

This was published 5 years ago

Could the big build open a hole under Victorian Labor?

By Clay Lucas

When John Cain died of a stroke late last year, many reflected on his immense legacy as the man who modernised Victoria’s Labor Party and then, for eight years from 1982, the state itself.

No one was more acutely aware of that legacy than Daniel Andrews, who this month paid his respects to those achievements at Cain's memorial service in St Paul’s Cathedral.

In his tribute to Cain, Andrews recalled a one-on-one discussion with the former premier on election night in 2014.

“With tears in his eyes and a powerful emotion in his voice,” Andrews said, “John told me that we were going to win. I will never forget the advice he gave me that day. He said you are about to do what so few have done: lead our party and our state. Celebrate it, enjoy it. But then get to work.

“He leant in a little closer. He said to me: ‘You cannot, you must not, waste your opportunity’.”

Anyone casting an eye over the state’s vast transport infrastructure agenda would see that Andrews hasn’t ignored Cain’s advice – the inertia of the preceding Coalition government has been cast aside.

Premier Daniel Andrews paying tribute to John Cain at his memorial service earlier this month.

Premier Daniel Andrews paying tribute to John Cain at his memorial service earlier this month.Credit: AAP

To drive around Melbourne today is to witness an unprecedented wave of infrastructure construction after decades of the state stagnating while commuters boiled with rage. The government advertises its enormous list of 119 transport projects as "the big build".

But in the wake of Andrews’ huge 2018 election victory, is the $70 billion transformation of transport he began promising from the day he hit the ground as premier suddenly coming unstuck?


Paul Strangio, a Monash University politics professor who also attended that memorial service, ticks off Cain’s achievements: WorkSafe, the TAC, freeing up liquor laws and retail trading hours, the sporting precinct, FOI and so much more. “People looked at his record in office and suddenly appreciated ‘Geez, he did a lot’.”

And he says Andrews has put being “an activist, assertive premier” at the centre of his political persona – particularly when it comes to wearing a hardhat on a transport construction site. So what happens as Andrews heads towards the 2022 state election with his impressive list of mega-projects in apparent meltdown?

On each of his biggest builds, the premier and his government now face a dizzying array of headaches:

  • The Metro Tunnel - nine kilometres of rail tracks under central Melbourne - could see its $11 billion budget blown sky-high if the bitter dispute with the construction consortium building it reaches the courts - the cost of building the tunnels is up to $3 billion over budget. The contractors argue they have encountered unexpected problems including geological challenges, and before Christmas the dispute over who would pick up the bigger bill resulted in builders shutting down tunnel-boring machines for two days. Work has resumed on the job but the disagreement continues.
  • The West Gate Tunnel, comprising twin tunnels under Yarraville and a new bridge over the Maribyrnong, is a big dig by anyone’s standards. Missing at the moment is any actual digging. Two massive tunnel-boring machines sit dormant over a dispute between Andrews’ partner in the project, Transurban - which this week warned it would not meet its 2022 deadline to open the road. The two construction giants building it are in a dramatic impasse with Transurban over how they should dispose of 2.3 million tonnes of soil, much of it laced with the carcinogens PFAS and asbestos.
  • The pledge to remove 50 level crossings was a signature success of the government’s first term, and this project continues. But it is running at least $2.3 billion over budget, and probably much more. The government disputes that this was a budget overrun, arguing that the many additional works they added – including new railway stations and better signalling that make the network function better – is what made costs jump. Despite the higher cost of the first 50 crossing removals, it was such an electoral winner that the government committed to another 25 removals in the next half-decade.
  • An airport rail line has been promised but, despite being discussed in Victoria since 1963, there is bubbling tension over the route it will take and whether to accept a bid led by a private consortium to build a new tunnel to run it on. The tunnel would enable a world-class service, but in the face of cost blowouts and delays on other projects, both Victoria and the Commonwealth are now considering a cheaper option.

