

This was published 1 year ago

Yes, inflation and interest rates are up, but don’t forget the good news

By Matt Wade

Inflation is up, interest rates are rising, and house prices are falling. But amid all the economic gloom and doom, don’t forget the good news.

The NSW unemployment rate dipped to 3 per cent in October, its lowest since monthly records began in 1978. And that’s just one impressive employment benchmark the state has hit recently.

The unemployment rate in NSW hit 3 per cent in October, the lowest since monthly records began in 1978.

The unemployment rate in NSW hit 3 per cent in October, the lowest since monthly records began in 1978.Credit: Peter Rae

As total employment in NSW topped 4.3 million for the first time in October, the number of unemployed people fell to 135,500 – the lowest since January 1982. That’s a far cry from the 310,000 seeking work across the state during the early months of the COVID-19 crisis.

NSW has the lowest unemployment rate of any state or territory, and the underemployment rate is also well below the national average (underemployment is a measure of those with a job who would like to work more hours).

ANZ economist Catherine Birch said this was “the best time for several decades to be looking for a job in NSW”.

The NSW participation rate, which measures the share of the working-age population with a job or looking for one, climbed to a record 66.2 per cent in October.

That new benchmark was underpinned by women workers – the female participation rate also hit an all-time high of 62.1 per cent. The workforce participation rate for women in NSW is now 2 percentage points higher than what it was just before the onset of the pandemic.

Birch said pandemic-induced changes to working patterns, including the growing acceptance of working from home, were favourable for women’s participation.


“One silver lining of the pandemic has been the shift to more flexible working which disproportionately benefits women, particularly those with children,” she said.

Two decades ago, the male participation rate in NSW was 18.5 percentage points higher than for women. That gap has now shrunk to 8.5 percentage points.

The benefits of the strong labour market are being shared across the state. Detailed labour force figures released by the Bureau of Statistics show parts of western Sydney, plagued by relatively high levels of unemployment in the past, are now doing especially well.

In the Blacktown area, where unemployment topped 10 per cent several times during the past decade, the rate fell to just 2 per cent in September and October. It was a similar story in Sydney’s south-west statistical district, which includes Liverpool and Fairfield, where unemployment in October was 4.4 per cent.

Unemployment was below 3 per cent in 11 of Greater Sydney’s 15 major statistical districts in October. The Northern Beaches and Ryde had rates below 2 per cent (although regional unemployment rates can be subject to variability due to small survey samples).

Jobs growth has also been robust in regional NSW where the unemployment rate (2.8 per cent) was lower than that in Greater Sydney (3 per cent) in October.


NSW Treasurer Matt Kean said NSW was “maintaining the lowest levels of unemployment on record, despite the challenges of rising interest rates and inflation”.

But economic headwinds are likely to take a toll next year.

Seven interest rate increases in the past seven months will likely slow demand and employment growth. Many analysts expect the Reserve Bank board to lift rates yet again on Tuesday.

A sharp fall in Sydney property values may also weigh on confidence and activity. House prices in the city have fallen by 11.4 per cent since peaking earlier this year, the CoreLogic home value index shows.

Even so, Birch expects NSW unemployment to remain below the 4 per cent mark throughout next year.

“Because there is such a huge volume of unfilled jobs at the moment, even as higher inflation and higher rates weigh on demand, it is still going to take time to flow through to unemployment,” she said. “Job vacancies will have to fall quite a way before we see a material lift in the unemployment rate.”

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