

This was published 3 years ago

‘Stop the toll mania’: Minns makes first pitch to win back Labor voters

By Alexandra Smith and Lucy Cormack

Newly elected NSW Labor leader Chris Minns has made his first pitch to win back Labor voters, calling for an end to new tolls on existing roads and no new agreements that increase tolls above inflation.

In his first detailed comments on how Labor will tackle the rising costs of living under his leadership, Mr Minns also said the sell-off of the government’s remaining share in WestConnex must be stopped to prevent a “toll road monopoly”.

New leader of NSW Labor Chris Minns and his wife Anna after he was elected by caucus on Friday.

New leader of NSW Labor Chris Minns and his wife Anna after he was elected by caucus on Friday.Credit: Rhett Wyman

“Working families are under enough pressure. We need to stop the toll mania,” Mr Minns told the Herald.

Mr Minns was elected Labor leader unopposed at a 30-minute caucus meeting on Friday morning, just hours after his rival Michael Daley met with him to say he would not be nominating for the position.

The 41-year-old father-of-three is NSW Labor’s fifth leader in 10 years and his ascension on his third attempt follows last Friday’s resignation of Strathfield MP Jodi McKay from the position.

Mr Minns said he was opposed to “slapping new tolls on roads that have already been paid off” such as the M4 and the M5 East. The toll on the M4 was scrapped in 2010 but reintroduced in 2017 when the government widened the motorway. The toll for the M5 East tunnel, which opened in 2001, was introduced in July 2020.

His stance will put pressure on the government, with the 30-year-operating contract and tolling agreement for the Sydney Harbour Tunnel due to expire in August next year.

With tolls on many motorways in Sydney rising much faster than wages, Mr Minns will use the issue in an attempt to win back votes in seats previously held by Labor, including Penrith, Oatley and East Hills.


“The government should make the existing toll road contracts available to the public so we can see the terms and conditions,” Mr Minns said.

“Going forward there should be no more new tolls on existing roads and no more signing contracts that increase tolls faster than inflation.”

The details around the government’s contract for WestConnex will remain confidential until 2060.

Mr Minns said he was also opposed to the government’s plans to sell the remaining 49 per cent of WestConnex. A consortium led by tolling giant Transurban purchased the majority share of WestConnex in 2018 for just over $9.2 billion, and is viewed by some analysts as the most likely buyer for the remaining share.

Transurban will control 13 of Sydney’s 15 toll roads by the time the last stage of the 33-kilometre WestConnex opens in 2023.

“We must stop the privatisation of WestConnex, which would create a toll road monopoly in Sydney and put too much power in the hands of a single company,” he said.


Mr Minns will spend the weekend forming his frontbench to take to the 2023 election, telling colleagues he would welcome Ms McKay and Mr Daley on his frontbench.

Mr Daley’s eleventh-hour withdrawal spared Labor a potentially bruising battle that some MPs feared would further divide the party.

The pair’s meeting, arranged by a third party late on Thursday night, was scheduled for 8am Friday and Mr Minns attended not knowing what Mr Daley intended to say.

Mr Daley said he decided to pull out because it was “completely clear” that Mr Minns had the majority support of the caucus but insisted he was not asked by anyone to stand down.


Mr Minns has told colleagues he would “love Jodi and Michael in shadow cabinet” and spoke to both of them on Friday to discuss potential positions.

Ms McKay, who did not attend the caucus meeting, tweeted her congratulations to Mr Minns and said she would be back in Sydney next week for the parliamentary sitting week.

Mr Minns vowed to “rally the troops” of Labor and close the book on a bruising period of party disunity to focus on the people of NSW.

“Now the hard work begins for the Labor Party to get up off the mat, take the fight up to the Berejiklian government ... I know that task will be difficult,” Mr Minns said.


Mr Minns said he was humbled to have been elected by his parliamentary colleagues but conceded deep divides within the caucus would not disappear with his election.

“I’m not saying it’s magically fixed, I’m saying that there will be challenges ahead,” he said.

“My job now is to rally the troops, focus on the people in NSW and, as I’ve said repeatedly, have a positive and optimistic plan about what’s possible”.

It will be a baptism of fire for Mr Minns, who will head straight into parliament as Opposition Leader, with a budget reply speech to be delivered a fortnight later.

Mr Minns is yet to sort out his leader’s office but has offered Ms McKay’s staff the option of staying on to help while parliament is sitting.

Other key roles, such as deputy leader and leader of the opposition in the upper house, also need to be finalised.

Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese on Friday congratulated Mr Minns, saying he would not just be “a good Labor leader in opposition, but a great premier of NSW.”

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