

This was published 4 years ago

Wreaking deadly havoc: how the outbreak spiralled at Newmarch House

By Deborah Snow and Jenny Noyes

The run-up to Mother's Day this year has been especially hard for Joyce Parker, as she anxiously awaits updates on the condition of her mother, 93-year old Alice Bacon.

In March the family learned that Alice, a resident of the beleaguered Newmarch House residential aged facility in Sydney's outer west, had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. But a second blow was to come.

Relatives of residents Liz Lane with her daughter Samantha and Anthony Bowe gather outside Newmarch House on Tuesday.

Relatives of residents Liz Lane with her daughter Samantha and Anthony Bowe gather outside Newmarch House on Tuesday.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

On April 24, nearly a fortnight after the first case of COVID-19 had been detected in a staff member over the Easter weekend, Alice was also diagnosed with the potentially deadly infection.

"She has got a few really tough days ahead of her," a shaken Parker told the Herald on Friday. "I think it [the virus] lay dormant, and then it just comes out. It's just so contagious."

The sector's notorious vulnerability to the virus has been on stark display overseas, particularly in Spain, Italy, and in the UK, where up to 30 per cent of virus-related deaths may have occurred inside aged care facilities.

In Australia an initial outbreak at BaptistCare's Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney, which began in late February, had the sector already on edge. The country's 2700 aged care facilities, which between them house some 200,000 elderly residents, were anxiously waiting to see who would be next.

An ambulance leaves Newmarch House on April 30.

An ambulance leaves Newmarch House on April 30. Credit: Edwina Pickles

There were minor outbreaks here and there – in around 25 homes, according to federal Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck. But nowhere has the virus wrought greater havoc in the sector than in Newmarch House, a facility run by Anglicare for around 100 residents in leafy grounds in Caddens, in the far west of the city.

Other operators looked on horrified as Newmarch's mounting roll-call of fatalities and infections was "read out almost like cricket scores" on news bulletins, as one industry source put it this week.


The intense media focus is hardly surprising. With 16 residents dead thus far, and close to 70 patients and staff infected in total, the home has become - like the ill-fated Ruby Princess cruise ship before it - an unwilling exemplar of how quickly an outbreak can spiral out of control.

Families were up in arms, particularly in the latter two weeks of April when both staff and management appeared overwhelmed by the crisis. Calls into the facility were ringing out, routines thrown into disarray and families were struggling to get a clear picture of how their loved ones were faring.

Alice was given nothing but a frozen cheese sandwich for lunch on one occasion, Parker says. Other relatives were hearing similar stories. In desperation some began attending a makeshift vigil each afternoon on the grass nature strip outside.

Inside, there was mounting alarm over how to handle the outbreak. The facility was desperately short of personal protective equipment (PPE), with one wealthy contact even reaching out (unsuccessfully) to China for help.

There was a plunge in staff numbers, with many having to go into isolation because of close contact with the original case, thought to have been a worker who unknowingly worked around half a dozen shifts while infected.

To cope with the sudden vacancies, Newmarch management reached out to between eight and 10 outside agencies for help, only to find replacement staff would sometimes not turn up. "There was a lot of fear," one observer said. "They would discover that the address was Newmarch House and then they wouldn't go to the facility.''

Joyce Parker and Mary Watson wave to their mother, Alice Bacon, from outside the Newmarch House fence on Wednesday.

Joyce Parker and Mary Watson wave to their mother, Alice Bacon, from outside the Newmarch House fence on Wednesday. Credit: Rhett Wyman

The staff shortages led to problems communicating with the families. While mobile phones were provided to residents, some were too frail or unable to use them. "We did not have the staff or resources or the time at that stage to arrange things like window visits," the source concedes.

Meanwhile the Ruby Princess fiasco was taking up a lot of NSW Health bandwidth, and friction between the Commonwealth (which has responsibility for aged care) and the state was not helping.

