

This was published 3 years ago

Queensland minister reveals conflict over brother's role

By Mark Solomons

Queensland Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe has revealed he has a conflict of interest because his brother manages the insurance system used by the state's councils, but won't say whether he has told the Premier, as required by ministerial rules.

The minister's brother, Craig Hinchliffe, is the Queensland and Northern Territory general manager for Jardine Lloyd Thompson, an insurance multinational owned by US brokerage giant Marsh.

Stirling Hinchliffe acknowledged the conflict after questions from Brisbane Times about a long-running controversy involving legal expenses at Cassowary Coast Regional Council, in which JLT has become entangled.

Stirling Hinchliffe acknowledged the conflict after questions from Brisbane Times about a long-running controversy involving legal expenses at Cassowary Coast Regional Council, in which JLT has become entangled.Credit: Glenn Hunt

JLT has a $5 million-a-year contract to manage Local Government Mutual, a $150 million fund that provides insurance cover to almost the entire local government sector in Queensland.

A spokeswoman for the minister said he had "sought integrity commissioner advice in his role as a minister to address a potential or perceived conflict of interest in mid-2019" relating to his brother's role at JLT.

"The integrity commissioner advice included a conflict of interest management plan, which the minister has followed," she said.

Stirling Hinchliffe's office would not provide details of the management plan's requirements, and would not say why this conflict only came to light in mid-2019. The minister went on to deal with matters involving JLT after this date.

The Ministerial Code of Conduct says a minister "must notify the Premier about any conflict of interest with their ministerial responsibilities and the actions that will be implemented to manage the conflict".

The minister's office did not respond to questions about what he had told the Premier or when.

The code, which does not distinguish between real, perceived and potential conflicts, requires ministers to submit conflict of interest management plans within a month of being sworn into office and to update them with any changes or additions.


Stirling Hinchliffe was sworn in as Local Government Minister in December 2017. His brother has worked at JLT for 23 years and has held his management role there since at least 2016, according to annual reports published by LGM.

"The minister first sought advice from the [integrity commissioner] in January 2018 and has followed all the IC’s recommendations to date," the spokeswoman said, without providing details of what matters he sought advice on.

The minister acknowledged the conflict after questions from Brisbane Times about a long-running controversy involving legal expenses at Cassowary Coast Regional Council, in which JLT has become entangled.

This year, JLT sought to block the release of emails under Right to Information that show the council misled the local community in 2019 about ratepayers' exposure to the private legal expenses of its chief executive, who in 2017 launched a defamation action against a local couple.

The council had repeatedly claimed, in public meetings and in newspaper advertisements titled "The Facts", that all its rapidly rising legal costs were covered by its Local Government Mutual policies.

Queensland’s Information Commissioner dismissed the objections put up by JLT and the council and ordered the council to release the emails.

They show JLT told the council that private defamation suits were not covered by LGM policies and warned it several times not to make such a claim. The council had publicly claimed the emails would prove its costs were covered but the documents, once they emerged, showed otherwise.

The council declined to comment.

The council's legal costs have become a cause celebre in the tropical coastal strip north of Townsville, prompting public rallies and providing a campaign platform for candidates in the March 2020 elections, in which the previous council was ousted.

The Cassowary Coast Ratepayers and Residents Action Group, which fought to obtain the RTI documents, filed petitions to the Queensland Parliament in November 2019 and September this year calling on the state government to act against the council over its spending on its chief executive's private lawsuit, by dismissing the council or appointing an administrator.

Stirling Hinchliffe responded to the November 2019 petition by telling the Clerk of the Parliament he would not take any action. He wrote that the council had merely applied its policy on indemnifying councillors and staff.

However, the policy he referred to did not come into existence until February 2019 and was not retrospective.

The minister responded to the September 2020 petition on October 10 with only an acknowledgement of receipt because by the date of the response the government was already in caretaker mode ahead of the state election.

Stirling Hinchliffe's spokeswoman said that "under the Local Government Act, councils themselves are responsible for their chief executive officers".

Cassowary Coast Ratepayers and Residents Action Group president Fred James said the minister should not have dealt with the group's petitions at all because of the conflict presented by his brother's role at JLT.

The minister's refusal to take action over the council's behaviour was "self-serving and protective", he said.

“JLT vigorously contested and opposed, along with the CCRC [Cassowary Coast Regional Council] ... the disclosure and release to me of CCRC JLT documents for over 10 months,” Mr James said.

Public sector ethics expert Richard Mulgan, emeritus professor at Crawford Business School at ANU, agreed the minister should have recused himself from responding to the petition.

"It's easily done," he said. "He could give it to another minister or the Premier to deal with."

The minister has not mentioned his brother's role in his parliamentary Record of Interests. His spokeswoman said he was not required to because he "has no interest in his brother’s company".

But Professor Mulgan said this was "a very narrow interpretation" of the disclosure requirements that cover "interests, pecuniary and otherwise" of MPs and people known to them.

He said once the minister had told the integrity commissioner about the conflict, "it seems odd that he didn't think it needed to be disclosed in his Record of Interests".

JLT's lucrative business in the public sector in Australia is under pressure, with the firm the subject of class-action lawsuits in Victoria and NSW brought by local councils that allege ratepayers have been overcharged millions of dollars for its insurance services.

A spokesman for Jardine Lloyd Thompson said: "JLT believes there is no merit to these allegations and intends to defend this matter vigorously." JLT otherwise declined to comment.

Local Government Mutual took in $46 million in contributions from councils in 2019 and returned about $2.5 million to them in discretionary payments that were used to offset about half of the cost of their Local Government Association of Queensland membership fees.

In 2017 LGM made a one-off discretionary $6 million payment to the LGAQ to fund a commercial data-harvesting project called LG Sherlock intended for use by local government.

Stirling Hinchliffe is recontesting his Sandgate seat for the ALP in the state election on October 31.

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