The stakes got higher for Andrews this week, when four suburban councils voted to challenge the road’s environmental approval for the North East Link - the largest toll road ever to be attempted in this state - in the Supreme Court.

The government's unofficial line was that a court challenge won’t hamper progress. But the councils boast two experienced silks including David Batt, QC, who represented the government on the other side of a near-identical fight over another toll road, the East West Link (that 18-kilometre toll road was abandoned by the Andrews government in 2015 at a cost to taxpayers of $1.1 billion).

Michelle Giovas, president of Friends of Banyule, in Borlase Reserve in Yallambie, which will be severely affected by the North East Link.

Michelle Giovas, president of Friends of Banyule, in Borlase Reserve in Yallambie, which will be severely affected by the North East Link.Credit: Justin McManus

For a project as environmentally precarious as the North East Link – 26,000 trees to go, almost 53 hectares of native vegetation to be impacted and a tunnel that cuts underneath the Yarra through one of the city’s most cherished bush landscapes – a court defeat over its green bona fides would be disastrous.

All these projects are needed to deal with the massive population growth Victoria continues to experience – 133,000 new residents in the year to June 2019. Growth near that level has been happening for more than a decade.

Daniel Andrews is in the middle of what might be thought of as his Difficult Second Term.

It’s something he talks about regularly when under fire over this mega-project or that. Managing so many big projects is an enormous challenge, he said at one press conference recently.

"But ultimately what’s the alternative? Sit around finding reasons not to do things? Well, we’ve had that for, like, 40 years and it’s why we have got some of the congestion trouble we have now," he said.

Never easy: A worker at the State Library Station site of the Metro Tunnel project earlier this month.

Never easy: A worker at the State Library Station site of the Metro Tunnel project earlier this month.Credit: Joe Armao

"It’s why frankly we’ve not been ready for the growth we are experiencing now. In 20 years’ time they won’t be saying that about this government. They will be saying we got on and got things done. Was it easy? Was it simple? No, of course it isn’t. Important work is never simple, is never easy.”

For the Opposition the talking points are clear: Andrews has bitten off more than he can chew and is promising the biggest infrastructure build in the state’s history without worrying about who is footing the bill.

“I think he’s like a general fighting the last war,” says shadow transport infrastructure spokesman David Davis, who smells votes for his side of politics in the massive cost and timetable blowouts. "It’s no use being the best sabre fighter if guns have appeared.”

Davis says that Labor can’t just keep on promising bigger and bigger projects if the ones already underway are facing such serious headwinds.

“These projects are loose and under-scoped and consequently they are like a runaway train,” he adds. When questioned about his own party’s history in government, Davis points to his time as health minister. “I had $4.5 billion in health projects bubbling away,” he says, batting away suggestions that the Coalition can’t run an infrastructure program.

The Liberal Party’s track record on transport projects the last time it was in power is hardly one to sing from the rooftops. The highlights? A handful of level crossing removals; finishing off under budget and ahead of time the Regional Rail Link through Melbourne’s west, a project that Labor had started; a broken promise to build a rail line to Doncaster; and a failed attempt to kickstart an airport rail line combined with an out-of-the-blue metro rail tunnel through the fledgling suburb of Fishermans Bend.

Their current promises should they win power in 2022 are building the East West Link, continuing with the Metro Tunnel and North East Link, and weighing up the business case for the Suburban Rail Loop.

Davis says that whatever the Coalition did the last time it was in government, Labor is out of control when it comes to spending on transport infrastructure. He points to the Suburban Rail Loop project, a 90-kilometre underground link around Melbourne’s middle suburbs costed at a thumping $50 billion. He says that even that figure is an understatement, and floats a rumour that has come his way from a government source that the current costing is $162 billion.

The proposed suburban rail loop would intersect with 10 other rail lines.

The proposed suburban rail loop would intersect with 10 other rail lines.Credit: Fairfax Media

He agrees that cross-city links around Melbourne are in urgent need of improvement, but questions if, in the Suburban Rail Loop, the government has the right solution. “They’ve certainly got the most expensive solution.”