Nevertheless, Anglicare is adamant that it had infectious diseases personnel in Newmarch from the beginning. NSW Health sent in an infectious diseases expert on April 13, while from April 20, the federal department organised 35 extra staff to go in via the agency Aspen Medical. They included an infection control manager, nurse "first responders", a nursing unit manager, personal care workers and physiotherapists. In addition, a team of three who had helped steer Dorothy Henderson Lodge through its outbreak was also posted to Newmarch.


The low point came on Tuesday, April 28, when four residents at Newmarch died in a single 24-hour period. That put paid to management's hopes that they'd got on top of the outbreak.

NSW Health, which had been testing residents and staff from the outset, stepped up the testing regime on Sunday, May 3, and then again on May 6.

In recent days, families report marked improvements in communication, including daily newsletters and at least one call a day.

The Commonwealth also mobilised the advocacy group Seniors Rights Service to help, with three online webinars held for relatives so far.

Joyce Parker pays tribute to the staff, who she says are "putting their own lives at risk every day …. They need medals, every single one of them".

Authorities are hoping this week's dramatic intervention by the federal regulator, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, will turbocharge the battle to contain the virus inside the home.

“Sadly, the virus can be brought in easily and unknowingly and then it wreaks havoc, which is what we are seeing in Newmarch now.”

Patricia Sparrow, Aged and Community Services Australia

The regulator gave Anglican Community Services barely 24 hours on Wednesday to place an external, independent adviser inside Newmarch or face potential revocation of its licence. By 5pm the following day it had complied, announcing the appointment of Andrew Kinkade, an experienced administrator who (somewhat ironically) hails from the Catholic sector.

Anglicare CEO Grant Millard was not available for interview but told the Herald in a statement that "we have been confronted by a perfect storm, brought on by a variety of factors simply beyond our control".

"We hope we are approaching the end of the crisis, although there will be many weeks left before we are past this," he said.

Patricia Sparrow says the whole, tragic saga has underscored the hyper-vigilance which aged care providers need to bring to the pandemic. Sparrow heads industry body Aged and Community Services Australia [ACSA] which represents the non-profit providers, of which Anglicare is one.

"Sadly, the virus can be brought in easily and unknowingly and then it wreaks havoc, which is what we are seeing in Newmarch now," Sparrow says.

She says operators are "100 per cent focused on trying to keep the virus out and keep people well" but need support from the community to do so.

"We need to make sure that people as far as possible don't come into aged care if they have even the slightest symptom," Sparrow says.

Many institutions in the sector are experimenting with ways to keep family members in touch while limiting close physical contact.

These include "window visits" – chatting to elderly parents on the phone while both sides stay on each side of protective glass – or visits in external courtyards at a safe distance, with designated concierges escorting a family member in and out of the home. Technologies like Facetime and Skype are also proving a boon during the partial lockdown that homes have imposed.

As of Friday week ago, Newmarch had started putting in place procedures for window and courtyard visits, which some relatives have found rewarding. Others have been left underwhelmed by the experience.

Liz Lane says getting her mother Rose ready for a visit could be an ordeal in itself and she fears it brings "little comfort". On Thursday when she last saw her mother, Rose had trouble identifying Liz through the fencing and spent much of their meeting trying to remove her mask, which she "hated" wearing. "To not be able to sit on her bed and hold her hand and reassure is very difficult."

Attempts by the sector to minimise vulnerability through restricted visits has created tension with the federal government, which recently criticised the extent to which some providers had locked out visitors.

Liz Lane visiting her mother Rose at Newmarch House on Thursday. She fears her visits bring her mother little comfort.

Liz Lane visiting her mother Rose at Newmarch House on Thursday. She fears her visits bring her mother little comfort.

That's led to the urgent drawing up of a draft code on aged care access visits designed by a core group of peak provider and consumer organisations, put out for consultation in the last few days.

The draft code has the backing of federal minister Colbeck, who told the Herald "it is a good document, I hope it survives the consultation period this week, it will take a lot of heat out of the discussion ... It is not open slather".

Other aged care experts remain concerned about risks of relaxing controls on visitors too far.

