

This was published 1 year ago

Andrews government sat on bail reform report for 11 months

By Annika Smethurst

The Andrews government has spent almost a year sitting on a report which recommended sweeping changes to the state’s bail laws well before a damning coroner’s report into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson.

The parliamentary report was handed down last March and effectively mirrors the recent recommendations from Coroner Simon McGregor.

Premier Daniel Andrews has vowed to change Victoria’s bail laws within the next six months.

Premier Daniel Andrews has vowed to change Victoria’s bail laws within the next six months.Credit: James Brickwood

Aboriginal legal groups, the state opposition and the chair of the bipartisan committee spent two years investigating Victoria’s justice system and recommended overhauling bail laws and giving consideration of a person’s Aboriginality during the bail process.

They’ve slammed the government for ignoring the committee’s work, which made 100 recommendations for change.

Under the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003, the government of the day has six months to formally respond to inquiries once tabled. The report by the Legal and Social Issues Committee was tabled in parliament last March, with the government failing to respond to the 800-page report within the six-month deadline in September, just weeks before the state election.

But last week, Premier Daniel Andrews vowed to reform the Bail Act within six months after McGregor took aim at the state’s strict bail laws for being “incompatible” with the Charter of Human Rights and discriminatory towards First Nations people.

Former MP Fiona Patten, who chaired the Legislative Council’s committee, said the report found changes to bail laws which passed in 2013 and 2017 had a disproportionate impact on Aboriginal Victorians and particularly women.

“Despite being legally required to the government did not respond to the report, which was not only contemptuous of the parliament but more importantly the hundreds of people and organisations who made submissions and provided research and evidence to the inquiry,” she said.

Former upper house MP Fiona Patten said the government had wasted months not acting.

Former upper house MP Fiona Patten said the government had wasted months not acting.Credit: Justin McManus

“I welcome the government’s comments that they will act on the latest coroner’s report, but frankly this should have happened months ago and shows politics and elections are still taking precedence over urgently needed law reform.”

In 2018, the Andrews government toughened the Bail Act in response to the Bourke Street attack by James Gargasoulas, who killed six people and injured many others while he was on bail. The changes included placing the onus on an accused person to prove they were not a risk to the community, instead of police having to show a reason for bail to be denied.

McGregor found the “reverse onus regime” was incompatible with human rights, echoing the committee’s report which recommended simplifying the bail tests, and making the presumptions against bail more targeted to serious offending.

The committee’s report also found that in 2020, Aboriginal women made up 14 per cent of the total female prison population despite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people making up less than 0.8 per cent of the Victorian population. In response, the committee recommended the government consider a person’s Aboriginality during the bail process as part of its reforms.

This was mirrored in the coroner’s recent recommendation that the government specifically consider the “persistent over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system”.

Both the 2022 report and the coroner’s recent findings also recommended the Court Integrated Services Program – which provides support to those seeking bail – be expanded and staffed whenever the court is open.

Victorian Coroner Simon McGregor found Veronica Nelson’s death was preventable.

Victorian Coroner Simon McGregor found Veronica Nelson’s death was preventable.

The coroner also reiterated the committee’s recommendation that the government consider appointing an Aboriginal social justice commissioner or other oversight body to make sure the recommendations made by the 1991 royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody are implemented.

Nerita Waight, chief executive of Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, criticised the government for sitting on the report for 11 months, accusing it of waging a “political battle to be tough on crime”.

“The parliamentary inquiry led by Fiona Patten was extensive and said what we all knew to be true – the government need to fix Victoria’s broken bail laws. The fact that the premier and his government have never responded to that report despite being required to is disturbing,” Waight said.

“Their inaction means that many more Victorians are needlessly suffering from the same sort of treatment that Veronica Nelson was subjected to.”

Waight said the coroner's findings had presented the government with another opportunity to reform bail laws to reduce the incarceration rates, particularly of Aboriginal people.

“A progressive premier would listen to the experts and urgently work hand in hand with them to implement their advice.”

Opposition spokesman for criminal justice reform Brad Battin, who was a member for the Baillieu-Napthine government that began tightening bail and parole laws, called on the government to respond to the report.

“If the Andrews Labor government was serious about criminal justice reform, it wouldn’t have ignored this important report for almost a year,” Battin said.

“If these matters were taken seriously at the time, we could be a lot closer to a better system that works for all Victorians.”


While the Coalition committee members supported many of the report's recommendations, two Coalition MPs on the inquiry committee released a minority report which favoured keeping the current reverse onus test.

A state government spokesperson said they welcomed the committee’s wide-ranging report and that bail laws need to protect the community without having a disproportionate or unintended impact on those accused of low-level offending who do not present a safety risk to community.

“This report, along with the coroner’s report into the death of Veronica Nelson, is all part of the extensive consultation that we’re doing to reform our bail laws and other areas of the justice system,” they said.

“This work is ongoing but is a complex area of law and should not be rushed.”

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