earlier”, which pollsters report is often repeated verbatim in focus groups.

As a health measure, it may not have worked as a way of stopping the latest outbreak, but, as one veteran campaigner said: “He is very good at encapsulating a thought and that matters”.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. Credit: Justin McManus

Public polling backs up the idea that voters have picked and sticked. The state government’s primary vote dropped in 2020, but it has hardly shifted since then.

Given this, it’s worth asking why the opposition even bothers. To answer this, it’s important to return to Buenos Aires.

After President Fernandez extended lockdown measures for the 16th time and deaths continued to rise, support for his government waned and last week he suffered an electoral defeat in legislative primaries which has put the government’s grip on Congress at risk.


Slowly, the government’s focus on saving lives was challenged by voters worried about an emerging crisis in mental health and the economy, which has led to a surge in support for Argentina’s main opposition party.

It’s not enough to swing an election, but local pollsters in the field tracking the mood of Victorian voters report that new Opposition Leader Matthew Guy is already gaining ground on Andrews, as is NSW Labor leader Chris Minns who is reportedly edging closer to NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.

At this stage it is unlikely to trigger a change of government in either state, but it suggests we will see the polls tighten on the other side of the pandemic.

Annika Smethurst is state political editor.

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