Joseph Ibrahim, who heads Monash University's Law and Ageing Research Unit, says almost all visits should be kept virtual, or done in some other way [ for instance, the window or courtyard visits] unless relatives are there for one of three purposes: because someone is dying; because the visit is essential to helping someone attend to personal care; or where a resident has dementia and is not coping in relative isolation.

There have been numerous calls for a review into what has happened at Newmarch. Labor's Julie Collins is calling for the current Aged Care Royal Commission to examine the saga. Other advocates, like Catherine Henry from the Australian Lawyers Alliance, want an independent probe along the lines of the Ruby Princess inquiry.

Colllins says any inquiry needs to ensure that systemic weaknesses across the industry, like low wages and reported under-staffing, did not contribute to the crisis.

Sparrow admits many providers are struggling financially. She says 56 per cent of all residential care facilities are operating at a loss, rising to 71 per cent in rural and regional areas. The 2019 financial report for Anglican Community Services reveals losses of some $15.8 million (on revenue of $384 million.)

Colbeck says the federal government is already providing extra support worth $850 million to the industry through the pandemic, including $205 million announced a week ago, to support extra training and provision of PPE, and support for "surge" staffing where facilities are facing an outbreak.

But Sparrow says while the industry is grateful, she argues it falls well short of what's needed.

Stopping the spread

Russell Westacott, CEO of Seniors Rights Service, remains baffled as to why the outbreak has taken so long to contain.

"This has been going on for weeks now, and there must be so many regulatory agencies out there, making sure they are doing everything to a T," he told the Herald. "But there is still transmission occurring".

Some are wondering whether the challenge of managing PPE by staff who are unused to it might be a factor, given the complexity of the process for putting protective gear on and off.

"There is a specific sequence to putting PPE on and a specific sequence to taking it off," says Monash University's Ibrahim. A slip in concentration is all too easy for someone not practiced at it.

Earlier this week Newmarch announced it had "stood down" an Aspen team member for an unspecified breach of infection controls. But that's drawn the ire of Colbeck, who told the Herald that he thought such "finger-pointing" was "completely unnecessary".

The fact remains that "there is a lot of close physical contact [inside aged care homes]", points out Sydney university's professor of Geriatric Medicine, Vasi Naganathan.

"If a large number of people got exposed in the first wave, a large number of people could end up becoming sick, which is what I think has happened here," he says.

However the regulator flagged this week that it had concerns about a possible further wave of infection, citing concerns about "lack of suitable processes and systems in order to control transmission".

Many have queried why more Newmarch residents haven't been taken to hospital. All but two of the deaths among residents from COVID-19 have occurred at the facility.

Anglicare has cited a mixture of residents' wishes, combined with their frailty, and the complications of other conditions they might be suffering from, including dementia. No-one who wanted to be admitted to hospital was denied that choice, a source insists, adding that parts of the facility have already been converted into a hospital-like environment.

"It is their home, after all," says Naganathan. "And it's not clear that being in hospital will always be a better thing for people. As geriatricians we don't want black and white policies on this."

Flowers at the entrance to Anglicare’s Newmarch House in Caddens.

Flowers at the entrance to Anglicare’s Newmarch House in Caddens.Credit: Kate Geraghty

NSW Chief Medical Officer Kerry Chant made a similar point when challenged this week by journalists on why COVID-positive patients were still inside Newmarch.

"I can't comment on specific cases but in general, there's a conversation with the individual patient about what care they would like to have delivered," Chant says.

Colbeck in the meantime is scathing about what he says is the vitriol that has been directed at some aged care workers, simply for doing their jobs. He says he's heard reports some have been hectored and spat on.

"It's outrageous," he told the Herald. "They are in there every day dealing with and supporting the residents and they should not be attacked or maligned for what they are doing. They are heroes from my perspective."

Alice Bacon, so far, does not want to be moved from Newmarch even as her struggle with COVID-19 intensifies. "She wants to stay, this is her home," her daughter says.

Anthony Bowe, however, is hoping to take his 76-year old mother Patricia out if she tests negative in coming days. "I've got a room at home," he says. "I'll have a talk and say, come home for a few weeks until it dies down, and then you can go back."

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