

This was published 1 year ago

Qld has almost hit its 2030 emissions goal. But hot air is rising

By Matt Dennien

Barring a swift direction shift, Queensland appears on track to meet its 2030 emissions reduction target next year – a glimmer of good news, before you remember just how unambitious it is.

Despite this, Palaszczuk Labor has not indicated plans to set another goal on the way to net-zero by 2050. The LNP have also promised this – just don’t ask how they plan to do it yet.

School Strike 4 Climate marchers headed to Queensland Parliament again last Friday, calling out – among other things – the state government’s emissions targets.

School Strike 4 Climate marchers headed to Queensland Parliament again last Friday, calling out – among other things – the state government’s emissions targets.

While the premier was back from holidays and keen to talk last week about politics being the contest of ideas, not the combat of personalities, it seems a glaring gap in a debate that descended instead – as it often does – into point-scoring and scaremongering.

At the tail end of a rowdy sitting week on Friday, one of the parliament’s committees published its report into a bill introduced by the Greens’ Michael Berkman back in March.

The Maiwar MP had proposed hiking emission reduction efforts to 75 per cent by 2030 and net-zero five years later, setting up a climate transition authority, banning all new fossil-fuel approvals, and also phasing out their exports in seven years.


Ultimately, the Labor and LNP-dominated committee described the bill as flawed and having “serious unintended consequences” for both the state government’s plan to phase-out coal power by 2035 and its coal royalty reliant cashflow.

But after delving into significant detail about the costs of the bill, the report turns attention to the proposed emissions targets lift only twice.

Once: laying out how this would be done through stopping new fossil fuel projects. A second time: while arguing Berkman’s proposal did not include a plan for how the targets would be met, beyond the proposed transition authority figuring it out.


“The committee considers it reasonable to ask how these proposed emissions reductions will be achieved due to concerns about the impact on security of electricity supply,” the report notes.

A reasonable question for anyone trying to run a state, industrial machinery, or a fridge in their home, to ask.

Another reasonable question the committee appeared less than interested in was how Queensland, with its outsize role in Australia’s emissions, would account for the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global temperature rise this century below 1.5 degrees by dropping emissions 43 per cent by 2030.

Or else, you know, risk “more severe climate change impacts, including more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves and rainfall”, as the committee reiterated.

That 43 per cent figure has been adopted by the federal Labor government as its target. All other states with a 2030 target have something between 45 and 50 per cent. Queensland’s is 30 per cent – a touch above that of the former federal Coalition government.


Is it any wonder then, while the latest data out in April shows Queensland is already at 29 per cent, there has been little fanfare other than an update to its website, the odd comment to media, and submissions to the committee scrutinising Berkman’s bill?

In a statement responding to questions about government plans in this space, Environment Minister Leanne Linard said the data was clear: “the Palaszczuk government’s actions on climate change are working”.

I guess work toward a low bar is still work, technically. It’s also not work toward a goal in the opposite direction of expert advice and the government’s own policy, like detaining more young offenders.

Amid all this, the parliamentary week saw Labor try to turn LNP leader David Crisafulli’s suggestions about their controversially hiked coal royalty rates (he could review them down the track if his party won government next year) into one of the week’s spending cut scares.


Crisafulli himself sought to claim an LNP political win as the government announced a review into two teens failed by the state. A call that just days before came from ... the Disability Royal Commission.

He also invoked his budget reply mantra of “hope over fear”, while bristling at questions about anything beyond his party’s current limited solutions to a sharpened list of apparent crises facing the state in health, housing, crime and cost of living.

Outside parliament on Friday, school strikers made their own demands of the state government while questioning its claims of acting “meaningfully on the climate crisis”. No doubt its omission from the LNP’s list was also not lost on them.

Heads up


Catch up

  • In City Hall, the Greens added three new candidates to their existing roster of those vying for Brisbanite votes in 11 of the capital council’s 26 wards to be targeted by the minor party, along with self-declared long-shot mayoral hopeful Jonathan Sriranganathan.
  • Sticking with council, and those reading the comments of actual Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner calling on the state government to figure out how to boost drinking water levels ahead of a predicted dry spell may recall his role agitating for it to do the opposite this time last year.

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