

This was published 3 years ago


The life of an MP is inherently dangerous

For some of us, the brutal assassination of Sir David Amess this week was not a matter of if but when. Coming soon after the shooting death of Northern England MP, Jo Cox in 2016, the personal security of members of parliament has become an increasingly fraught issue over the last few decades.

Conservative MP David Amess was murdered while meeting constituents

Conservative MP David Amess was murdered while meeting constituentsCredit: PA

Here in NSW, we have been particularly affected by tragedy. By an accident of history, when I became president of the Legislative Council in 1999, I also became the person in charge of the oversight of Parliament House security.

This was shortly after the murder of Labor MP for Cabramatta, John Newman and some ad hoc security arrangements had been added to what was previously a very open Parliament House. The life of an MP is inherently dangerous, but we also try to keep the Parliament as open and accessible to the citizens as possible.

What became clear in frequent discussions with our security team, was that the real risk to members of parliament is not organised terrorism, but the lone act of a fixated individual. We even started training our team of attendants in how to identify these lone-wolf types.

Previous attacks on NSW MPs were often caused by neighbourhood-type disputes, perhaps even local government matters. One of our prominent politicians was attacked in a schoolyard by such an aggrieved constituent.

John Newman in his electoral office in 1991 after a bullet was fired through its window.

John Newman in his electoral office in 1991 after a bullet was fired through its window.Credit:

One difference between our politicians and the British MPs is that we do not tend to hold constituent “surgeries” at advertised times in local buildings such as church halls. We tend to hold continuous and ad-hoc appointments in our electorate offices. Because of this, much thought has gone into making our electorate offices safer.

A very, very important addition to the safety mechanisms that have been put in place was the establishment of the Fixated Persons Unit by the Coalition government in 2017. This was an excellent addition to the ways in which we can make our fellow politicians safe.

However, I was concerned to see it being used recently to arrest and charge the producer of an online political program, which the former deputy premier has accused of harassing him. The fixated persons unit should be used with restraint and follow proper process.


Security for MPs is not a joke. Most of us have received death threats and random threats of violence. I had a drawer in my desk where I kept the scary correspondence and told my staff that if anything ever happened to me, that was where they should go for evidence for the police.

Dr Meredith Burgmann is a former Labor president of the NSW Legislative Council and was responsible for oversight of Parliamentary Security.

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