This was published 3 years ago
Sidoti’s planner ‘trying to be truthful’ after reprimand for obstructing ICAC
By Lucy Cormack
A planner who once represented Drummoyne MP John Sidoti was reprimanded for deliberately obstructing the corruption watchdog as he gave evidence about his dealings with the state MP in an inquiry on Thursday.
Matt Daniel was one of two planners from Pacific Planning Pty Ltd, who acted for Mr Sidoti in lobbying for rezoning blocks in Five Dock where Mr Sidoti’s family had property interests.
Mr Daniel and his business partner James Matthews were engaged by Mr Sidoti in 2016 to make submissions to the City of Canada Bay Council in favour of the rezoning matter.
The Sidoti family properties are at the centre of the Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry investigating if Mr Sidoti misused his position to improperly influence Liberal councillors from 2011-2018.
Mr Daniel previously worked for Liverpool council and also in a number of roles at the Department of Planning.
In a full day of evidence Mr Daniel was asked to explain submissions his firm made to council in favour of rezoning, despite expert studies by council finding it was not in the public interest.
“There were some fundamental issues that we saw were pretty `101′... in urban planning that were not being followed in those studies,” Mr Daniel said.
“We felt there needed to be more on that, and therefore we were trying to promote a process so that could occur.”
The commission heard Pacific Planning drafted and finalised a recommendation in favour of rezoning for Mr Sidoti, which was sent to only Liberal councillors ahead of a council meeting in August 2016.
Counsel assisting the commission Rob Ranken asked Mr Daniel, if there had been such fundamental issues in the council process to date, why the advice would be sent only to Liberal councillors.
Commissioner Peter Hall, QC, became frustrated with Mr Daniel for interjecting and failing to answer the question, declaring, “You’re refusing to answer ... you’re not running this.”
Mr Daniel was asked again why the recommendation was not brought to the attention of councillors from all political persuasions.
“We needed to be considered by the political process,” Mr Daniel said.
Commissioner Hall said he was “taking that answer as a deliberate obstruction of this commission.” He said he would not allow Mr Daniel to “engage in speech making,” and reminded him of his oath to answer questions truthfully.
Commissioner Hall added that the “truthfulness or the untruthfulness of witnesses, the demeanour, the conduct of witnesses,” would be factors in the findings of his final report.
The witness said he was “trying to be really truthful,” and, after the question was asked again: “I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry.”
Mr Daniel, who is a member of the Liberal Party, later said the recommendation was sent to Liberal councillors because he had a connection to the party.
“I understand how they would think about these sorts of things and we would bring it forward in that way. And our client had a connection to them,” he said. “What we’re trying to do is insert policy discussion into the council.”
He later agreed there had been a strategy between him, Mr Matthews and Mr Sidoti to provide the recommendation to the Liberal councillors only.
“It follows that the Labor councillors and the Greens councillor would not have had prior notice of the resolution ... so they would necessarily be caught on the hop?” Mr Ranken asked.
“Yes,” Mr Daniel said. However, he disputed there was an attempt to cause an “element of surprise”.
Mr Daniel said his firm was representing the Sidoti family, in particular Mr Sidoti’s parents, as well as other landowners. He said he could not remember who the other landowners were but the details were “in the documents.”
He named Charlie Tannous as one other landowner who gave instructions, but said “the rest of it
came through John and his connections to the landowners.”
The inquiry continues.
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