Fears and failures

Newly minted in 2010 as state Labor leader and faced with the task of winning back office in a single term, Andrews told the Herald Sun that the combination of failure on transport projects and rapid population growth had been Labor’s downfall. “In the face of unprecedented growth, we struggled to keep up,” he said of John Brumby’s government.

Slowly, he and shadow treasurer Tim Pallas cooked up an infrastructure strategy they would take to the 2014 election to defeat Denis Napthine’s East West Link-obsessed government. Offering the removal of 50 level crossings and the cancellation of East West Link at no extra cost, Andrews swept to power with a strategy called Project 10,000 - the creation of 10,000 new jobs through transport building.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Treasurer Tim Pallas, left, were the architects of Project 10,000.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Treasurer Tim Pallas, left, were the architects of Project 10,000.Credit: AAP

Denis Napthine, who lost office to that document’s promises, says today’s construction frenzy is being driven by population growth and that the pressure on the system, even with all the work being done, is still immense.

When he comes to Melbourne, he stays in Kensington: “The amount of times I have to wait for the next train because I can’t get on – and if you try and drive in it takes you an hour from eight kilometres away [from the CBD].”

Napthine says Andrews should be focusing more on pumping up regional centres by shifting public service jobs to places like Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo. He also thinks Labor’s choice of projects has been muddle-headed.

Then premier Denis Napthine announcing land acquisitions for the doomed East West Link in 2013.

Then premier Denis Napthine announcing land acquisitions for the doomed East West Link in 2013.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Napthine maintains that the East West Link he took to the 2014 election was a great project. But even for those who didn’t support the section of motorway his government wanted to build, he argues a much better alternative than the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel is the second stage of the East West Link, which would have traversed an entirely different part of the western suburbs.

“The West Gate Tunnel is the wrong project for the wrong reason, because it won’t have the impact on decongesting the west. This tunnel project was driven by a secret deal with Transurban and financed in a dodgy way and has ended up in an absolute mess.” (Promised in Labor's Project 10,000 was a far more modest set of West Gate Bridge ramps costed at $500 million.)

Napthine’s transport department secretary during the East West Link days was Jim Betts, who now runs NSW’s Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. For many years Betts ran public transport in Victoria, before taking on the top job in the Department of Transport.

In a speech at Monash University late last year, Betts – who presented the East West Link business case to Napthine and his Cabinet in 2013, and was out of a job by the following morning – reflected on how Victoria had arrived at its current situation.

“Good projects come from good plans and conversely bad projects come from a lack of planning,” he said, pointing to a 2008 strategy called the Victorian Transport Plan that put projects like the Metro Tunnel and North East Link into a formal process. Betts noted that under legislation there is meant to be a formal strategy now, but there is not.


“It may be that the projects that the government in Victoria is rolling out are the best projects. But you wouldn’t know, because you don’t have a plan within which to operate,” he said.

Betts was in charge of public transport under John Brumby in the lead-up to the 2010 election.

“We had the right projects but we hadn’t planned sufficiently far ahead, so as patronage on the rail system ballooned, we couldn't run fast enough to keep up with the demand that was being placed on the train system,” Betts recalled in his speech. “It felt like an atmosphere of crisis management. [New] trains were due to arrive one a month [every month] and every time a train was two days late, it was on the front page of The Age. That sort of stuff doesn’t happen if you plan decently ahead of time.”

To Monash University’s Paul Strangio, it appears Daniel Andrews learnt well from Brumby’s downfall: the electorate punishes politicians for inertia.

He says Andrews should take comfort from the fact that there were plenty of issues around transport construction in the lead-up to the last poll too and voters didn’t punish him.

“Quite the opposite, they rewarded a government that was doing something,” Strangio adds. “[The public] are willing to see transport projects in the long term when you're trying to rebuild a run-down system.

“On balance people are happier with an ambitious government doing something and making mistakes rather than a government that’s napping.”

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